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Is this Tire roar or wheel bearing noise. Just not sure

Question for you guys with my 16 Base Z.. When turning sharp say going 35-40 MPH around a turn like a freeway off-ramp, is there a point as you steer

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  • 1 Post By BlackCherry Z

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Old 11-27-2016, 03:58 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Is this Tire roar or wheel bearing noise. Just not sure

Question for you guys with my 16 Base Z.. When turning sharp say going 35-40 MPH around a turn like a freeway off-ramp, is there a point as you steer sharper into the turn where the tires get noticeably louder due to the grabbing of the road I would assume. The car has been factory aligned and I do not hear any tire squeal like an alignment issue is present under those conditions.

If this tire roar type noise does increase with speed and progressive turning, I may not have a wheel bearing problem at all. I don't recall my 350 acting like that. My left front wheel had previously been smacked very hard causing damage to the knuckle Assy. Now I have intermittent brake noise with very lite braking just prior to coming to a stop. Not the typical brake pad squeal but a clicking sound during each revolution just prior to stopping. I also feel a very slight grinding in the brake pedal. This is also intermittent. Could this be caliper related? I'm getting it checked out next Thursday But am always interested in the what guys here think on the Forum.

Well Thursday is coming and sadly no response yet. I would go road test a new Z but that would seem weird seeing that I am already driving a almost new one already. Looks like a few others have similar issues like mine as well. BUT... I did find a temporary cure. Good old cranked up Rock & Roll music.

Well since no response. I'll share the results. This could help others in the future. It was the left front wheel bearing as I had suspected. It was fixed under warranty.... Yahoo. I'm adding a final comment today... Monday. 99% of all tire roar is gone. What I thought was some tire roar was just the bearing noise. I can now fly around turns and hear no change at all. AND.... No brake clicking sounds at all either. I'm so happy now!!!! & soon starts my mods... I think paddle shifting may be 1st. Rear end is a big 2nd for sure. I did the K&N drop-ins.
Halfkiddio likes this.

Last edited by BlackCherry Z; 12-05-2016 at 06:26 PM. Reason: added information
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