SouthArk370Z |
09-03-2013 03:53 PM |
Originally Posted by venus
(Post 2471481)
Stats say a response will likely occur only after a limited amount of answers. TRUE THAT. If a thread goes on for numerous pages it is lost: No followers, no current opinions, no one cares, no interest. Big NO INTEREST after the 1st couple pages.
The first sentence doesn't make much sense to me unless I swap "response" and "answer". If I do that, then, yes, most questions get a good answer fairly quickly.
But that doesn't mean it's the only good answer. Nor does it preclude clarifications and/or refutations.
Those questions that are strongly opinion-based just naturally invite more responses. "Opinions are like a$$holes; everybody's got one."
Originally Posted by venus
(Post 2471481)
Why don’t you guys encourage new posts
As far as I can tell, new posts are encouraged. As with most sites, duplicate posts are frowned upon. Sometimes the frown turns into something more forceful.
Originally Posted by venus
(Post 2471481)
& stop flaming or worse $hit dumping new posters? You are SO strict! Looks like an old geezer club here with no titanium parts or sparks.
From what I've seen, the only ppl that get "flamed" (actual flames are few and far between on this site) are those that have obviously not taken the time to do a little research. Show that you've at least tried to do your homework and ppl around here will fall all over themselves to show off their knowledge.
I'm not sure what the demographics of this site are but would be willing to bet that membership is slanted towards old geezers. Many younger ppl have a hard time justifying spending $30k+ on a two-seater when they have a growing family and/or just starting their career. Old geezers tend to have a low tolerance for slackers that can't be bothered to do a little searching before asking.