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wishihadnav 04-23-2010 05:30 PM

Mayweather or Mosley??
damn i hope Shayne knocks the sH!t outta him!..haha

rench 04-23-2010 06:37 PM

lol.... I agree. But still have the feeling mayweather will do like every other fight hes won lately, use his speed to land little jabs and run... Just hope mosley has enough speed left to get to mayweather.

MC 04-23-2010 10:34 PM

im gonna take the safe bet and say mayweather by decision but personally im happy he is fighting mosely instead of Paq because i think mosley has a better chance of beating him... im not gonna rent this for $60 but will go to a sports bar and watch.. i predict a technical fight that one way or the other goes the distance

PapoZalsa 04-25-2010 08:57 PM

I would it prefer to see Mayweather and the Pacman. But I think Mayweather will outlast Mosley.

blue660r01 04-25-2010 09:03 PM

whens the fight?

PapoZalsa 04-25-2010 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by blue660r01 (Post 513026)
whens the fight?

Next weekend, May 1.

Floyd Mayweather, Shane Mosley nearly come to blows in New York - - Boxing

wishihadnav 04-26-2010 01:56 PM

i agree that Floyd is gonna act like a lil' bish and throw his counterpunches and score points..he doesn's really want to mix it up with Shayne..hopefully Shayne catches him!!

vash_241987 04-26-2010 03:01 PM

Mayweather is in it for the money, so expect alot of counter punches and running away, the usual not so stellar performance.

wishihadnav 04-26-2010 03:49 PM

i'd be in it for the money to!!!..haha..

B1nks 04-26-2010 03:57 PM

Agreeing with Vash especially since Mosley doesn't have a strong jab like Mayweather and Mayweather is much quick than Mosley. Unless he catches a really clean hook he will not be knocking Mosley out but Mosley is too old and needs to retire. This fight is a joke IMHO ! I would possibly pay for Mayweather v. Pac but not this..not even close. Mayweather by almost all rounds is my prediction.

wishihadnav 04-26-2010 04:08 PM

^^i have to disagree with you...Shayne's pretty quick himself..not as quick as Floyd but quick...Shayne has more power in his hands as remember last year when he knocked out Margarito WITH his hands cemented up?'ll be a great fight...i just hope Shayne can corner Floyd and land some bombs...Floyd has no power...he'll just land his shots and run as always..

wishihadnav 04-26-2010 04:10 PM

if Margarito with dipped tape couldn't knock out Shayne...No one will...Shayne's never been KO'd n only lost on decisions...this will be an EPIC fight and Floyd is SCARED...haha!

vash_241987 04-26-2010 04:27 PM

^^^ the dipping reminds me of a CSI episode where a boxer injected mercury into his gloves :D.....don't know if its plausible, but man that would not be smart move.

wishihadnav 04-26-2010 05:17 PM

haha..mercury in gloves...

HT Rambler 04-30-2010 03:45 AM

I'll take that scary undefeated guy :ughdance:
can you say HATERS ?!

wishihadnav 04-30-2010 11:27 AM

dang Shayne's at +285...i should place a wager..haha..

sylenze 04-30-2010 12:25 PM

its +330 at mgm sports books... got him for a couple of bills and another for a knockout win...

wishihadnav 04-30-2010 12:29 PM

good find...i might have to jump on that..

370Zsteve 05-01-2010 02:46 PM

Mayweather by unanimous decision. :tup:

wishihadnav 05-01-2010 03:11 PM

^^most likely yeah...but i hope he gets caught by Shayne...cant wait!!

sylenze 05-01-2010 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by 370Zsteve (Post 521078)
Mayweather by unanimous decision. :tup:

i think its a consensus that the most likely outcome is mayweather by unanimous decision... the questions is, what are the odds that mosley will win or knock him out... i think there's a still a good chance that he will and the payouts are good enough to actually put money on it...

HT Rambler 05-02-2010 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by HT Rambler (Post 519509)
I'll take that scary undefeated guy :ughdance:
can you say HATERS ?!

I'm surprised the analyst are not out yet , Money Mayweather with another boxing clinic. Total domination , not even close 1 round for Shane the 2nd why did he get the first round where no one did anything ???
So come on all haters about how he ran , how he did this and that , 42 later the same story :happydance:
Now Pac man take the test and let's get it on !!! If you aint scared why not take the test and get it over with ????? Untill you can answer that question be quiet !! Also all you May haters please explain why he won't test. Don't came here with all this other propaganda just tell me why he wont test. :stirthepot:

vash_241987 05-02-2010 11:13 AM

Want to know why I'm such a hater, in a Ring magazine he accused all filipinos of being liars and cheater and that the best performance enhanced drugs come from the philippines (like he would know). If he accused one filipino, fine, but the ******* decied to point the finger at my countrymen. If they wanted pac to take the drug test, then I want the mayweathers to produce this "magical" PED that use filipinos are know to make and use. Thats right I'm drawing the ******* racist card out....

ct63084 05-02-2010 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by HT Rambler (Post 521755)
I'm surprised the analyst are not out yet , Money Mayweather with another boxing clinic. Total domination , not even close 1 round for Shane the 2nd why did he get the first round where no one did anything ???
So come on all haters about how he ran , how he did this and that , 42 later the same story :happydance:
Now Pac man take the test and let's get it on !!! If you aint scared why not take the test and get it over with ????? Untill you can answer that question be quiet !! Also all you May haters please explain why he won't test. Don't came here with all this other propaganda just tell me why he wont test. :stirthepot:

I'm not a may hater, but dude why does pacman need to take a blood test. Even the athletic nevada commission say's it's unecessary. You have absolutely zero i mean zero evidence that the man is juicing give me just one valid one and then i'll agree with you. Actually you know what just find me an expert that says manny looks like he is taking steroids then i will agree with you. That's the same commission that's in charge for testing mma, boxing etc. I love money may but he pulls this bs all the time dodging fighters. Let the nevada commission do they job and let's get the fight going. Actually there's more evidence that money dodge fighters than manny taking steroids.

I love mayweather i've watched him since he fought jose luis castillo i always defend this dude against pactards. But there's a reason why he has been in the welterweight division for years and last night was the first real welterweight he actually fought mind you the dude is 38 years old.

BTW that was a boxing clinic last night. Did you see that punch that caught him and how smoothly he grabbed mosley's hand i thought that **** was genius.

ct63084 05-02-2010 01:06 PM

This man right here is a bert sugar one of the most popular and respected boxing expert.

vash_241987 05-02-2010 01:08 PM

Mayweather is likes to play mind games with opponents before the fight, his favorite boxer is Ali who also use to psych out opponents. Maybe this is the reason why pac and roach did not want to kneel to the mayweathers maybe not. Jr. is a good fighter and tactician, but I still don't like his attitude JIMO.

Mayweather exposed -, Philippine News for Filipinos

wishihadnav 05-02-2010 02:35 PM

Good fight..prettyboy just out pointed shayne n he deserves his props..hope the manny fight comes off soon!!

HT Rambler 05-03-2010 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by vash_241987 (Post 521792)
Want to know why I'm such a hater, in a Ring magazine he accused all filipinos of being liars and cheater and that the best performance enhanced drugs come from the philippines (like he would know). If he accused one filipino, fine, but the ******* decied to point the finger at my countrymen. If they wanted pac to take the drug test, then I want the mayweathers to produce this "magical" PED that use filipinos are know to make and use. Thats right I'm drawing the ******* racist card out....

And your reason for not taking the test is what ??? It's o.k. to play the **************** race card. Just won 't win you any fights. If you and your fellow countrymen are not guilty , take the test ??:tup:

HT Rambler 05-03-2010 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by ct63084 (Post 521884)
I'm not a may hater, but dude why does pacman need to take a blood test. Even the athletic nevada commission say's it's unecessary. You have absolutely zero i mean zero evidence that the man is juicing give me just one valid one and then i'll agree with you. Actually you know what just find me an expert that says manny looks like he is taking steroids then i will agree with you. That's the same commission that's in charge for testing mma, boxing etc. I love money may but he pulls this bs all the time dodging fighters. Let the nevada commission do they job and let's get the fight going. Actually there's more evidence that money dodge fighters than manny taking steroids.

I love mayweather i've watched him since he fought jose luis castillo i always defend this dude against pactards. But there's a reason why he has been in the welterweight division for years and last night was the first real welterweight he actually fought mind you the dude is 38 years old.

BTW that was a boxing clinic last night. Did you see that punch that caught him and how smoothly he grabbed mosley's hand i thought that **** was genius.

And your reason for not taking the test is ............?????????????????
I like how many play the mine games on themselves to justify the truth. ei... Money is dodging by asking for tests (the funniest thing i ever heard) So if you believe thats really true then you man up take the test and put the ball in his court ????? Seems pretty simple uh???
You can quote hundreds of rules , officials , sportscasters , etc.. but until you man up shut up !!!;)

HT Rambler 05-03-2010 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by wishihadnav (Post 521997)
Good fight..prettyboy just out pointed shayne n he deserves his props..hope the manny fight comes off soon!!

He always does !!!! :tup:

HT Rambler 05-03-2010 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by ct63084 (Post 521902)
This man right here is a bert sugar one of the most popular and respected boxing expert.

Let me get this right , Money was using this to get into pac's head , then the vegas odds makers got into Money's head. Then Money is not afraid of loosing to pac but afraid of loosing. Now that that is clear as mud and makes all the since in the world (Because he said it):icon14:
If i was in pacs corner and was confident and not only confident knew Money was scared (of something , hadn't figured out what yet?) I would have Tied pac to a stretcher and made him take the test !!! But maybe Pac's people dont have youtube ???

HT Rambler 05-03-2010 10:24 AM

Let's make this simple folks. Leave your emotions off of the keyboard.
Let's do a hypothetical: Your son is a championship ???? ah let's say basket weaver. He is undefeated in basket weaving. 100-0.
now here comes another basket weaver challenges your son , the challenger will definatley make the biggest payday of his life.
Champion says o.k. all baskets and needles will be inspcted before start of fight and it's on.
challenger backs out..... ah your scared , ah you insulted me , listen to marv albert etc. etc....
IF my son came home and told me that i won't fight because we need to test and my son refused to fight i would rush himto the doctor a.s.ap. not complain about why the test was nec...
Ever seen say a licence check or inspection check ???? All those people going to it are not scared , the ones you see tryin to turn around ...hmmmm;)

vash_241987 05-03-2010 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by HT Rambler (Post 522816)
And your reason for not taking the test is what ??? It's o.k. to play the **************** race card. Just won 't win you any fights. If you and your fellow countrymen are not guilty , take the test ??:tup:

Cause he does not have to!!!! Why succumb to your oppents wants? As the vid stated Jr. was afraid of losing, why didn't he ask blood test from marquez and other fighter? If he is so good, why worry about a filipino that has no skill (as his father stated) and force him to do a test? Its not required by NV to take a blood test. Its a ******* mind game for mayweather he likes to get under peoples, so why do it if its just for own pleasure? They take test after the fight so if pac was PED then he could be disqualified. All these mayweather fans are saying that pac is hiding something just cause Sr. brought it up, damn fool can't make up his mind, says the pac sucks, yet now the clearly states that he is using PED. If Sr. was SOOO ******* certain that us filipinos had a magical drug then produce it (which they probably have used since they are so knowledgeable of the drug)

Quote from The Ring magazine April 2010:

Jr. "because we know the philippines got the BEST enhancement drugs."

So my question to you is what is this PED that we make? Where it is? Can you find a sample? Maybe its just really good coffee that the us filipnos make? Maybe its the balut that we have?

Its filipino pride dude, why be forced to do something that you don't have to do? Maybe the pride has to do with being under different dictators and countries oppressing the people?

It def. would have been easier if pac just did the test, but it pac not me

cliff notes: Pac did not do blood test cause he doesn't have to. Jr./Sr. should provide a sample of this "PED" that filipinos make.

P.S. sorry dude, but you got my blood boiling, lol ;)

vash_241987 05-03-2010 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by HT Rambler (Post 522865)
Let's make this simple folks. Leave your emotions off of the keyboard.
Let's do a hypothetical: Your son is a championship ???? ah let's say basket weaver. He is undefeated in basket weaving. 100-0.
now here comes another basket weaver challenges your son , the challenger will definatley make the biggest payday of his life.
Champion says o.k. all baskets and needles will be inspcted before start of fight and it's on.
challenger backs out..... ah your scared , ah you insulted me , listen to marv albert etc. etc....
IF my son came home and told me that i won't fight because we need to test and my son refused to fight i would rush himto the doctor a.s.ap. not complain about why the test was nec...
Ever seen say a licence check or inspection check ???? All those people going to it are not scared , the ones you see tryin to turn around ...hmmmm;)

well see thats you, your not filipino, you don't think like us. We like to be respected and don't take to kindly to those that insult us. My countrymen had enough **** from previous dictators. We don't think like the rest of america, have you ever though that maybe its a cultural thing?

370Zsteve 05-03-2010 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by vash_241987 (Post 521792)
Want to know why I'm such a hater, in a Ring magazine he accused all filipinos of being liars and cheater and that the best performance enhanced drugs come from the philippines (like he would know). If he accused one filipino, fine, but the ******* decied to point the finger at my countrymen. If they wanted pac to take the drug test, then I want the mayweathers to produce this "magical" PED that use filipinos are know to make and use. Thats right I'm drawing the ******* racist card out....

Ah, it's just the usual trash talk happens all the time in boxing. I seriously doubt he thinks everyone in The Phillipines is a liar, vash! He wanted to rile up the audience, seems he accomplished the mission!

370Zsteve 05-03-2010 11:10 AM

Phucking Ow!

vash_241987 05-03-2010 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by 370Zsteve (Post 522896)
Ah, it's just the usual trash talk happens all the time in boxing. I seriously doubt he thinks everyone in The Phillipines is a liar, vash! He wanted to rile up the audience, seems he accomplished the mission!

Yeah true, its a filipino thing, almost like pissing off an irish dude :roflpuke2: I worked I admit it.

370Zsteve 05-03-2010 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by vash_241987 (Post 522903)
Yeah true, its a filipino thing, almost like pissing off an irish dude :roflpuke2: I worked I admit it.

I'm Irish, and I approve this message :tup:

vash_241987 05-03-2010 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by 370Zsteve (Post 522898)

I'm glad I actually got to see mayweather fight toe-to-toe, even though I hate him :happydance: it was good to see a good fight from him w/o the running in/out and counter punches. Filipinos thoroughly enjoy boxing, maybe cause its something we are good at and, and maybe I'm just so up tight is cause pac IS one of the best things that came out from the philippines, he so good that he stopped the NPA (new peoples army) and the philippine military from fighting for one day.

vash_241987 05-03-2010 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by 370Zsteve (Post 522909)
I'm Irish, and I approve this message :tup:

Hmmm maybe thats why I liked boondock saints so much...or maybe its just the violence and guns...:excited:

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