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import111 01-17-2010 08:22 AM

Yesterday was my 2nd track day in the 370Z. 1st track day I did not experience any fuel starvation...probably because I kept the tank very full due to the rumors. Yesterday They did a time attack event at the end of the day and I had 3/4 of a tank left and thought, "4 laps is not worth going to the gas station and back, I should be good". I was wrong. Hard fuel cut coming out of right hand corners. I am going to have to keep the tank full at the track until a solution is found for this.

travisjb 01-17-2010 08:46 AM

I'm still planning to try and work up an inexpensive in-tank solution next 2-3 weeks... hopefully someone else tries the external swirl pot solution and we can compare notes

ZForce 01-18-2010 06:33 PM

import111...that sux
travisjb...keep us posted :tup:

CrownR426 01-18-2010 09:37 PM

Always remember to fill tanks only 90%

matrix_square 01-18-2010 10:48 PM

why 90% ?

travisjb 01-18-2010 11:47 PM

perhaps you mean no less than 90% ?

zinistr 01-20-2010 03:16 PM

Interesting topic, amazing how many glitches a sixth-generation Z can still experience. Looking forward to hearing about a fix to this.

Bluemeanie 02-09-2010 08:58 AM

My last time out at ACS I experienced a cut out just as I was leaving the staging area and not in a turn and with a 1/2 tank. The car just cut out. I'd let off and give it gas and then it would cut out again. I'm not sure which RPM. I went back to the pits and filled up and when I tried to start it it would not start as easily as it used too. At one point I wasn't sure if it would start at all. After awhile it started like normal and everything was ok. Funny thing is, I've run the car at Willow almost on empty and didn't have a problem.


travisjb 02-09-2010 09:45 AM

where you going CW or CCW at Willow ? I'm guessing CCW... issues arise in hard right hand turns

Bluemeanie 02-10-2010 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by travisjb (Post 394289)
where you going CW or CCW at Willow ? I'm guessing CCW... issues arise in hard right hand turns

I had no issues at the Big track at Willow CW or the streets CW. At ACS I was just starting to leave the starting area and didn't get 100ft when it cut out. I pulled to the left and let everyone pass by me and then backed up to get off the starting grid. I wasn't even on the track yet. It was flat and straight. Go figure.


boosted180 02-10-2010 12:52 PM

my car will cut out at *every* track day if i dont keep it at least 75% full. at first i thought it was limp mode kicking on too early (260 degrees), but it's the fuel starvation. it's a hassle to always have to keep it close to full, but as long as i do that, no problems.

cant wait for someone to come up with a real fix.

RCZ 02-11-2010 09:16 AM

Oh man...I haven't had this happen to me yet since the track i usually run goes ccw, but Im thinking about PBIR and the back corner, its a very long banked right hander. When I looked at it the other day I thought "fuel starvation city" and didnt put that thought and my car together till right now. Someone please figure this out.

phunk 02-14-2010 02:56 PM

We have been working on a prototype for an in-tank surge can / fuel pump assembly that is specifically intended for road racing.

We are in Chicago, so there is no way for us to do any field testing. However, if there is a reputable member here that is actively taking their 370z to track days and experiencing the fuel starvation issue, and has the means to install a new fuel pump assembly on their own.. I would be interested in sending a prototype to test in roughly 2 weeks. PM me if so.

travisjb 02-14-2010 07:31 PM

I'm your man! Next event is march 6/7

RCZ 02-14-2010 07:54 PM

^ haha, he's definitely the man for you.

If you need a non race car for testing stuff out, let me know. I go on the track too :)

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