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MyKindaGuise 08-06-2012 05:59 PM

2 Step tuning with Uprev
1 Attachment(s)
Hey all,

Just saw this on Uprev's facebook posted today and wanted to share it. I haven't seen any posts about it yet so sorry if this is old news(I dont think it is though):tup:

How To Use Uprev as a 2 Step - YouTube

I did confirm through messaging on Uprev's facebook that it is available for our cars. See attached.

I know when I go for my Uprev I will be asking for this map. :driving:

370ZNISMO#704 08-06-2012 07:01 PM

Dope this and fan control will for sure be on my list.

seymore4 08-06-2012 07:05 PM

As long as you have cruise control you can do it. PM me if you want to try it out ;)

wstar 08-06-2012 09:17 PM

So... just put yourself in the rev-limited map, hold down the cruise button that you normally hold down while picking a map, pre-pick the wide-open map, and let off the cruise button to release the RPMs?

I'm surprised this is reliable, because switching back out of my security map has never been fast or reliable. I run a second map that's limited to like 4mph and 3Krpm, which I put the car in to leave it idling while I run into a convenience store or whatever. Usually if I quickly switch maps and pull right out of the parking lot, the ECU is still half-stuck (it starts to go then gets hung up limiting itself at say 5K rpm, and I have to come back to a stop or cruise for a while before it fixes itself). It tends to work reliably only if I switch back to my normal map and sit there in the parking lot for ~30s before I move.

seymore4 08-06-2012 09:26 PM

Thats wierd, I've done it several times and have never had any issues.. the guys at Uprev also said it would work just fine on any supported ecu. I wonder if its something to do with your specific rom or tune thats causing it to not switch quick enough...

MyKindaGuise 08-06-2012 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by wstar (Post 1856805)
So... just put yourself in the rev-limited map, hold down the cruise button that you normally hold down while picking a map, pre-pick the wide-open map, and let off the cruise button to release the RPMs?

I'm surprised this is reliable, because switching back out of my security map has never been fast or reliable. I run a second map that's limited to like 4mph and 3Krpm, which I put the car in to leave it idling while I run into a convenience store or whatever. Usually if I quickly switch maps and pull right out of the parking lot, the ECU is still half-stuck (it starts to go then gets hung up limiting itself at say 5K rpm, and I have to come back to a stop or cruise for a while before it fixes itself). It tends to work reliably only if I switch back to my normal map and sit there in the parking lot for ~30s before I move.

Could anyone else chime in on this? I see you have an extensive list of mods could any of those throw it off? Could this be a difference between a 6MT and 7AT. Have you had any other trouble with your tune?

seymore4 08-06-2012 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise (Post 1856950)
Could anyone else chime in on this? I see you have an extensive list of mods could any of those throw it off? Could this be a difference between a 6MT and 7AT. Have you had any other trouble with your tune?

Good catch, I missed his sig when I commented. This will NOT work with an automatic since the ecu detects the brake signal and restricts the throttle. Its the same issue you run into when you try and brake boost (for the boosted guys). You have to disable the electronic throttle control completely (and lose your cruise control) or tap the wire running to the ecu that sends the brake signal.. and lose your brake lights. Not 100% sure tho, I did a bunch of research on it a while back but gave up once I realized just how smart the ECU is and how much work it would be to trick it into letting me do it :icon17:

wstar 08-07-2012 12:26 AM

I've launched the 7AT at the dragstrip by holding revs with the footbrake before, it's not an issue, before or after UpRev. There's a stall limit though, and beyond that you don't want to overheat your fluid, so it's a pretty low rev value for a pretty short time before launch. I want to say I was using somewhere around 2.1K rpm for just long enough for the final bits of the tree. If the ECU's even involved (as opposed to natural stall on the convertor), it's just protecting the fluid temp in that case.

All of that's not really relevant to my issue with UpRev being slow for me at switching from a low-rev/mph-limit map to a regular map, though, which happens all the time with my security map. I don't have any other issues with my tune. I just assumed this is how everyone's map switch worked and that there was some inherent reason for the delays, until I saw this thread about map-switch-launching. It's not a tune or engine or transmission issue, it's a rev limiter issue. It limits exactly like the rev limiter always behaves (but often at a different RPM, e.g. something between my low security limit and the new full redline of the normal map).

Then again maybe I'm unusual in being able to map switch and get out of the parking lot and trying to hit the upper rev range in a very short period of time, and other people are just slow enough out of the gate to not notice the delay :)

ETA: I also haven't downloaded my UpRev updates and reflashed the car in several months (well I just did a few days back, but haven't used the security map since), so it could be that the delay is something they've solved more recently.

seymore4 08-07-2012 09:16 AM

^ Very interesting. Can't wait to see what others with the AT can comment

MyKindaGuise 08-07-2012 10:26 AM


ETA: I also haven't downloaded my UpRev updates and reflashed the car in several months (well I just did a few days back, but haven't used the security map since), so it could be that the delay is something they've solved more recently.
I think you should take a few minutes to have some fun and test it out today :driving:

wstar 08-07-2012 10:59 AM

I'm usually a hermit during the week, I work from home. I do need to pick up groceries today though :)

jezeka777 09-07-2012 11:32 AM

I have my full tune in map 1 and my rev limiter in map 2.
1.put the car into gear and set it in map 2.
2.set the car into map 1 but dont let go of the down button.
3. full throttle and pop the clutch.:eekdance:
4.wait 1 sec before car bogs and let go of the button.:drama:
5.enjoy your car gripping and launching like a bat out of hell.:driving:

jezeka777 09-07-2012 11:37 AM

I will take a video and show you guys when i get the chance.. i have my rev limit at like 3700rpm's.. I keep hitting the rev till my wheels are about to get full traction and then let it go into map 1. NO MORE WHEEL HOPE!!!

tibal 09-07-2012 11:39 AM

YES!!! I have been waiting for them to mention something like this. That was my favorite part of my EManage Ultimate. Nothin better than bouncing off the limiter for a nice perfect launch.

wstar 09-07-2012 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise (Post 1857522)
I think you should take a few minutes to have some fun and test it out today :driving:

Mine still has the funny delay behavior, even with the latest updates. It may be a 7AT-specific thing. I haven't even tried this launch mode (I have no use for it), but a typical example scenario:

I'm parked in my rev/speed-limit map (it's limited down to like 2.5K and 2mph - anti-theft to leave the car running for a sec). I pull out of the spot and start crossing the gas station. I immediately notice the low limits, so while rolling I switch to the unlimited map (or alternatively: come to a stop at the edge of the street I'm about to pull out onto, and switch maps while in neutral). Either way, pull out onto the street and it starts to take off, gets well past my limited map's low rpm/mph thresholds, then rev limits itself at something stupid like 4-5K and refuses to accelerate further on upshift. Then I pull off into the next parking lot, put the car in park, re-apply the map, sit there for ~15 seconds, pull out, and everything's fine. I haven't really tried to debug the issue further, I just avoid switching without waiting in park a bit (except on the rare occasions that I forget...).

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