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Waiz 07-30-2013 01:32 PM

GT-R Hit and Run in Koreatown Kills Bicyclist - Help ID the Car
This happened awhile ago but the owner was never caught, if anyone knows who's car this is please contact the LAPD with info. :shakes head:

Distinctive Nissan GT-R Sought in Fatal Koreatown Hit-&-Run (VIDEO) - Los Angeles - News - The Informer

DEpointfive0 07-30-2013 01:34 PM

(It was posted here before)

verdict. 07-30-2013 01:44 PM

Very sad... but the driver shouldn't have ran. He wouldn't have been in any trouble if he would have stayed at the scene (unless he had been drinking, etc).

FairladyZ10PG 07-30-2013 01:51 PM

Why didn't anyone take a picture of the GTR's License plate?
That would have been the second thing I would've done after calling 911.

bfowlzr33 07-30-2013 02:00 PM

old man, y u crossing the street while the light is green late at night? either way this dude should have gotten out to see if he was okay. and it clearly was a mistake and its not like he ran a red light so why did he run? beats me

MX52Z 07-30-2013 02:06 PM

How about identifying all those other people who didn't give a damn enough to help.

eastwest2300 07-30-2013 02:19 PM

Thats sad man... damn. :shakes head:

Zbrah 07-30-2013 02:28 PM

Sucks for the driver as well, it wasn't his fault causing the accident, but he has to live with the fact he took some body's life. Should have remained at the scene regardless if it was his fault or not. Smart move is to turn himself in now before someone identifies him.

eastwest2300 07-30-2013 02:41 PM

People that do this kinda sh1t ALWAYS get caught..

HelluvaG 07-30-2013 02:52 PM

maybe they have traffic cams in the area along that street that could have caught footage of the gtr or the audi goin down that stretch of road.

Jasonle 07-30-2013 03:07 PM

Very very sad :(

ElVee 07-30-2013 04:05 PM

Yeah, from what you can see, there's nothing that GTR could have done to anticipate the bicyclist who was crossing a street against the lights.

But he should have stopped to render aid.

Then again, you never know. Maybe the GTR has been the victim of insurance fraud? Would he have stopped had he known there was a camera nearby to corroborate his story? Was he intoxicated or otherwise driving dirty? Have a record or suspended license?

This is just part of why you should always drive sensibly and legally. Even if you do nothing wrong, you may invite LEO interaction if you even see or are the victim of an accident, let alone a main instigator.

Waiz 07-31-2013 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by DEpointfive0 (Post 2425221)
(It was posted here before)

Driver is stil not found even though this happened in April

Doesn't hurt to get the word out

DEpointfive0 07-31-2013 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Waizzz (Post 2426726)
Driver is stil not found even though this happened in April

Doesn't hurt to get the word out

I meant there's a thread on it here, that is all :tup:

Streetlife 07-31-2013 11:34 AM

Very sad! For the victim and his family, i hope they catch the GT-R driver. He really did nothing wrong until after the actual accident, but to switch drivers after he pulled up ahead and switched seats with his passenger indicates the driver was probably intoxicated. I always look both ways once my light is green just in case, seen too many people run lights and kill innocent people ( i've been hit by a drunk driver before, hit and run too!). Also, that was sad how so many passed the poor man on the street without rendering some type of aid, just when you think people can't go any lower.:shakes head:

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