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U think I should get a lawyer the cop was telling it's better not to fight it. I have a clean record last time I got a speeding ticket was

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Old 12-29-2009, 03:15 PM   #361 (permalink)
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U think I should get a lawyer the cop was telling it's better not to fight it. I have a clean record last time I got a speeding ticket was 3 yrs ago. I didn't intentionaly try to speed. Cali on ramps they don't have speed limits. Well lesson learned. I just don't want this on my record. I'm getting out next yr hopefully this don't stop me from getting a civillian police job. I would not know wat to do if I can't be a cop anymore
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Old 12-29-2009, 03:18 PM   #362 (permalink)
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I hope fine isn't more than 200 I can't afford it. I had to have my wife bail me out and she don't even work so she barely has money and me I pay for everything including 2 car payments
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Old 12-29-2009, 03:39 PM   #363 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hngonzalez View Post
I'm assuming the area your referring to is that part of Nimitz highway by sand island leading up to the freeway? Granted, a lot of people do speed up in that area... your speed would still be pretty high in comparison (most people go 40~50). If it is that area, the limit goes from 35 to 55 at the top of the ramp. Given your 66, the best that can happen to you is you go to court and the penalty is mitigated by the judge if you have a clean record. And the arrestable limit is 20 over, or 80+ regardless of speed limit. I'd have to look again, but I'm pretty sure there isn't a fine associated with the 20+ over thing, its an arrestable and/or court citation. Be careful out there.
Yea that ramp near sand island and for my speed I'm not sure the cop that pulled me over did t mention how fast I was going. the cop at the station said 66. I really didn't notice I was going that fast. I look at my bail recipt paper work it don't mention how fast I was going or wat the tickets for. I don't even know wat I'm getting charge with. I didn't get much explaination.

Last edited by thispecialk; 12-29-2009 at 03:45 PM.
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Old 12-29-2009, 03:49 PM   #364 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hngonzalez View Post
Ugh, I just remembered, aren't you an MP? Now I feel kinda bad. Sorry man
Are u the hpd that works in kalihi? I over heard the other cops talking about someone has a 370z and another person with a 350z.

Do u know how long this is gonna be on my record?
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Old 12-29-2009, 03:55 PM   #365 (permalink)
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Ima start having my wife drive me around I'm like paranoid of driving in that area
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Old 12-29-2009, 06:11 PM   #366 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by thispecialk View Post
Are u the hpd that works in kalihi? I over heard the other cops talking about someone has a 370z and another person with a 350z.

Do u know how long this is gonna be on my record?
No im in waikiki, but afaik im the only one in the the department (so far) with a 370z. Moving violations stay on your record, i think, 5 years. Or maybe it was 3. Either way its a long time. *If* you were to go the suggested route and get a lawyer, chances are the penalty could be reduced. IE: 66 in a 35 could be reduced to say, 50 in a 35. Either way you look at it, I hate to say it, you still have a misdemeanor arrest on your record, and a speeding violation. If your wanting to work HPD after your tour, they will allow a misdemeanor and a maximum of 2 speeding violations on your record. As for the lawyer thing... personally, im not so sure I would do that, but thats just me. I would be worried about the costs of the lawyer as well as the penalty. Then again, maybe a lawyer could nuke it entirely. I guess is a chance kinda thing. Im no lawyer, its not my job to find loopholes, and im no judge, so I really cant tell you exactly what will happen.

Good luck SpecialK, our forum buddies know more than me when it comes to these kinda cituations, although I hope ive helped shine a little light for you.
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Old 12-29-2009, 06:50 PM   #367 (permalink)
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Em I gonna be facing jail time someone said yea
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Old 12-29-2009, 08:27 PM   #368 (permalink)
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I feel that HPD is always out to get me. I dont like using the "Racist" card, but sometimes thats the only reason I can think of. After all, I'm a Haole.

Example: I got pulled over on H1 airport strip not long ago. I wasnt speeding and I was in the slow lane on doing about 55 mph on cruise control. After I got pulled over 2 other cops pulled up and started giving me a hard time. "Do you mind if we search your car?", "Where do you live", "How long have you lived in Hawaii", "Do you know what the speed limit is?"

Note: "Officer I dont consent any searches"

I guess they are fishing for a confession or something. They wasted about 30 mins of my time before they let me go.
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Old 12-29-2009, 09:00 PM   #369 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cru3l View Post
I feel that HPD is always out to get me. I dont like using the "Racist" card, but sometimes thats the only reason I can think of. After all, I'm a Haole.

Example: I got pulled over on H1 airport strip not long ago. I wasnt speeding and I was in the slow lane on doing about 55 mph on cruise control. After I got pulled over 2 other cops pulled up and started giving me a hard time. "Do you mind if we search your car?", "Where do you live", "How long have you lived in Hawaii", "Do you know what the speed limit is?"

Note: "Officer I dont consent any searches"

I guess they are fishing for a confession or something. They wasted about 30 mins of my time before they let me go.
So am I? Who knows though, maybe something happened earlier and when they saw you, you fit the description. You never know.
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Old 12-29-2009, 10:48 PM   #370 (permalink)
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This is so stressfull all this trouble for something I wasn't intentionally trying to do. I already told my supervisor and she said she would talk to our chief. I find out Tom wat the navy gonna do to me. I hope I don't go to captains mast and lose rank I'm already living off paycheck to paycheck if I lose anymore money I won't be able to pay my bills. Ima have to live of cup of noodles forever and when I do have my court I hope I don't lose my license then I really can't do my job since I'm always patrol unit. I talk to my other co worker who left the navy already, before he left he got pulled over also doing over 80 on the freeway. He says he got a lawyer and it got reduce to a speeding ticket but he had to pay out the *** for that lawyer
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Old 12-30-2009, 04:08 AM   #371 (permalink)
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speeding ticket lawyers are usually flat rate and about $200-500
i almost guarantuee the fine will be 500+ and then insurance costs.
ill talk to my friend about the lawyer he used out there in hawaii. he got pulled for street racing and the charge was completely dropped.

i recently got out of a 17 over using a ticket lawyer. even though the fine was only 160 and the lawyer was 300. i just didnt want another ticket on my record

its funny. everytime ive gotten a ticket my car was the slowest it ever was.
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Old 12-30-2009, 04:20 AM   #372 (permalink)
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Kool pm me before my court date 28jan10.
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Old 12-30-2009, 04:45 AM   #373 (permalink)
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That sucks bro, sorry to hear about it.

Atleast the cop didnt trap you and give you a ticket. I was in the left lane and some guy flashed his high beams behind me so i sped up a little to move over to the next lane cuz there was a mini van next to me and i got a ticket for speeding, that is complete BS entrapment and the judge wouldn't throw it out. He had no lights on, i would have just let off the gas if i had known it was a cop, sucks trying to be nice to some ppl on the roads.

If you use geico, it stays with you for 5 yrs, state farm is 3 yrs, and i think the other insurance companies are also 3 yrs.
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Old 12-30-2009, 05:04 AM   #374 (permalink)
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Old 01-02-2010, 10:31 AM   #375 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by g96818 View Post
That sucks bro, sorry to hear about it.

Atleast the cop didnt trap you and give you a ticket. I was in the left lane and some guy flashed his high beams behind me so i sped up a little to move over to the next lane cuz there was a mini van next to me and i got a ticket for speeding, that is complete BS entrapment and the judge wouldn't throw it out. He had no lights on, i would have just let off the gas if i had known it was a cop, sucks trying to be nice to some ppl on the roads.

If you use geico, it stays with you for 5 yrs, state farm is 3 yrs, and i think the other insurance companies are also 3 yrs.
i would rather take ur speeding ticket then this excessive speeding and have a misdiminor on my record any day
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