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gatorfast 07-30-2009 10:12 AM

Pretty weird how they put the stickers on from the factory. You would think they would give the buyer the option as most people prob dont want stickers on their wheels.

XwChriswX 07-30-2009 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by gatorfast (Post 130838)
Pretty weird how they put the stickers on from the factory. You would think they would give the buyer the option as most people prob dont want stickers on their wheels.

My thoughts exactly...

Ryan@Forged 07-30-2009 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by tooohip (Post 130828)
That stupid blue label is making me hold off on these Ryan! ;-) You got anything comparable to these wheels as an alternative? Guess I should post this questions somewhere else and not hijack this thread eh? :tiphat:

Haha, I sure hope that isn't the case. You know I always have a few alternatives if you want a different wheel ;) Give me a call later if you want to discuss further.


Originally Posted by gatorfast (Post 130838)
Pretty weird how they put the stickers on from the factory. You would think they would give the buyer the option as most people prob dont want stickers on their wheels.

Is it really that surprising/weird? It's free marketing for them. Anytime anyone sees the wheel they know who makes it. It also labels the wheel as an authentic Volk. There are too many knock off wheels these days that look just like Volks.

gatorfast 07-30-2009 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ryan@Forged (Post 130854)
Is it really that surprising/weird? It's free marketing for them. Anytime anyone sees the wheel they know who makes it. It also labels the wheel as an authentic Volk. There are too many knock off wheels these days that look just like Volks.

I understand wanting your name on the wheel but why not just imprint it onto the wheel itself? Or maybe just include the stickers with the wheel and give the buyer the option? Dont get me wrong though, the wheels still look amazing and that would not deter me from buying them.

Zerafian 07-30-2009 01:18 PM

maaan, even with that beautiful drop the rims still just seem to small for the 370..though I would have a hard time convincing myself to go with 20's

Ryan@Forged 07-30-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by gatorfast (Post 131041)
I understand wanting your name on the wheel but why not just imprint it onto the wheel itself? Or maybe just include the stickers with the wheel and give the buyer the option? Dont get me wrong though, the wheels still look amazing and that would not deter me from buying them.

I hear ya man ;) Not all of the Volks have stickers on them like that. I agree it should be left up to the customer. Not my call ;)


Originally Posted by Zerafian (Post 131046)
maaan, even with that beautiful drop the rims still just seem to small for the 370..though I would have a hard time convincing myself to go with 20's

stock diameter ;) I think 19s are perfect. Personal opinion I suppose :)

X03DBZ 07-31-2009 02:03 AM

TE37 my favorite set of wheels

SAllen0400 07-31-2009 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by tooohip (Post 130828)
That stupid blue label is making me hold off on these Ryan! ;-) You got anything comparable to these wheels as an alternative? Guess I should post this questions somewhere else and not hijack this thread eh? :tiphat:

If you really like this wheel, it's silly to not get them because of STICKERS. They came on mine as well. Took me about an hour to take them all off. Just scratched them off slowly with my fingernail, then used goo gone to clean it up.

I'm not gonna lie... it was a pain in the ***, but only an hours work and completely worth it.

tooohip 07-31-2009 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by SAllen0400 (Post 131939)
If you really like this wheel, it's silly to not get them because of STICKERS. They came on mine as well. Took me about an hour to take them all off. Just scratched them off slowly with my fingernail, then used goo gone to clean it up.

I'm not gonna lie... it was a pain in the ***, but only an hours work and completely worth it.

I agree and just put a down payment on them! :ughdance: I plan on removing them as well. Thanks for the info on how you removed yours. I'll have to go through that process in a couple months when they get here myself.

Ryan@Forged 07-31-2009 08:55 AM

Best looking wheel on the 370z in my opinion. I can't wait to see them on your car Lance ;)

XwChriswX 07-31-2009 10:31 AM

Comparable, probably what I'm going with...

Tenzo Racing DC-6 Version 1


Tenzo Racing DC-6 Version 2

I like version 2 with the chrome lip myself... But version 1 comes in solids.

2theextreme 07-31-2009 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by tooohip (Post 131942)
I agree and just put a down payment on them! :ughdance: I plan on removing them as well. Thanks for the info on how you removed yours. I'll have to go through that process in a couple months when they get here myself.

:ohsnap1: Now we gotta get pics of our cars next to each other for sure! :tup:

Ryan@Forged 07-31-2009 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 132063)
:ohsnap1: Now we gotta get pics of our cars next to each other for sure! :tup:

That will be 1 sick photo shoot. I can't wait to see that :D

tooohip 07-31-2009 11:32 AM

fursure dude! It'll be September before I see them though.

2theextreme 07-31-2009 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by tooohip (Post 132086)
fursure dude! It'll be September before I see them though.

I think there might be justtttt enough room to squeeze two 370's between those two loading docks by Altered.....:tup:

tooohip 07-31-2009 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 132342)
I think there might be justtttt enough room to squeeze two 370's between those two loading docks by Altered.....:tup:

Plenty of room! Hell, we can find any location. I have plenty of photo gear myself! NIKON! (sorry had to say it). :ugh2:

tooohip 07-31-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 132048)
Comparable, probably what I'm going with...

Tenzo Racing DC-6 Version 1


Tenzo Racing DC-6 Version 2

I like version 2 with the chrome lip myself... But version 1 comes in solids.

BTW, I think these look great too!

bezzita 08-03-2009 01:20 AM

Does TE37 comes in 20"?? Any agreessive offsets? and How much???

XwChriswX 08-03-2009 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by tooohip (Post 132344)
BTW, I think these look great too!

lol Glad I'm not the only one!

Ryan@Forged 08-03-2009 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by bezzita (Post 135702)
Does TE37 comes in 20"?? Any agreessive offsets? and How much???

They do, but would have to be special ordered. They are also outrageously expensive. I would recommend you stay with 19s as they look better IMO and the price difference between the 19s and 20s is over $3000... :roflpuke2: PM me for more information ;)

Ryan@IP 08-03-2009 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by bezzita (Post 135702)
Does TE37 comes in 20"?? Any agreessive offsets? and How much???

Here is a set of 20x9.5 +25 and 20x10.5 +25 TE37s on our GTR (sorry for the large picture):

As you can see, not much concavity. It uses an entirely different spoke design (and no stickers! :p). For a 20" option, I would recommend the new Volk G2.

genki370z 08-03-2009 09:47 PM

how was dealing with the tire pressure monitoring system when you put on the new wheels? did guys go get it fixed, or do you just ignore the tpms light on in your car?

2theextreme 08-04-2009 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by genki370z (Post 136777)
how was dealing with the tire pressure monitoring system when you put on the new wheels? did guys go get it fixed, or do you just ignore the tpms light on in your car?

Mine is still on......gonna go back to Altered Atmosphere this Friday and hopefully they can marry up the new Volk's to the TPMS. If not, I'll be taking the Z to the dealer. I really want that light off, if at all possible. :tup:

DJcuetip 08-04-2009 04:04 AM

its possible... you just need to make sure the right tpms is in the right location..when my rims were put in, there were no light problems.. so pretty much if they take off the right passenger stock rim, that tpms must go into the NEW right passenger rim.. make sense? The hard part now will be seeing which tpms goes into the right place

Ryan@Forged 08-04-2009 08:45 AM

Tony that's a good point that I did not think of. Your tires are non directional meaning the left can go on right side and vise versa. When they arrived to Altered I don't believe they were labeled so it is very possible they could have been put on the "wrong" side (no fault of Altered as the tires are not directional)

tooohip 08-04-2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan@Forged (Post 137231)
Tony that's a good point that I did not think of. Your tires are non directional meaning the left can go on right side and vise versa. When they arrived to Altered I don't believe they were labeled so it is very possible they could have been put on the "wrong" side (no fault of Altered as the tires are not directional)

So do you have them try to swap the tires? Just curious as I'll be doing the same.

Ryan@Forged 08-04-2009 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by tooohip (Post 137406)
So do you have them try to swap the tires? Just curious as I'll be doing the same.

Swapping the tires should fix the issue assuming the sensors were put in the correct wheels to begin with. If they were not it was our mistake and the sensors will have to be moved :( We are usually pretty good at this stuff and don't run into this type of issue very often. I'll put little stickers on yours so you don't have the same issue.

Ryan@Forged 08-04-2009 10:51 AM

Also there is no telling which sensor is off. With that in mind if you switch the front wheels and it doesn't fit the issue, you will then have to switch the rears. If that doesn't work you have to switch the fronts back and leave the rears. Multiple sensors could be in the wrong location. Make sense?

tooohip 08-04-2009 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan@Forged (Post 137507)
I'll put little stickers on yours so you don't have the same issue.

I LUV U MAN!!! :bowrofl:

2theextreme 08-04-2009 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan@Forged (Post 137516)
Also there is no telling which sensor is off. With that in mind if you switch the front wheels and it doesn't fit the issue, you will then have to switch the rears. If that doesn't work you have to switch the fronts back and leave the rears. Multiple sensors could be in the wrong location. Make sense?

Wow.....sounds like this won't be as quick and easy as I thought. Hopefully swapping the tires out will render the issue dead and that little triangle explanation point light will go off.

2theextreme 08-04-2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by tooohip (Post 137568)
I LUV U MAN!!! :bowrofl:

Braggart! :icon17:

bmarcinczyk14 08-04-2009 04:04 PM

are these rims lighter than the stock 19 inch rims?

bmarcinczyk14 08-06-2009 12:46 AM

since i might get these on a platinum graphite 370z, is there any way to get those volk stickers on the rim in white instead of blue?

2theextreme 08-06-2009 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by bmarcinczyk14 (Post 139941)
since i might get these on a platinum graphite 370z, is there any way to get those volk stickers on the rim in white instead of blue?

As quoted by Ryan @ Forged earlier in this thread:


Originally Posted by Ryan@Forged (Post 130777)
Lance heard correctly. The color sticker on the wheel is dependent on what color the wheel is. All of the Flat Black TE37's come with Blue stickers. It works out nicely for a blue car. However, if the car had been red, it still would come with blue stickers. There is no option to get the wheels without the stickers. You have to remove the stickers if you don't want them on the wheel. This procedure is harder than it sounds. SAllen had to do this with the set he received from us.

They can be removed with some time and effort but I don't believe white was an optional sticker color unless you get them specially made. If I'm wrong, Ryan will let us know, I'm sure. ;)

dlmartin81 08-06-2009 08:05 AM

IMO, the TE37 20s don't look as great as the 19s

Ryan@Forged 08-06-2009 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 140109)
They can be removed with some time and effort but I don't believe white was an optional sticker color unless you get them specially made. If I'm wrong, Ryan will let us know, I'm sure. ;)

Correct. Certain colors come with specified stickers which can not be changed upon order. In the case of the flat black the blue stickers will always be on the wheels.


Originally Posted by dlmartin81 (Post 140169)
IMO, the TE37 20s don't look as great as the 19s

I would agree. They use a different construction where the 20" has more of a dish but is flat faced, the 19"s and below have a more concave look which pulls the spokes from the outside towards the center.

bmarcinczyk14 08-06-2009 11:47 AM

are you able to get a wider rear tire on the 370z compared to the 350z?

FuszNissan 08-06-2009 11:56 AM

Just read some threads, but to answer your question yes, people have been putting on 305's

Ryan@Forged 08-06-2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by bmarcinczyk14 (Post 140624)
are you able to get a wider rear tire on the 370z compared to the 350z?

Yes, significantly. On the 350z we would never recommend above a 285 without fender work. On the 370z we recommend a 305 in the rear without even sweating it.

bmarcinczyk14 08-06-2009 01:38 PM

are these the flat center caps in the pictures?

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