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98intrigue 05-18-2011 12:08 PM

I heard Jnaut is driving an FI car down the track soon ;)

chuckd05 05-18-2011 12:43 PM

btw Z, I will be closer to you shortly...

Jnaut also ran his time on STREET TIRES making him a freak of nature .... thats ridiculous

jnaut 05-18-2011 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by 98intrigue (Post 1118520)
I heard Jnaut is driving an FI car down the track soon ;)

Going to the track tonight... we will see :driving:

RCZ 05-18-2011 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by 98intrigue (Post 1118520)
I heard Jnaut is driving an FI car down the track soon ;)

Hope it doesnt break!

MightyBobo 05-18-2011 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 1118901)
Hope it doesnt break!

Has there been any incidents of axle shafts going, or pumpkins blowing up yet? Or has nobody really even hooked on a high-HP build yet?

b1adesofcha0s 05-18-2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1118909)
Then you can say it to my face when I get back from Iraq, seeing as Im stationed at Fort Meade. Its easier to cut through BS that people say to your face anyway, so it'll give me a good laugh.

You'd better bust out some sick videos of you running great times and cutting some amazing 60's in a stock 350Z. Right now, all you're doing is talk talk talking, with absolutely nothing to back it up.

For the record, Ive done my time at the drag strip. I found it boring as hell, and a waste of money. I was decent at launching, but hardly amazing. That doesnt mean I dont know the mechanics of it, not to mention the limitations inherent to a stock car (MT or AT).

So let me guess - every single review of the 370 that said the 7AT was slightly quicker in the 1/4th...they were all wrong, then? All shitty drivers? Again, I'll say: wheres YOUR credentials proving you're god of the MT launch with the 370? You're making a lot of statements about two cars, neither of which you've taken to the strip. Ever.

You crack ME up, coming onto a board with your e-penis hanging out, calling people dense and making claims to skill with no proof to back it up. Stop trying to make yourself feel better, thinking we're getting our chests all puffed out - Im just here to remind you, you've brought NOTHING to this table other than your own arrogant attitude. While Im confident you COULD bring something to the table as far as information goes, you bring nothing here other than insults and trolling. That proves to me that all you wanted to do here was ruffle some feathers and piss some 370 drivers off. Try to be less transparent the next time you troll.


Well said. + rep for you sir :tiphat:

RCZ 05-18-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1118910)
Has there been any incidents of axle shafts going, or pumpkins blowing up yet? Or has nobody really even hooked on a high-HP build yet?

None that I've heard. A little bird told me someone blew up a stock clutch in a non fi car, but no axles as of yet. So far the fastest time I think is that GTM TT with the 11.9

MightyBobo 05-18-2011 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 1119003)
None that I've heard. A little bird told me someone blew up a stock clutch in a non fi car, but no axles as of yet. So far the fastest time I think is that GTM TT with the 11.9

Thats pretty impressive. Then again, I dont think I'll be too impressed until some low-11 or high-10's happen, and they survive a really good hook...

Jeffblue 05-18-2011 03:24 PM

i would like to just bring up something kind of ironic. Its pretty often that people compare similar cars like a mustang vs a camaro or w/e people say 'its a drivers race,' meaning that the difference between the times of the two cars are so insignificant that the skill of the driver and the choices he makes while driving are going to impact the race more than the physical car its self. There are stock mustangs that have beaten stock camaros, and stock camaro's that have beaten mustangs, and those are two different cars, and i'm sure ONE is most definitely 'faster' from the factory. Yet with our stupid 1/4 mile time debate between AT and MT people get so hung up on a 10th of a second and make it seem like its this insurmountable difference and that no matter what the 7at will be faster.

so i fail to see how when comparing two similar cars it can come down to being a 'driver's race' however when comparing the SAME car 370z MT vs 370z AT, it's somehow impossible for the 6mt to pull a better time. I hope everyone is happy with their transmission choice, but if you got a 7at just because it pulls a better trap time in motor trend i think you're pretty foolish. if the 6mt pulled a better trap time and you hated driving stick but just got 6mt because it was faster in a 1/4 mile i would say you are equally foolish.

GZ3 05-18-2011 03:25 PM

alberto is pretty damn good driver, i dont doubt that he can turn some good number in a 6mt 370, he was one of the best over at the 350 boards just an fyi

about the debate between 6mt and AT....i just lol at that...we are all fam...lets just chill and get along...thats right am FAM too even with my ford dammmit

One_Quick_Z 05-18-2011 03:35 PM

Nooo dont take this thread there!!!!

Maybe the mods can clean this up and keep it and make it a STICKY thread!


tranceformer 05-18-2011 04:07 PM

Damn this thread blew up quicker than I expected!

Yeah Alberto could have been a bit more tactful but I think he's got a valid point. It takes seat time to put down some good times, auto or manual. I've seen it happen just about every time I go to the track. Usually I'll met another Z owner whenever I go. Just about every time I see them run 14's then give up and never come back. Practice makes perfect. I like to think I've graduated from rookie status but I've still got some learning to do (read: shift faster!).

So with that said, I'm packing up my stuff and heading to the track tonight! I can't let jnaut be the only Z at the track tonight! It's a bit warm this time of year here in south Florida, but I'm shooting for another 12.9x run tonight.

We got a few other Z drivers coming out to watch the mayhem, hopefully someone will video tape jnaut make a few passes in RCZ's car.

So can we cut the bullsh!t and start posting some time slips???

b1adesofcha0s 05-18-2011 04:13 PM

Good luck to everyone who's running tonight! Videos would be awesome :tup:

XwChriswX 05-18-2011 04:35 PM


tranceformer 05-18-2011 05:39 PM

At the track now cooling off...

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