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sarmyth 05-08-2011 08:09 PM

I ran into this issue this weekend at the track, just below half full on gas with a particular long sweeping right hand turn.... Happened three laps in a row exact same spot and symptom, engine pegs at 6k for a couple seconds then releases. Filled up and no problems... On goodrich r1s about 100 degrees out, oil at 260.

For those who've blazed this trail already, any solutions short of a surge tank?

travisjb 05-08-2011 08:13 PM

Sorry guys, I'm laying low... new job, new house, etc... haven't been putting this tank setup to test, and last few times I did, it allowed me to get to about 1/2 a tank with no fuel starvation... keep in mind, I'm pulling some very heavy G's with race slicks... I think it is good enough for most especially if tweaked... I don't represent the vendor - someone is going to have to call him and prod him a bit to get him to fully commercialize it... he'll probably say he's waiting on me to document the install some more, but I just don't have time right now, unfortunately

MightyBobo 05-08-2011 08:43 PM


Just kidding, sounds like its a start at least :)

cossie1600 05-08-2011 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 1097214)
There is no way the pickup is at the top of the tank. You'd 'run out' of fuel every time you used a few gallons.

Much more likely is the pickup is at the bottom, but either the tank design or the pump internals have a problem with lateral g's. Tank design would suggest all the fuel sloshes away from the pump and the pickup can grab air. Pump design would be more difficult to assign blame (aside from pickup location), but raises my suspicion as the reason when fuel starvation occurs with a full tank. I don't know how a full tank can slosh enough for the bottom of the pump to be exposed to air.

I was chatting with my buddy about this. How about wire a regular fuel pump on the fuel sending unit side and just dump the outlet back on the passenger side for the fuel pump. It would just be a constant recirculating fuel pump and cost virtually nothing

KORRUPT 05-11-2011 08:01 PM

Wish I would have seen this thread before tonight. Just had my 09 towed after buying it 3 weeks ago. Took and right turn onramp agressively, then accelerated hard to merge into traffic on an uphill straight with about 1/4 tank of gas. Apparently the " perfect storm ," the car completely died and as I was parked on an incline the car wouldn't start no matter how many times I tried. Oh well its at the dealership now I guess I'll let them check it out anyway just in case. Sucky!!

spearfish25 05-11-2011 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by cossie1600 (Post 1097807)
I was chatting with my buddy about this. How about wire a regular fuel pump on the fuel sending unit side and just dump the outlet back on the passenger side for the fuel pump. It would just be a constant recirculating fuel pump and cost virtually nothing

It could work, but modding in the fuel tank with new pumps and wiring makes me nervous. You'd also need a float switch for the auxillary pump so it doesnt burn out running dry.

ArtVandaleigh 05-22-2011 07:34 PM

Ha, glad I saw this thread... I had the same issue for the first time today doing a time trial event. I have not experienced this yet owning the car for over 2 1/2 years now, but it happened to be on a right hand sweeper, with oil temps around 255 and mid-rpm 3rd gear. Same fuel cut each time on the same corner... definitely a bummer though, I had well over a half tank too. I initially thought the car was going into limp mode, but after a few seconds of nothing, I could accelerate again. Odd that Nissan never caught this in testing?

cossie1600 05-22-2011 08:23 PM

they know, they judt dnt care to give a $hit

batboyvaj 06-07-2011 08:06 AM

has anyone with a 2011 been out to the track experienced this issue?

MightyBobo 06-07-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by batboyvaj (Post 1156012)
has anyone with a 2011 been out to the track experienced this issue?

I doubt they've fixed the problem in the 2011's.

cossie1600 06-07-2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 1104938)
It could work, but modding in the fuel tank with new pumps and wiring makes me nervous. You'd also need a float switch for the auxillary pump so it doesnt burn out running dry.

Basically anything is difficult because the gas tank is a sealed unit with two peepholes. Short of replacing the gas tank or modifing the pickup point (which I dont think you can), you are better off carrying a 5 gallon jug...

RCZ 07-15-2011 10:33 AM

Hey guys, I dont know where this ended up, but I was talking to a fabricator yesterday who said he could make me a surge tank with twin racing Bosch pumps for near $1500 all said and done. That would completely fix this problem. Anyone interested?

ChrisSlicks 07-15-2011 12:17 PM

Where would he locate the surge tank? Per club rules I'm not allowed any fuel lines in the passenger compartment, which in the case of the Z includes the trunk.

cossie1600 07-15-2011 01:04 PM

How about an external surge tank, is there enough space underneath the car?

$1500, i can buy tons of $5 gallon jug and a dedicated trailer...

corner3garage 07-15-2011 01:41 PM

according to mike bonanni at 370Z starts fuel starving at 7/8 tank. Surge tank would be good.

cossie1600 07-15-2011 02:48 PM

question is, where can you put it? who is stupid enough to run fuel lines into the cabin

Synack 07-15-2011 05:47 PM

Hey guys, I've had this problem about 4 times now. Ran out of gas turning a corner. Mine did it at 1/4 of a tank though. I just had the dealer install a brand new 'Fuel Sending Unit' and a 'Sub Sending Unit' under warranty. The whole thing costs $400 without warranty. They also calibrated my gas tank to properly read gas levels. I don't know what they did there. But in doing this, my car tells me EXACTLY how much fuel I have left now. I even decided to run it down til the tank told me I had "---" miles left and I took a hard turn and it seemed to be okay. Granted I rarely get it that low, I just wanted to test it out. If you are still having problems, give this a try. I haven't tracked my car yet but it's way better driving on roads now.

Mike 07-15-2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by cossie1600 (Post 1217762)
$1500, i can buy tons of $5 gallon jug and a dedicated trailer...

Yeah, but I've gotten to where I can't run longer than fifteen minute sessions before it happens to me now.

ChrisSlicks 07-15-2011 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 1218303)
Yeah, but I've gotten to where I can't run longer than fifteen minute sessions before it happens to me now.

It all depends on the tires. On street tires you are okay for 20 minutes, on race tires the extra G loads pushes even more fuel away so it happens sooner.

Mike 07-15-2011 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisSlicks (Post 1218357)
It all depends on the tires. On street tires you are okay for 20 minutes, on race tires the extra G loads pushes even more fuel away so it happens sooner.

15 minutes was on AD08s at VIR and about 20 minutes at Barber

cossie1600 07-16-2011 12:33 AM

If I recall correctly, I started getting fuel cut 2-3 laps into my second session at VIR. I am on stock suspension, maybe that helps as I can't pull the same G's.

travisjb 07-16-2011 07:14 AM

With the in-tank pump setup from nothotwire, I am able to run deep into my third 15-20 min session now before I get any cut... with hoosier slicks

I wish that kit was available for you guys!

Mike 07-16-2011 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by travisjb (Post 1218700)
With the in-tank pump setup from nothotwire, I am able to run deep into my third 15-20 min session now before I get any cut... with hoosier slicks

I wish that kit was available for you guys!

Yeah, I never heard back from him, but I'm talking to others about a solution

phunk 07-21-2011 08:09 PM

I am very happy right now.... we have this issue taken care of... we had a project in the works for a really long time, and then just the other day had a total stroke of genius on an even better way to solve the problem. within a couple weeks i will have it all ready for you guys with test data. it is awesome, its almost plug and play, and its all concealed within the factory fuel tank.

phunk 07-21-2011 08:28 PM

actually planning to build 4-5 more of them this weekend, so could be available as early as next week

Megan370z 07-21-2011 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by phunk (Post 1224481)
actually planning to build 4-5 more of them this weekend, so could be available as early as next week

awesome ! :tiphat::tup:

ChrisSlicks 07-21-2011 10:38 PM

Sweet! Paypal at the ready!

nismochiq 07-22-2011 11:17 AM

why dont they just do something similar to aircraft and make the tube exiting the pipe have a venturi effect and have a low pressure high velocity point in the tube leading to an extra pump that is connected to the fuel tank that will increase the chance of fuel starvation and maybe save a little on weight depending on the size of the suction tube. idk just a thought.

phunk 07-22-2011 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by nismochiq (Post 1225205)
why dont they just do something similar to aircraft and make the tube exiting the pipe have a venturi effect and have a low pressure high velocity point in the tube leading to an extra pump that is connected to the fuel tank that will increase the chance of fuel starvation and maybe save a little on weight depending on the size of the suction tube. idk just a thought.

i cant make any sense at all of what you just wrote. i want some of what youre smoking :)

ChrisSlicks 07-22-2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by phunk (Post 1225469)
i cant make any sense at all of what you just wrote. i want some of what youre smoking :)

:iagree: Punctuation goes a long way. :tup:

cossie1600 07-22-2011 02:26 PM

I thought my typing was bad....

phunk 07-23-2011 12:14 AM

lol well luckily we developed a solution that didnt require having to decode that post. i want to give more details but honestly want to protect the product until its available to ship. but if all goes well with the test fit, i think you guys will be absolutely in love with it. i dont even like posting about unready products anymore because there is so much room for things to have to be changed before production, but i am rather excited about this one. i dont even care if anyone else is working on a solution, i know we have the best one right here! just gotta get it all pretty and ready!

we have been laying low in the 370z community, but have done endless business for years in the Z33 world and older platforms in the past. we have been in the middle of moving across our building and setting up some new stuff and finishing up some projects, and we hope to be able to debut this product as an introduction of our business to the Z34 community. perhaps mention some other trick components we have in the works, and maybe show off our twin turbo 370z... if I dont blow it up first trying to finish up the tuning!!! (im new to UPREV Osirus software lol, my 350z ran on a FCON).

and yes i know my punctuation sucks too! too many years on forums have destroyed my proper english writing!

nismo09 07-26-2011 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 1218440)
15 minutes was on AD08s at VIR and about 20 minutes at Barber

Same here Mike. On AD08's at TWS it happens on the 2nd lap with a full tank. :shakes head:

nismo09 07-26-2011 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by phunk (Post 1224481)
actually planning to build 4-5 more of them this weekend, so could be available as early as next week

Ok, where do I sign up?????? :happydance:

I am tracking this weekend and I know it is going to be brutal. :shakes head:

ChrisSlicks 07-26-2011 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by nismo09 (Post 1231257)
Ok, where do I sign up?????? :happydance:

I am tracking this weekend and I know it is going to be brutal. :shakes head:

Same here. At least I have a trailer now so I'll be bringing lots of fuel cans in the future but running without the extra weight all the time would be really really nice. Each gallon of gas is 6 pounds, running an unnecessary 12 gallons is 72 pounds. Thankfully it is in the rear and low.

phunk 07-26-2011 09:26 PM

Had to rebuild the prototype to accomodate a few things. Its pretty much done, was supposed to finish today but for sure will be done tomorrow afternoon. Then it has to go through some testing. I cant sell them until I verify the entire theory of the whole thing works, although I am very confident in it. We have already thought of several improvements over this prototype as well, so we started CAD designing an even better model today... after the prototype tests the theory, we are going to construct the final products off the new CAD design. Its coming out really awesome! I hope to have the retail model ready ASAP.

Due to limited space and access inside the gas tank, installation is rather tedious. Part of the product has to be assembled inside the tank since the completed assembly would not be able to pass through the opening. I would probably want to give someone 2-3 evenings after work to get it all squared away. An experienced tech could probably sort it out in one evening.

ChrisSlicks 07-27-2011 06:42 AM

Very cool. Look forward to the results of your testing.

travisjb 07-27-2011 06:57 AM

phunk, my setup consists of both in-tank baffling and in-tank pumps... there are two pumps in fact, and they feed to the main fuel pump. one at the rear, one on the drivers side. in addition there is baffling to help control the fuel from rolling around.

two things to note if you are going this route:

1) wiring! you need to use wiring that is specific to operation while submersed in fuel. if there is a short, can be bad news!

2) operation of the fuel level gauge. for whatever reason, mine no longer works now that i have this setup... please try to keep it operational in your kit

also, price... if you value price this, you can probably get people to pay you a lot for it given no one else is offering a solution to this problem... don't do that - it'll not help your rep long-term... the bill of materials for my kit is about $500, add in a reasonable margin and that's your target :)

good luck

phunk 07-27-2011 10:50 AM

travis: no worries about us there, fuel system design and products have been a focus of mine and our company for several years. Fuel level gauge is fully functional. Our material cost is quite a bit under yours, but we have expensive machinary manufacturing the components and a dealer network to support. While we have taken an entirely different approach to this product than we have ever seen done before, its substance is comparable to products existing on the market for other vehicles. We have found, even with ours being a bit more complex, our price will not be quite as high.

Reality 07-27-2011 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by travisjb (Post 1232254)
phunk, my setup consists of both in-tank baffling and in-tank pumps... there are two pumps in fact, and they feed to the main fuel pump. one at the rear, one on the drivers side. in addition there is baffling to help control the fuel from rolling around.

two things to note if you are going this route:

1) wiring! you need to use wiring that is specific to operation while submersed in fuel. if there is a short, can be bad news!

2) operation of the fuel level gauge. for whatever reason, mine no longer works now that i have this setup... please try to keep it operational in your kit

also, price... if you value price this, you can probably get people to pay you a lot for it given no one else is offering a solution to this problem... don't do that - it'll not help your rep long-term... the bill of materials for my kit is about $500, add in a reasonable margin and that's your target :)

good luck

-Phunk@CJM is an Icon within the z33 community.. He knows the "runnin's", and is quite successful at what he does.
(IIRC, he holds the stock block, TT, whp record for the z33) - he must be doing something right! :tup:

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