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Thank you to Chris Karl and Z1 Motorsports

I did get an email with contact info for the person responsible for resolving the trophy issues. I just have to find time to contact him I guess. We'll see

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Old 11-15-2010, 06:05 PM   #46 (permalink)
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I did get an email with contact info for the person responsible for resolving the trophy issues. I just have to find time to contact him I guess. We'll see how it goes!
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Old 11-15-2010, 06:36 PM   #47 (permalink)
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I hope it works out for you - keep us posted.

It's too bad that you have to keep asking ZCCA to do what should have already been done at the non-awards awards banquet; then promised to do back in August when you started this thread to thank them for taking care of it only to find out later that nothing has been taken care of so here we are in mid-November and the mess still isn't straightened out. I keep wondering when they are going to actually award first place for 6th generation People's Choice; the website still says "TBD".
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Old 11-16-2010, 10:22 PM   #48 (permalink)
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You crack me up. You continue to attack the ZCCA and the members of the ZCCA because you have some grudge against it. And saying you haven't makes me laugh. I am done arguing with someone who has no reason to complain.

Originally Posted by Robert_Nash View Post
Miss it? No I didn't "miss it" and by others I assume you mean your cohort/club member in SanAntonio (you know who I mean; the guy who told me to "get the **** out") and the one other person who has expressed letting the subject die??? Do you seriously purport that the opinion of you and two other people is indicative of "everyone" as you claimed in your last post? Clearly it's indicative of your opinion as you've made many, many posts apologizing for ZCCA and deriding my comments but I would not be so quick to assume that "everyone" else feels the same as you do. Moreover, while you and others would like this topic to go away I doubt that Kevin thinks so and since this is his thread his is ultimately the only opinion on the matter that carries any weight. I would also remind you, again, that NO ONE here is required to "HEAR" anything - if this thread and the comments within bother you so much do yourself a favor and ignore it.

I guess telling me to GTFO or calling me a cry-baby and similar names isn't an insult in your opinion but it is in mine...I've attacked no one...I have responded to puerile and childish comments from you and your friend in SanAntonio and if you've honestly believe I've "attacked" you or anyone else then please feel free to report each of those offending posts to AK and let him decide what needs to be done.

Maybe you do know what "everyone" thinks as it appears that you are omniscient seeing as how you "know" what I do or don't have a "clue" about - I can only wonder what other talents are you hiding.

You continue to cry on behalf of ZCCA and the fact that they don't live in Nashville as if that is supposed to excuse everything yet you also continue to completely ignore the simple fact that THEY AND THEY ALONE dictated that the 2010 convention would be held in Nashville without the support of a local club...that was clearly indicated to them in May of 2009 and formally communicated to them in August of 2009 yet they decided to move ahead anyway - if they weren't up to the task then they shouldn't have taken it on. Further, not living where the convention was held has NOTHING to do with their abject lack of follow-through weeks and months AFTER the convention ended...geography has NOTHING to do with not getting trophies out in a reasonable amount of time.

While you may think three or four months is reasonable; I doubt that many people would agree with you. However, if folks keep apologizing for ZCCA instead of putting pressure on them to do what they should have already done, 12 months post event to have all the trophies out, as you mentioned in your post, may well be an optimistic time line.
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Old 11-17-2010, 01:01 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NIZMOZ View Post
You crack me up. You continue to attack the ZCCA and the members of the ZCCA because you have some grudge against it. And saying you haven't makes me laugh. I am done arguing with someone who has no reason to complain.
If you are so convinced that I've attacked ZCCA or anyone, why have you not reported those alleged offending posts??? Could it be that you don't want AK to look too closely at what you have said to me?

You seem to have significant difficulty distinguishing between “attacking” someone (or something, like ZCCA), and making observations about what to most are obvious and serious problems and shortcomings that occurred before, during and now WELL after the convention. EVERYTHING said that is critical or negative about the convention that has been discussed in this and other threads (including the thread Chris Karl tried to censor) could have been completely avoided and would have been unnecessary had either better planning been done before the convention and/or problems that could have been addressed post-convention had actually been addressed in a reasonable amount of time…neither were done which is the only reason why this or the other threads exist.

Your devotion to ZCCA in springing to its aid and excusing its behavior is commendable but shortsighted…I’ve heard you and others offer many excuses for the problems or heard attempts to pass them off as being of no consequence followed by name-calling and insults but I’ve heard little in the way of genuine acknowledgment of the problems or, more importantly, addressing them.

I've not "attacked" anyone...I haven't called anyone names (unlike you and your brother San Antonioian); I've stated facts and observations. It’s obvious that you and some at ZCCA don’t like having those problems pointed out in a public forum but your lack of being happy about it doesn’t mean that pointing out those problems are “attacks”. However, if you truly feel I’ve attacked you or anyone then again I invite you to report the offending posts…that, rather than calling me names, would be the responsible thing to do.

When a person or an organization does something wrong, the good ones, the ones with character and backbone, do whatever is necessary to make it right. Those that have no character don’t. The latter sort do nothing at all or they deny the problems even happened or they try and ignore it all or they censor information they don't want the public to see or they (or their apologists) lash out at those who would dare to point out problems. Anyone who has bothered to read what has been said in this or other threads can decide for themselves whether ZCCA is the type or organization with or without character.

Obviously, in my opinion, ZCCA is without and I don’t apologize nor see any reason to apologize for saying so. You said I have a grudge against ZCCA but that's not correct...I don't have a grudge against them; I just don't like being dictated to, insulted, misled or censored.

It's The People - ZCON 2010

Well what do you know...ZCON 2010 Trophy Received

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Last edited by Robert_Nash; 11-17-2010 at 11:55 AM. Reason: Just trying to keep everybody happy since some didn't like the font size Word had used in the initial post
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Old 11-17-2010, 11:35 AM   #50 (permalink)
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^^^ Big font = more
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Old 11-17-2010, 11:56 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sibze View Post
^^^ Big font = more

Fixed it for you.
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Old 11-17-2010, 02:15 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Mr Nismo (which seems a strange screename given that he doesn’t have a Nismo or apparently even a Z anymore) has indicated that he’s “done arguing with me”…well...he’s said similar things before in other threads and kept posting anyway so who knows! In any case, whether Mr. Nismo is really “done” or not I guess we’ll see, but I AM done and after this post I’ll leave the thread to Kevin (and Kevin I do apologize for hijacking this thread...that truly wasn't my intention).

The comment about arguing is curious as I’ve heard little “arguing”. What I have heard and what seems generally true about ZCCA and those who jump to its defense is that it seems mostly unable to acknowledge the problems that existed and that continue to exist. When they do acknowledge the problems they discount them as unimportant, lash out at people who dare to point them out or offer their favorite excuse, the geography (which of course has ZERO to do with the continuing problem of getting the trophies and the results right).

With regards to the geography excuse, ZCCA dictated to all that the convention WOULD be held in Nashville…they and they alone bare the responsibility for that decision so cries about the difficulty of working from places other than where the convention was held are rather self-serving and in any case, if ZCCA was unable or unwilling to do what was necessary to deliver the convention while working from outside of Nashville then they should have made different decisions at the beginning; not cry about or have their supports cry about the difficulty after the fact.

What is truly important (and what seems to escape many here which I find very troubling) is a simple principle – the principle that when an organization takes a person’s money that organization has a fundamental and absolute obligation to deliver what it promised to deliver. And, when things do go wrong, as they almost always will, it is correcting the problems and making it right that should be paramount; not casting blame or offering excuses or even offering an apology because an apology that isn’t followed by action to correct the problem is a worthless and meaningless gesture.

When it comes to a ZCCA convention, people spend huge amounts time and money to prepare their cars, travel to the venue, pay for their lodging and food and significant registration fees not to mention likely taking several precious vacation days from their work just to be able to be there – it is NOT a small investment of either time or money. Those who attend have a basic right to get the experience they were be treated be told the not have to wait months for things to be set right. However, ZCCA, or at least some of its current leadership as well as some others seem to feel otherwise; at least that appears to be the case given their reaction and lack of follow-through to the very obvious and undeniable problems with this past year’s convention.

Some of that reaction has been that I and my local Z club has been personally insulted by ZCCA executive staff (and I have the emails to show it)…one entire thread (“It’s The People”) was the subject of an attempt at censoring when ZCCA, by misrepresenting (that’s the nicest way I can put) where things stood between myself, my club and ZCCA, got AK to make the thread unavailable for anyone to access/read. To his credit, when this was brought to AK’s attention, he made the thread visible again. Other information has also come my way that I can't discuss but all the above has let me to the following opinion, and this is simply my opinion, is that ZCCA feels, or at least acts like, the Z community is there to serve ZCCA rather then the other way around…that ZCCA dictates and we are simply supposed to obey and God help anyone who doesn’t genuflect and fall into line with ZCCA's pronouncements.

I said in my original post about the convention that “It’s The People” referring to my belief the it is the Z community at large that is important…that make a Z event, any Z event, something special…something worth supporting. Given that, I would have hoped; even expected, that the Z community would not stand for the games ZCCA seems to want to play but it appears that was a false hope based on some of what has transpired in this and other threads about the convention as few seem to care. If that’s the case, so be it…if people want to overlook the problems or simply don’t care one way or the other than I’ll leave it at that and go away (and I can hear the sighs of relieve here in Nashville from as far away as Cleveland and San Antonio! ).

Mr. Nismo or whoever wishes to do so is free to be angry, disagree, attack me, or whatever they want for saying what I’ve said above…I’m signing off and unsubscribing from this thread so I’m not going to see it anyway.

Kevin, for what it’s worth you have a stunning 370Z and I hope you eventually get your trophy and that ZCCA eventually gets around to setting the record straight in the published results on their website. I hope I see you as ZDayZ, Z1 ZNationals and at lot’s of other events.
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Last edited by Robert_Nash; 11-17-2010 at 04:23 PM.
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Old 01-05-2011, 09:52 PM   #53 (permalink)
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I did get an email stating that there will be a trophy shipped. That was before Christmas and now it has been quiet again. Hopefully I may be getting a trophy after all. We'll see.
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Old 01-09-2011, 12:16 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kevr6 View Post
I did get an email stating that there will be a trophy shipped. That was before Christmas and now it has been quiet again. Hopefully I may be getting a trophy after all. We'll see.
I hope you get it soon.
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Old 02-10-2011, 08:24 PM   #55 (permalink)
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It's official!! I just received the trophy!!!! Adding it to my trophy shelf!
Woo Hoo!
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Old 02-10-2011, 09:12 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kevr6 View Post
It's official!! I just received the trophy!!!! Adding it to my trophy shelf!
Woo Hoo!
I'm glad you finally got it (after six and a half must have been a rush job for them)!

I hope to see you at ZDayZ or maybe Branson or Z1-ZNationals...take care...keep the shiny side up.
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Old 02-06-2012, 11:17 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Robert_Nash View Post
Yes...and unicorns really do exist.

I can't help but wonder how you communicated that this "member call" was going to take place; maybe it was only communicated to members that you wanted to be aware of the call. ROTFL

In any case, that is besides the pont and the POINT is why does it take THREE MONTHS POST EVENT to get some stupid trophies made and shipped out???

I've never dealt with any trophy shop that was so incompetent that it would take three weeks, let alone three months, to produce some trophies so I'm inclided to believe that the problem is not with the trophy shop (I'll let everyone deduce for themselves where the root of the problem is).

I feel your disappointment. Not only do I drive from San Diego to support the ZCON's but I also am STILL waiting for my 2nd place trophy in the 370 stock class. I have been given more excuses as to why I am still waiting to receive it, the only excuse they haven't given me is " MY DOG ATE IT". I expect that might be forthcoming
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Old 02-06-2012, 12:05 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LennyZCSD View Post
I feel your disappointment. Not only do I drive from San Diego to support the ZCON's but I also am STILL waiting for my 2nd place trophy in the 370 stock class. I have been given more excuses as to why I am still waiting to receive it, the only excuse they haven't given me is " MY DOG ATE IT". I expect that might be forthcoming
You are waiting on a trophy? From what ZCON; do you mean 2011 in Savannah?
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Old 02-06-2012, 12:09 PM   #59 (permalink)
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I just got my 2011 trophy last week!! That will be my last ZCON trophy!!
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Old 02-06-2012, 12:11 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Robert_Nash View Post
Yes...and unicorns really do exist.

I can't help but wonder how you communicated that this "member call" was going to take place; maybe it was only communicated to members that you wanted to be aware of the call. ROTFL

In any case, that is besides the pont and the POINT is why does it take THREE MONTHS POST EVENT to get some stupid trophies made and shipped out???

I've never dealt with any trophy shop that was so incompetent that it would take three weeks, let alone three months, to produce some trophies so I'm inclided to believe that the problem is not with the trophy shop (I'll let everyone deduce for themselves where the root of the problem is).
Originally Posted by Robert_Nash View Post
You are waiting on a trophy? From what ZCON; do you mean 2011 in Savannah?

No from 2010 Nashville, I know hard to believe,,,
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