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vipor 01-07-2010 01:16 PM

home made intake :excited:

Kastley85891 01-07-2010 02:05 PM

CB has been delivered, install tonight ,lets see how loud she is with test pipes and a dual exhaust...:-0
Interested to see just how restrictive that crappy Y pipe actually is.
Intakes are a good saving and use the stock MAF housing so a direct bolt on, should be a much smoother air path in total and a free'r flowing filter for sure, they will sound great regardless.

kdo2milger 01-07-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kastley85891 (Post 356194)
CB has been delivered, install tonight ,lets see how loud she is with test pipes and a dual exhaust...:-0
Interested to see just how restrictive that crappy Y pipe actually is.
Intakes are a good saving and use the stock MAF housing so a direct bolt on, should be a much smoother air path in total and a free'r flowing filter for sure, they will sound great regardless.

can you do a DIY thread with pics on the homemade intake setup? i'd be curious to see how it turns out Keith :tiphat:

Kastley85891 01-08-2010 08:23 AM

^ Yes will do, its pretty sraight forward but requires a hack of your air boxes for the MAF tubes, I considered getting some MAF tubes made up that were a few mm over but decided I wanted to keep stock MAF's in the equation so I did not have to re scale for fueling, hopefully, what ever target I set it will find in current config.
I got my exhuast on last night in the nasty wind chill :-( fingers were dead by 22:00, it was worth it though, pretty darn loud, great on WOT and breaks loose all over ha ha, fun times.
I will be doing the intakes tonight time permitting and will take some snaps, all in the intake should run under 200 $ .
Hopefully I will get my AP up and running, I have a Ptm ready with leaner fuel and modification to throttle tables, limits and off course an 8200 redline.

kdo2milger 01-08-2010 11:19 PM

hellsya bra!!!

standing by mate!

its like a windows 7 waiting for the results brother :D

Originally Posted by Kastley85891 (Post 356670)
^ Yes will do, its pretty sraight forward but requires a hack of your air boxes for the MAF tubes, I considered getting some MAF tubes made up that were a few mm over but decided I wanted to keep stock MAF's in the equation so I did not have to re scale for fueling, hopefully, what ever target I set it will find in current config.
I got my exhuast on last night in the nasty wind chill :-( fingers were dead by 22:00, it was worth it though, pretty darn loud, great on WOT and breaks loose all over ha ha, fun times.
I will be doing the intakes tonight time permitting and will take some snaps, all in the intake should run under 200 $ .
Hopefully I will get my AP up and running, I have a Ptm ready with leaner fuel and modification to throttle tables, limits and off course an 8200 redline.

Kastley85891 01-09-2010 07:16 PM

Here the intake work from today, its so loud that is just nasty, great sound when coupled with my test pipes and CB, sick.
Heres some pics for now, I am happy, I will be fab'ing a bracket of some sort to help support filters but they are pretty solid as is, I was pissed at first to have recieved 1 White and 1 Black filter but WTH, it goes with the cars color scheme ;-)
Hacked up stock MAF tunbes
45 deg 2.5 to 3in Si couplers
Test fit time with AEM dryflow filters being used
COBB post MAF tubes installed
Bit of cutting, shifting, one in
Both in - looks good enough
Nice fit
Saved a few bucks and got some time out so I am happy.

May look at extending these through the front Stillen style, but thats another days escape...

On the AP, beta test worked, I am flashing this evening all being well. UPDATE - HOLY CRAP - this dam thing recognises my ECU but now I cannot scroll through menus downward, the only map I can select is anti theft, back to the drawing board.... AGAIN!

Kastley85891 01-11-2010 01:58 PM

Getting a new AP over nighted, hopefully time to flash this week, my lordy

OMGWTFBBQ 01-11-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by drisko (Post 354403)
I think we should start taking bets on when the "official" COBB AP will be released for the 370Z. My bet is Spring 2014.

(sorry but I'm starting to get a little pissed).

It could be worse. Try owning a 06-10 Honda Civic Si. Cobb just came out with the AP for those cars a few months ago. :shakes head:

That's what ultimately pushed me to get a new car. Waiting for viable tuning solutions for years got old REALLY quickly.

I'm not trying to bash on Cobb or any other company, just stating my opinion. :rolleyes: Good luck to the OP in getting this issue resolved!

kdo2milger 01-11-2010 03:25 PM

Damn big K! those intakes are sic bra!

thats some "mightyfine" work lol no pun intended wel ok maybe...:rofl2:

they look good really good! are you planning any type of heat shroud arrangement?

also the cobb tubing coming straight off the throttl bodies, does that tubong already have the vacume ports or did you have to fabricate them into the tubing?

im so sick of my takedas i believe i am going back to stock since this is a four day weekend for me...

between the gas mileage and the hot air being breathed in by the takedas i am at the end of that rope, so back to stock intakes for now.

i would be willing to do a asetup like yours as i could franken build both stock and takeda to get something simular to yours maybe...

Kastley85891 01-11-2010 04:41 PM

Thanks Dude, I am happy, but boy they are LOUD
COBB post MAF tubes come with vac connections, straight bolt on, I would for sure get to work on the Short rams you have and build some thing up.
On my heat shielding, not at this time, I am gonna fab a little bracket to bolt that stage down, but eventually going to get some more tubing to extend through the front some where, either in the center Stillen sytle or down lower Injen style.

Kastley85891 01-12-2010 10:26 AM

My replacement AP should arrive today - hope to finally have a rom on this car this evening. update Holy **** - they did not even ship one, I phoned to see if they had as UPS drove on by, sorry no we did not ship it, I have to laugh right now.

I made a good few initial changes to the stock rom, heres a snippet on the fuel target changes and 1 of the throttle maps.

I will report via butt dyno testing , will put on dyno when happy

Z eliminator 01-12-2010 09:14 PM

Question, the bigger the # the richer it becomes or does get leaner.
If you change from 100 to 96. did you lean it or make itr richer.


Kastley85891 01-13-2010 08:24 AM

The targets are Lambda based, I made it leaner 1 L = approx 14:7.1 in AFR scale

My targets shifted roughly high 11 afr targets to low/mid 12's

Quick ref - sorry for sizing

JoeGr 01-13-2010 09:59 AM

I did something yesterday that you guys might find interesting. I took the NISMO rom from a 2010 and put it on our 2009 370Z had our tuners run it on the dyno to compare it to the base numbers. Guess what, no hp gain. I was so disappointed. I guess the 20 hp gains for the NISMO are all based on working with hard parts.


Kastley85891 01-14-2010 10:53 PM

Joe - I spoke with TimB yesterday - he told me of this, very interesting, are there any 'actual' changes in the tables, anywhere?
I will going to the dyno in a week or so

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