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Phimosis 07-24-2010 09:44 PM

I'll just pipe in: Me too! It happened 3-4 times out on the street when tank was between 3-6 dots showing on fuel gauge. Once I figured it out, I never run it hard when I'm low on fuel.

ChrisSlicks 07-25-2010 07:26 AM

Good news Travis. Looking forward to your test results! I was plagued by fuel cuts yesterday, just small ones but annoying.

B1nks 08-17-2010 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by travisjb (Post 637734)
reportedly (check my journal) nissan mo sports is working on an in tank setup where there will be a fuel pickup point on each side of the tank... will be offered as a retrofit where you send them your tank then retrofit and send back... they have a partner helping with this that i have contacted via email but i haven't heard back... i think perhaps stan is the test car

UPDATE: out of pure coincidence, Richard from no hot wire racing just called me... I'm the new guinea pig! will update on my journal

What's the time line looking like for this to hit the market ? You already testing as we speak ?

travisjb 08-17-2010 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by B1nks (Post 680791)
What's the time line looking like for this to hit the market ? You already testing as we speak ?

There is no official timeline yet... and I can't speak for him... all I can tell you is that he has my tank in Cali right now and they are trying different things out on fitment and parts... he intends to have it back to me by end of month... I have a potential event early Sep then another late Sep, and will report out on results then. And in the meantime if I get pictures or any other update, you guys will be the first to know. Thx.

B1nks 08-19-2010 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by travisjb (Post 680849)
There is no official timeline yet... and I can't speak for him... all I can tell you is that he has my tank in Cali right now and they are trying different things out on fitment and parts... he intends to have it back to me by end of month... I have a potential event early Sep then another late Sep, and will report out on results then. And in the meantime if I get pictures or any other update, you guys will be the first to know. Thx.

Atta boy..:tup:

travisjb 08-19-2010 05:02 PM

No pictures just yet but I did talk to Richard today... he's honing in on a price and it's going to depend on whether he needs to add a baffle or in-tank swirl pot, or if we can get away with none... right now we're thinking none and will prob test it without... so the parts involved will include the two pumps strategically placed in the tank and all the equipment to make them work... pics and testing by end of month... bottom line, I suspect pricing will be on the order of $500-800 for a kit that is mailed to you directly and can be DIY or professionally installed... assuming for now that it will eliminate the fuel starvation issue 100% and also not be a penalty for classing (with NASA or whoever) but won't know for sure until end of month... all for now

LiquidZ 08-19-2010 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Phimosis (Post 643109)
I'll just pipe in: Me too! It happened 3-4 times out on the street when tank was between 3-6 dots showing on fuel gauge. Once I figured it out, I never run it hard when I'm low on fuel.

This is scary when you throw forced induction into the mix...

... nothing like fuel cutting out on you at full boost.

travisjb 09-03-2010 07:20 PM

Fuel tank is on the way back to me and will be installed next week... then ready for testing!

LeesZs 09-10-2010 07:32 PM

Sure Enough! Fuel starvation

Originally Posted by Paul@AEperformance (Post 244370)
We ran into this problem as well. Anything less than a topped off tank would lead to starvation. We haven't made the jump to R-comp's but i'm sure it would be a nightmare.

+1 on the weight saving nothing having to run a full tank.

Were in the process of putting together a swirl pot and small pump for our car.

Here's a simular set-up I had in my GTR, something like this (smaller scale) would be perfect.

I have the same problem on my 09 NISMO-Z. Ran out of fuel, (with 1/2 tank) at Thunderhill Raceway, Willows Ca. Had to come in on the hook truck, (embarrasing to say the least).

I have looked at all the threads on this problem and this is the first post I have seen with a possible cure. Need to know more! (LeesZs). :>)

travisjb 09-11-2010 02:46 AM

soon my friend, very soon... in fact, I may have some pics to post next few days

chuckd05 09-12-2010 11:10 PM

This happened to me just the other day... I had 3 lights worth of gas.. which is where I normally make it a point to fill up, BUT did not yet.. Took a long sweeping right turn at a decent speed coming onto a county road and as soon as I merged on my car bucked, bogged, stayed at 2k rpm with my throttle imput did nothing. I coasted to the side , turned the car off, waited a minute and started it back up and it was fine...

StealthZ 09-20-2010 09:44 AM

All I can say is this fuel starvation crap blows... had it happen and by total surprise, I had hit a right turn and upon exit under acceleration, I had about 2 seconds worth and then the motor started to die down. i quickly checked all guages and everything was good, no high oil temps etc... took quite sometime to get her to turn over, my gas guage read at time of the event, 3/8th or so. I filled just to half way poitn when she turned over.

Now I need to start looking into a solution for this.

Push370zzz 09-20-2010 09:58 AM

when it would happen to me i would put it in 6th gear and keep tapping the gas until it came back

StealthZ 09-21-2010 10:34 AM

I don't know how bad mine did it, but it took about 20 minutes of tryin to turn it over to get it to start, and after putting more gas in.

corner3garage 09-21-2010 01:32 PM

We have had customers with 350z's doing this, but I have heard of more 370z's getting this problem. A fuel surge tank should fix this problem though.

travisjb 09-21-2010 01:51 PM

I will post results of the in-tank solution after this weekend... it is now installed and confirmed operational, will try to run down to empty and 1+ G's and see how much fuel remains. This solution will negate the need for an external swirl pot / surge tank. Fingers crossed.

StealthZ 09-21-2010 05:35 PM

Travis PM inbound.

travisjb 09-21-2010 09:00 PM

just replied... also, please check both my journal and here... i will try to update in both places but may not always get to it

will update again after testing this weekend

klubbheads 10-06-2010 05:31 PM

Anyone care to summarise the solution for this issue? Just had this happen to me last week while entering a freeway. The car wouldn't turn on for 30 minutes. I had to call friends and have them bring me gas eventhough i had 3 lights on the fuel gage. :(.

AutoX Z 10-06-2010 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by klubbheads (Post 754068)
Anyone care to summarise the solution for this issue? Just had this happen to me last week while entering a freeway. The car wouldn't turn on for 30 minutes. I had to call friends and have them bring me gas eventhough i had 3 lights on the fuel gage. :(.

Keep more gas in the car. The other pending option is to get a custom fuel tank but that will be very inconvenient for a daily, street driven car.

Jose Aliling 10-07-2010 09:27 PM

I don't know if this is a stupid suggestion but will this work?
AMS Fuel Surge Tank System Mitsubishi EVO VII VIII IX 01-07

nismo09 05-04-2011 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by klubbheads (Post 754068)
Anyone care to summarise the solution for this issue? Just had this happen to me last week while entering a freeway. The car wouldn't turn on for 30 minutes. I had to call friends and have them bring me gas eventhough i had 3 lights on the fuel gage. :(.

So I see that we now can buy better fuel pumps for the Z but has anyone yet heard of any help on the fuel starving issue? It has been months since I last saw anything on this so I thought I would ask again.

cossie1600 05-04-2011 10:50 PM

yeah, 5 gallon fuel jugs....

Zeto 05-04-2011 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by cossie1600 (Post 1090984)
yeah, 5 gallon fuel jugs....

It's funny cause it's true!

jaxxx 05-05-2011 06:11 AM

wow, is this really a common issue when taking hard right turns??? im about to buy a Z and this would be a big deal to me, combined with the over heating issue.....:shakes head:

cossie1600 05-05-2011 08:21 AM

its probably a non issue unless you track the car

jaxxx 05-05-2011 08:31 AM

I do drive agressive at times and will be tracking about twice a year

nismo09 05-05-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by cossie1600 (Post 1090984)
yeah, 5 gallon fuel jugs....

The problem is that it happens now on a full tank so unless I can get someone to hang off the side of the car with the fuel jugs I am still screwed!!!! :bowrofl:

cossie1600 05-05-2011 02:59 PM

i find it odd you have pick up problem with full tank, maybe try replacing the pump and modify the pick up line, also i would assume stiffer suspension might help as you eliminate some of the lean

ChrisSlicks 05-05-2011 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by cossie1600 (Post 1092408)
i find it odd you have pick up problem with full tank, maybe try replacing the pump and modify the pick up line, also i would assume stiffer suspension might help as you eliminate some of the lean

With sticky tires and the wrong track configuration I've had it happen with 1 dot of fuel burned, but never with a completely full tank. I really don't understand how the stock setup can be this craptacular.

nismo09 05-05-2011 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by cossie1600 (Post 1092408)
i find it odd you have pick up problem with full tank, maybe try replacing the pump and modify the pick up line, also i would assume stiffer suspension might help as you eliminate some of the lean

I have had the car to the dealer lying through my teeth telling him this is happening on the street and the system checks out perfectly. I drive a Nismo so you can’t get any stiffer suspension than that. The problem is that the pickup is at the top of the tank and not at the bottom so any splashing on tight right hand turns is going to cause it. I have seen some baffle configurations for RX7’s and the 350’s but not the 370’s. I have been chasing this for over a year and no luck. I am trying to find a solution without spending $1k plus for a pressurized secondary tank. Running the tank full every session worked for awhile but now I am going too fast for even that to work. Oh well. I will just keep looking. - View Single Post - Group Buy: Fuel Anti-Surge System

cossie1600 05-05-2011 03:39 PM

i am not sure what the 370 setup looks like, but if it was setup like the fc rx7 or miata. you should be able to extend the pickup tube lower into the bowl by getting a barb fitting and fuel hose. it should just be a 3/8 hose from the bottom of the pump

flashburn 05-05-2011 03:46 PM

I'm really surprised no one has figured out a somewhat elegant but cheap solution for this with our car.

edit: Or any solution short of having to send our tank to a company to have it modified.

cossie1600 05-05-2011 03:51 PM

without tearing apart, its hard to see if it is a tank problem or a pump problem. since we cant really reach inside the tank, i still think a t fitting with a tube or something might work

nismo09 05-06-2011 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by cossie1600 (Post 1092485)
without tearing apart, its hard to see if it is a tank problem or a pump problem. since we cant really reach inside the tank, i still think a t fitting with a tube or something might work

Here is a diagram of the fuel tank if it will help anyone. The problem as it has been explained to me is that the pickup is at the top of the tank and not the bottom. Any help is always appreciated. :tiphat:

172 Fuel Tank :: Fuel & Engine Control :: Genuine Nissan Parts :: 370Z Parts (Z34) 2009-2011 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories -

ChrisSlicks 05-06-2011 02:30 PM

From that diagram it looks like the pump is installed from the top of the tank, but extends down towards the bottom of the tank. It isn't very clear where the actual pickup is on the pump (appears integrated) and if it can be extended. Some kind of dual pickup with float's on each side would probably work. From the tank layout it would appear that it would be easy to configure dual pumps as well, but that would be more difficult to get working.

cossie1600 05-06-2011 03:02 PM

do a search on 370z fuel pump replacement, i just saw it on my phone and i couldnt pinpoint the details. you can see where the pump is

kkruel55 05-08-2011 08:38 AM

Experienced fuel starvation at the track this Saturday; tank was only 1/3 down. Only happened on right hand turns. Anyone have a surge tank or dual pumps or another way to solve this?

spearfish25 05-08-2011 04:06 PM

There is no way the pickup is at the top of the tank. You'd 'run out' of fuel every time you used a few gallons.

Much more likely is the pickup is at the bottom, but either the tank design or the pump internals have a problem with lateral g's. Tank design would suggest all the fuel sloshes away from the pump and the pickup can grab air. Pump design would be more difficult to assign blame (aside from pickup location), but raises my suspicion as the reason when fuel starvation occurs with a full tank. I don't know how a full tank can slosh enough for the bottom of the pump to be exposed to air.

MightyBobo 05-08-2011 06:41 PM

Whatever happened w/ this, Travis?

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