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OmsiNZ 06-14-2009 09:39 PM

Lakers all the way!!

ct63084 06-14-2009 09:46 PM

well deserve win, they deserve the championship they played the best teams in both side of the conference.

arcticreaver 06-15-2009 12:02 AM

LAKERS !!!!! now i gotta find out when the parade is going to be. kobe nba finals mvp, i have been dreaming about this day for such a long time and it finally happened. congrats to the lakers and phil jackson for his 10th ring as a coach.

congrats to the magics for playing with all they got. hopefully you guys have a better luck next year. dwight, you need some post moves, now work on that this off season.

SiXK 06-15-2009 12:25 PM

Congratulations to the Lakers and to coach Phil Jackson, a class act. Phil is a great coach and I have never bought into the criticism of him having the best talent. Yes, he has coached great teams, but under him they don't win a Title - they win 6 or 4. Great, great coach. Very happy for him.

After game 4 watching game 5 was easy. It felt over after game 4 and all it needed was to be made official. Great season for the Magic. Lots of positives. That team grew alot from the Boston series to the finals. It should serve them well down the road. Just need to keep the core together and keep an effective bench.

Congrats again to the Lakers and their fans. well deserved NBA Champs. They saved their very best for last, like champions do.

shabarivas 06-15-2009 01:04 PM

Much as I hate kobe and the lakers... it was a good show... the magic were just outclassed by the lakers and credit where credit is due - Kobe played better basketball than I have ever seen him play - much more team oriented

arcticreaver 06-16-2009 12:03 PM

hopefully we can produce a sequel.

ct63084 06-16-2009 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by arcticreaver (Post 92279)
hopefully we can produce a sequel.

If they can sign either odom or ariza back they have a chance. I heard that the lakers are interest on turkoglo if both ariza and odom leaves.

phelan 06-16-2009 02:22 PM

Oh god no, there's no way the Lakers are letting BOTH Ariza and Odom walk. I'd be VERY surprised by the front office if that happens, it's like saying "hey, one and done". I doubt Turkoglu would fit with the Lakers, anyway. Ariza and Odom are complementary to Kobe, but Turkoglu is a player who works with the ball in his hands. Not going to happen as long as No. 24 is around in the purple and gold. Best case scenario - both Ariza and Odom take lower money and play for the dynasty. That'd be sick.

I shudder to think that everybody is deluded by Kobe's new "team first ethos". They just ran an article on ESPN that pretty much summed it up for me: Kobe is still a 'me-first' guy. He tried to stick the daggers in pretty much every game!! Not particularly 'team-oriented' to me. However, Odom, Ariza, and Gasol all stepped up big time, and Fisher is just an old steady hand whose heroics will define his career.

Honestly, though, sometimes I am ashamed to be a Los Angelean. Yes, I was thrilled by the Lakers winning. Yes, they deserve it. But was I thrilled enough to RIOT?! Hell no! What the ****?!!? Real class act, guys; no wonder the rest of the US hates LakerNation, we're bat-sh*t insane. No way I'm going to party it up with people who think a city's basketball team winning the NBA championship is reason enough to steal some shoes and destroy some cars. (Don't kill me arctic, I mean no offense :( )

I raise my frosty mug to you, Lakers.

A 'Team Player' Laker Fan

arcticreaver 06-16-2009 08:24 PM

they are not going to let odom or ariza go. luxury tax is not an issue with the lakers. we have one of the biggest markets and doc buss don't let this dynasty in the making just disappear without another try. looking forward to the lakers in june in 2010.

CrownR426 06-17-2009 09:44 AM

You guys in LA must've had fun that night... :shakes head:

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