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SPOHN 08-16-2012 03:46 PM

I'll just say I support Phunk and his troubles for talking to him and hearing his pain from what he has to deal with sucks. Some he cant control. But he's going to be hush till its ready now. At least hel come through. Not one other has done that here.

wstar 08-16-2012 05:54 PM

Hey I'll be first in line to buy when it materializes. It sounds like an awesome product :) Just sayin', timeline is what it is, nobody can be faulted for being annoyed about it (or the impact it might've had on other projects).

threeseventy 08-17-2012 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by wstar (Post 1872633)
Hey I'll be first in line to buy when it materializes. It sounds like an awesome product :) Just sayin', timeline is what it is, nobody can be faulted for being annoyed about it (or the impact it might've had on other projects).

"Well, somebody else is already doing this, and since it's America, I might as well not try"

-Steve Jobs

phunk 08-17-2012 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 1872407)
The Wright brothers went from flying kites to the first manned, powered plane within 3 years. Unless Phunk is going to make the Z hover in the next 6 months, he's behind their schedule. We're talking about sucking all the liquid out of a container for God's sake.

well get to it buddy, fix it. its just a container of fuel, surely you are capable of building a device to manage the 19 gallons of fuel inside a container.

i will do this product how i see fit. the only mistake i have made is to project dates with extreme innaccuracy. i have not taken anyones money, i have not shipped nonfunctional product, and i have not screwed anyone over.

i have simply taken a long time to release my product... mostly due to situations out of my control.

As for those of you pointing back to 2.5 years ago or whatever... guess what.. YA i had one done then. You want to see it? Because I have 4-5 or so different models we went prototyped and considered for production. I was not making that up. if we were going to make it how we prototyped it when I said that 2.5 years ago, it would have been done a long long time ago. But it has evolved into an entirely different product from what it ever was. I got excited about it, and I had to mention it. But then I thought of something better. Oops.

NOBODY is stopping you from doing this on your own. it is NOT my fault that you or any other shop is seemingly hopeless at resolving the fuel starvation issue without me. I have, on multiple occasions, offered my assitence to anyone who wants to move forward with using universal surge can products for their 370z.

WHY hasnt anyone done it? Because they are not confident in themselves and they want a full, done, tested, proven, professional product. They dont want to build their own rig and have it create new problems. They dont want some shop that doesnt understand the task to tinker around with their car and still have the same problems. and that is also why I have to make sure that everything is as good as we can think of making it from very start... because there is always room for trouble or having to make fixes, etc if situations arrise that didnt in testing. So the last thing I need to do is ship it out already knowing its lacking something.

Lets just get real here, and quit hating me over this. Honestly.. the mistake I have made was even telling you guys about it before it was ready for sale. Sorry, I shouldnt have done that. Sometimes its just nice when you are working on a PITA design, to get some encouragement. I didnt realize I was signing up for a shitstorm if I didnt get it done quickly.

I do not enjoy you guys beating the **** out of me over this. I am not intentionally holding out on you. You do not understand the environment this has been created in to know that it is NOT setup for this type of stuff. That is why I am making the required changes for next time. What do you want me to say? I have a 99% completed product here... you want me to just ship it to you right now? You think you can figure it out from here? Fine! Honestly doesnt bother me one bit if you want to finish yours up.

Rusty 08-17-2012 04:16 PM

You have my full support. Being the fabrication business at one time. I know the hold ups and delays that can happen when things don't work out the way you wanted. Wrong material, CNC break downs, people break downs, etc. I'll wait intil you have the way you want it. :tup:

mdxj 08-17-2012 04:43 PM


I agree with rusty, I would rather something take time and be done right the first time. While I haven't had an issue with fuel starve (only autocross, only home during the winter/early spring and never any track days locally then) when I am finally home to take it too a real track, I would rather have this then something half a**. Good luck with the final production, I have been following this for a while and I can't wait to see the results!

SPOHN 08-17-2012 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by phunk (Post 1874447)
well get to it buddy, fix it. its just a container of fuel, surely you are capable of building a device to manage the 19 gallons of fuel inside a container.

i will do this product how i see fit. the only mistake i have made is to project dates with extreme innaccuracy. i have not taken anyones money, i have not shipped nonfunctional product, and i have not screwed anyone over.

i have simply taken a long time to release my product... mostly due to situations out of my control.

As for those of you pointing back to 2.5 years ago or whatever... guess what.. YA i had one done then. You want to see it? Because I have 4-5 or so different models we went prototyped and considered for production. I was not making that up. if we were going to make it how we prototyped it when I said that 2.5 years ago, it would have been done a long long time ago. But it has evolved into an entirely different product from what it ever was. I got excited about it, and I had to mention it. But then I thought of something better. Oops.

NOBODY is stopping you from doing this on your own. it is NOT my fault that you or any other shop is seemingly hopeless at resolving the fuel starvation issue without me. I have, on multiple occasions, offered my assitence to anyone who wants to move forward with using universal surge can products for their 370z.

WHY hasnt anyone done it? Because they are not confident in themselves and they want a full, done, tested, proven, professional product. They dont want to build their own rig and have it create new problems. They dont want some shop that doesnt understand the task to tinker around with their car and still have the same problems. and that is also why I have to make sure that everything is as good as we can think of making it from very start... because there is always room for trouble or having to make fixes, etc if situations arrise that didnt in testing. So the last thing I need to do is ship it out already knowing its lacking something.

Lets just get real here, and quit hating me over this. Honestly.. the mistake I have made was even telling you guys about it before it was ready for sale. Sorry, I shouldnt have done that. Sometimes its just nice when you are working on a PITA design, to get some encouragement. I didnt realize I was signing up for a shitstorm if I didnt get it done quickly.

I do not enjoy you guys beating the **** out of me over this. I am not intentionally holding out on you. You do not understand the environment this has been created in to know that it is NOT setup for this type of stuff. That is why I am making the required changes for next time. What do you want me to say? I have a 99% completed product here... you want me to just ship it to you right now? You think you can figure it out from here? Fine! Honestly doesnt bother me one bit if you want to finish yours up.

Well said. I have a new found respect for you. So when is it ready?:bowrofl: Kidding

wstar 08-17-2012 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by phunk (Post 1874447)
i have not taken anyones money, i have not shipped nonfunctional product, and i have not screwed anyone over.

This is the important bit, unlike certain shady vendors that have come by this board :). We're just frustrated is all.

spearfish25 08-17-2012 06:23 PM

No apologies or understanding coming from me. I'm downright tired of vendors who suggest, post, and fantasize about products we owners would like to have but then can't make them materialize. Do I think making fuel products is easy? No, that's not my trade. But you making this product doesn't make you on par with a Wright brother (the point of my previous post). After 2.5yrs of these types of 'updates', I'd say any forum member is entitled to an opinion by now.

cdoxp800 08-17-2012 06:55 PM

I am still in to buy this. I have ZERO issues with waiting because I know it going to be DONE RIGHT when it's release.

clintfocus 08-17-2012 07:19 PM

im not bitter at all, im still going to buy one, take your time phunk, make it right

travisjb 08-17-2012 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by clintfocus (Post 1874695)
im not bitter at all, im still going to buy one, take your time phunk, make it right

^ that's because you've only been here since jan 2011

I kid...

Don't mean any personal harm to phunk... good guy falling on hard times, I get it... if this product works out and he's willing to sell to me, I'm in. I do ask that he gets a little more serious with his communication on timing, however

clintfocus 08-18-2012 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by travisjb (Post 1874746)
^ that's because you've only been here since jan 2011

I kid...

Don't mean any personal harm to phunk... good guy falling on hard times, I get it... if this product works out and he's willing to sell to me, I'm in. I do ask that he gets a little more serious with his communication on timing, however

ok so ive only been here since then, and only had my Z since nov 2010, but first time on track i got it to starve on less then full tank, causei have alot of past track experience prior to 370 ownership, its no less frustrating to me.

maybe because my time attack car, which is a focus, had such a tiny aftermarket for anything, this to me sounds like small potatos to me compaired to race level stuff that wasnt avalible for my focus chassis that either took forever to come out, or i just ended up having to be made custom. so i understand everyone who is serious about buying this product is anxious, but take a step back maybe and a deep breath. hell i had to deal with not even being able to buy wheels wide enough cause of bolt pattern for the focus, waiting two years to save up money and have wheels made then shipped over. thats just one example, and its prolly why i guess im not as bothered

ENT-Z 08-18-2012 06:38 PM

I'm frustrated too but still willing to wait and just deal with it in the meantime. Today I consistently hit fuel starve with a dot over 3/4 tank (about 5 gallons when I went to fill up). Having to do that a few times per track day sucks, but it's manageable until we get this fix. I support you phunk.

takjak2 08-22-2012 11:22 AM

Ok Shamu, tell us what we're looking at.

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