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tru_Asiatik 04-12-2010 11:56 PM

Autoclub speedway street legal drag May 1st 2010
anyone going? i want to go but dont want to go alone...

Street Legal Drags - Auto Club Speedway

Auto Club Speedway
9300 Cherry Avenue
Fontana, CA 92335

Gates open at 6:00 a.m.

Race your own car for only $20

Watch your friends race for only $10

***MEET SPOT****
Meet between 5:30 - 5:45 at

Carls Jr.
14454 Valley Blvd
Fontana, CA 92335

Go through Tech and then set up a common pit area for all of our stuff.

1. Tru Asiatik(Marco)
2. Minicobra(Braden)
3. Tresfr(mark)

OMGWTFBBQ 04-13-2010 01:40 AM

My friends and I are going! We usually meet up at the Carls Jr. on the corner of Valley and Cherry at 5:45AM.

tru_Asiatik 04-13-2010 01:55 AM

coo... ill start the list

1. Tru Asiatik
3. Minicobra(where you at braden lol)

*Sal(i Run LA) you down??

tru_Asiatik 04-13-2010 01:59 AM

btw is this rule enforced?
if so anyone have an extra helmet?? :D

Required in all vehicles faster than 13.99 seconds. Helmet must meet SNELL 95 or better standards (must have label inside of helmet). NOTE: In January 2007 the requirement will be SNELL 2000 or better.

im not saying ill go faster than 13.99....but just in case lol

Tresfr 04-14-2010 08:23 PM

Just got my Z 3 weeks ago planning on going
I am new to this forum and my car is only 3 weeks old but has 900 miles on it so by the 1st I think I will be good to go. Not sure if I will have my Stillen Exhaust on yet but at the very least I will get a baseline.

I Run L.A. 04-14-2010 09:00 PM

im about 70% sure i can go.. once we get closer i can confirm..

Minicobra1 04-16-2010 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by tru_Asiatik (Post 494452)
coo... ill start the list

1. Tru Asiatik
3. Minicobra

*Sal(i Run LA) you down??

I'm in :tup:

1. Tru Asiatik
3. Minicobra

Minicobra1 04-21-2010 05:47 AM

Bump :tup:

tru_Asiatik 04-21-2010 09:19 AM

comin up :D

wishihadnav 04-22-2010 11:50 AM

they'll need proof of valid registration and insurance as well...shoudl be fun!

OMGWTFBBQ 04-22-2010 12:46 PM

Yeah. Remember to bring valid/current registration and insurance for your vehicle. Driver's license too obviously. They accept credit cards for the $10/$20, but please bring cash. You're just holding up the line if you use card.

Look for the 370z running 15's. That'll be me. :ugh2:

BLUESLATE 04-22-2010 01:59 PM

Was there few weeks ago...

I Run L.A. 04-22-2010 02:12 PM

Dont worry ill be running the same. I have been needing tires, so i doubt ill get any good traction.


Originally Posted by OMGWTFBBQ (Post 508351)
Yeah. Remember to bring valid/current registration and insurance for your vehicle. Driver's license too obviously. They accept credit cards for the $10/$20, but please bring cash. You're just holding up the line if you use card.

Look for the 370z running 15's. That'll be me. :ugh2:

Tresfr 04-27-2010 01:01 AM

I'm in for sure
I have changed my mind from Stillen CBE to Invidia CBE because the fitment and build quality seems to be better with the Invidia. It also seems to be the consensus that exhaust volume seems to go F1, Berk, Stillen, Invidia, Nismo and I don't want a loud exhaust this time around. The bad news is it is being shipped from Florida tomorrow so I will not have it installed until next week. The good news is I still want to go and can get a true baseline as my car now has 1400 miles and is completely stock.

Braden and I may caravan as we live a few minutes apart. I would like to suggest we all meet up at the same time maybe at the Carls Junior a few others have mentioned because if we do not roll in at the exact same time we may be in different staging lanes when entering tech. From experience there can be a 1.5 hour difference between the first staging lane that gets into tech and the last.

Also, if we all get through tech at the same time maybe we can set up a coral for all of our stuff. Chairs, Coolers, Spare Tires, and anything else we bring. This helps to maintain a good pit area throughout the day without having to hunt for parking spaces after the runs.

Let me know what you guys think. and just a reminder for everyone to bring their helmets because we are all going under 13.99 or selling our cars the next day

tru_Asiatik 04-27-2010 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Tresfr (Post 514917)
I have changed my mind from Stillen CBE to Invidia CBE because the fitment and build quality seems to be better with the Invidia. It also seems to be the consensus that exhaust volume seems to go F1, Berk, Stillen, Invidia, Nismo and I don't want a loud exhaust this time around. The bad news is it is being shipped from Florida tomorrow so I will not have it installed until next week. The good news is I still want to go and can get a true baseline as my car now has 1400 miles and is completely stock.

Braden and I may caravan as we live a few minutes apart. I would like to suggest we all meet up at the same time maybe at the Carls Junior a few others have mentioned because if we do not roll in at the exact same time we may be in different staging lanes when entering tech. From experience there can be a 1.5 hour difference between the first staging lane that gets into tech and the last.

Also, if we all get through tech at the same time maybe we can set up a coral for all of our stuff. Chairs, Coolers, Spare Tires, and anything else we bring. This helps to maintain a good pit area throughout the day without having to hunt for parking spaces after the runs.

Let me know what you guys think. and just a reminder for everyone to bring their helmets because we are all going under 13.99 or selling our cars the next day

set it up time/place address and ill be there :tup:
ill add it to the first post

*im down with carls jr just name the time
sal u down to caravan?

Tresfr 04-27-2010 01:34 AM

This would probably work

Originally Posted by tru_Asiatik (Post 514924)
set it up time/place address and ill be there :tup:
ill add it to the first post

*im down with carls jr just name the time
sal u down to caravan?

Meet between 5:30 - 5:45 at

Carls Jr.
14454 Valley Blvd
Fontana, CA 92335

Go through Tech and then set up a common pit area for all of our stuff.

Fastest 370Z E.T of the day gets to explain driving prowess on The370Forum and then be awarded 1 shiny new rep point by the second fastest of the day

tru_Asiatik 04-27-2010 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Tresfr (Post 514933)
Meet between 5:30 - 5:45 at

Carls Jr.
14454 Valley Blvd
Fontana, CA 92335

Go through Tech and then set up a common pit area for all of our stuff.

Fastest 370Z E.T of the day gets to explain driving prowess on The370Forum and then be awarded 1 shiny new rep point by the second fastest of the day

added to top

wow im going to need to wake up at 4am to get there on time lol

I Run L.A. 04-27-2010 12:54 PM

Dont know yet if ill be able to make it. They started working on my front bumper and it has primer in a couple of spots. I dont think it will be painted in time for saturday.. :mad:

Minicobra1 04-27-2010 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by I Run L.A. (Post 515376)
Dont know yet if ill be able to make it. They started working on my front bumper and it has primer in a couple of spots. I dont think it will be painted in time for saturday.. :mad:

Yeah, I might not be able to make it either, at least with the "Z" maybe I'll bring the Mini Cooper out there. "Z" was towed to the dealer on Monday, they are saying parts probably won't be in till the end of the week, first of next week.
Here is why:

tru_Asiatik 04-27-2010 08:04 PM

boo sal, boo braden lol
sal what happend to your bumper?

braden yeah bring the mini i want to see it run
sux on the key problem :(
hopefully they get part and fix b4 sat

OMGWTFBBQ 04-27-2010 08:06 PM

Hmmm... looks like I'll be going to the event, but only as a spectator this time around. Sorry guys!

I Run L.A. 04-27-2010 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by tru_Asiatik (Post 516062)
boo sal, boo braden lol
sal what happend to your bumper?

braden yeah bring the mini i want to see it run
sux on the key problem :(
hopefully they get part and fix b4 sat

tru_Asiatik 04-27-2010 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by I Run L.A. (Post 516078)

just bring it! hookers about the primer lol :D

Tresfr 04-28-2010 12:27 AM

I'm putting my car in a bubble
Between now and Saturday I think I am going to put my car in a bubble so no one runs into it and it won't have a mechanical problem.

It seems the list is down to 2 people and maybe 3. Braden I say you bring the Mini because my experience from running my mini is that people are much more impressed by a 14 second mini than a 12 second mustang or 13 second Z. I ran 14.96 with my 2007 JCW Cooper S but it was 98 degrees that weekend so I think you could go faster. The Mini was a good AutoX car and a fair Track Car but at the Strip I got more props and a kill on a 2008 dodge charger that had to be uncomfortable for him.

There are no other 370Z's in Socal that want to run. This is a chance to run the strip on a 70 degree day. There are only about 3 more weekends in 2010 and I bet 2 of them the weather will be 95 in Fontana

tru_Asiatik 04-28-2010 08:30 AM

mines hiding in the garage lol
psych about this event:tup:

Originally Posted by Tresfr (Post 516577)
Between now and Saturday I think I am going to put my car in a bubble so no one runs into it and it won't have a mechanical problem.

It seems the list is down to 2 people and maybe 3. Braden I say you bring the Mini because my experience from running my mini is that people are much more impressed by a 14 second mini than a 12 second mustang or 13 second Z. I ran 14.96 with my 2007 JCW Cooper S but it was 98 degrees that weekend so I think you could go faster. The Mini was a good AutoX car and a fair Track Car but at the Strip I got more props and a kill on a 2008 dodge charger that had to be uncomfortable for him.

There are no other 370Z's in Socal that want to run. This is a chance to run the strip on a 70 degree day. There are only about 3 more weekends in 2010 and I bet 2 of them the weather will be 95 in Fontana

tbonesteak 04-28-2010 03:20 PM

if someone lends me a helmet i'm game!!!

tru_Asiatik 04-28-2010 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by tbonesteak (Post 517185)
if someone lends me a helmet i'm game!!!

i dont have one :(
are they really strict about it?
if so can we rent??(altho i hate renting anything ppl use on there heads)
braden u have a spare? :D

Tresfr 04-28-2010 10:12 PM

Some info that may help

Originally Posted by tru_Asiatik (Post 517530)
i dont have one :(
are they really strict about it?
if so can we rent??(altho i hate renting anything ppl use on there heads)
braden u have a spare? :D

One pass under 13.99 without a helmet and you are done.
Helmets are tough because you sweat on the padding and very few people are comfortable swapping helmets unless it is an extra one they never use or maybe a brother from another mother.

Luckily one of my buddies with a built 05 mustang and another one with a 2009 SS Camaro are coming along with me because it appears I may be the only 370 left in the group running.

If no one else but me can make it please let me know so I can bypass the Carls Jr. segment of the program. If someone still wants to go I will gladly stop by Carls still.

Tru Asiatik - You will need a SA2000 Rated Auto Racing Helmet for most Auto X and track day events. What may come as good news is the Drag strip at Fontana allows M rated motorcyle helmets so if you know anyone with a motorcycle who has an M2000 or better that would work..
Motorcycle helmets can be had from 60-99 dollars but I'm not sure in your area who would have them cheap. Walmart had a black bell open face for 49 but not sure if it is found in stores anymore.

tru_Asiatik 04-28-2010 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Tresfr (Post 517761)
One pass under 13.99 without a helmet and you are done.
Helmets are tough because you sweat on the padding and very few people are comfortable swapping helmets unless it is an extra one they never use or maybe a brother from another mother.

Luckily one of my buddies with a built 05 mustang and another one with a 2009 SS Camaro are coming along with me because it appears I may be the only 370 left in the group running.

If no one else but me can make it please let me know so I can bypass the Carls Jr. segment of the program. If someone still wants to go I will gladly stop by Carls still.

Tru Asiatik - You will need a SA2000 Rated Auto Racing Helmet for most Auto X and track day events. What may come as good news is the Drag strip at Fontana allows M rated motorcyle helmets so if you know anyone with a motorcycle who has an M2000 or better that would work..
Motorcycle helmets can be had from 60-99 dollars but I'm not sure in your area who would have them cheap. Walmart had a black bell open face for 49 but not sure if it is found in stores anymore.

i have a motorcycle shop thats really close to me
im looking at hjc i guess my budget is 150-200(for now)

would this work? it says approve but i dunno if its Snell2000
Untitled Document

just found the helmet is snell M2010 rated im assuming that would work...?

Tresfr 04-28-2010 11:57 PM

Yes that would work
You should be able to find a helmet in plain black or white for about 100 bucks at a local motor cycle shop. Put a few vinyl stickers on a plain helmet and to me that looks much better than graphic helmets anyway. Especially for an auto helmet. 2000 is just a production year reference so any new M or SA Helmet will do. If a shop has old ones in stock make sure it is 2000 or above.

Cycle Gear which has many stores throughout CA and has a store locator on their website has HJC Plain Black Helmets call the nearest store once you have chosen a few different models to see what they have in store.


Snell M2010 approved

tru_Asiatik 04-29-2010 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Tresfr (Post 517925)
You should be able to find a helmet in plain black or white for about 100 bucks at a local motor cycle shop. Put a few vinyl stickers on a plain helmet and to me that looks much better than graphic helmets anyway. Especially for an auto helmet. 2000 is just a production year reference so any new M or SA Helmet will do. If a shop has old ones in stock make sure it is 2000 or above.

Cycle Gear which has many stores throughout CA and has a store locator on their website has HJC Plain Black Helmets call the nearest store once you have chosen a few different models to see what they have in store.


Snell M2010 approved

lol thats actually where im going its a few blocks from where i live
thanks for the info ill go 2morrow and keep u posted:tup:

tbonesteak 04-29-2010 01:26 AM

darn it i was getting excited about this!!!

Tresfr 04-29-2010 01:35 AM

One other suggestion

Originally Posted by tbonesteak (Post 517982)
darn it i was getting excited about this!!!

The first two runs or so work on your 60ft and 1/8th mile and right before the finish line let off and coast through to a just over 13.99 pass. After you get the launch and shifting down make your last pass as fast as you can and then they will just tell you next time that you need a helmet but it will be your last pass anyway.

This is not ideal but one of my buddies who has a supercharged 1989 Saleen that makes about 700hp has to do this because this track has a no faster than 9.99 quarter mile allowed and he waits to break that time until the last pass.

tbonesteak 04-29-2010 09:51 AM

I don't know if i'm willing to wake up at 4:30 in the morning on a saturday to go to a drag strip 70 miles away to cost down the finish line....doesn't work. Oh well, next time. Thanks for your suggestion tho.

klubbheads 04-29-2010 10:44 AM

Has anyone ran here. I'm curious to know what the 370Zs run here. I would love to go but got a gig to do the whole day. :(

RedlineZ 04-29-2010 01:33 PM

I was planning on going, but I'll be running up at Streets of Willow on Sunday and didn't want to stress the car out too much. I guess a couple of passes won't hurt though... I can't stay beyond 2 or 3 p.m. anyway. Or maybe I'll just bring the "work" Mazda 3.

Tresfr 04-29-2010 04:49 PM

A few passes in 70 degree weather won't stress the car at all

Originally Posted by RedlineZ (Post 518521)
I was planning on going, but I'll be running up at Streets of Willow on Sunday and didn't want to stress the car out too much. I guess a couple of passes won't hurt though... I can't stay beyond 2 or 3 p.m. anyway. Or maybe I'll just bring the "work" Mazda 3.

Come on down I'm sure a few passes in 70 degree weather won't stress the car at all.

Post here if you are going to go so some of us meet you at the Carls Jr. in Fontana.

tru_Asiatik 04-29-2010 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Tresfr (Post 518776)
Come on down I'm sure a few passes in 70 degree weather won't stress the car at all.

Post here if you are going to go so some of us meet you at the Carls Jr. in Fontana.

i will be there
just keep in mind im coming from the san fernando valley so its about an hour or so away i will try to be there asap

btw i got a moto helmet M2005 for $80 its a 707
i guess it will do the job for now:tup:

wishihadnav 04-29-2010 07:21 PM

^^haha..i got a Pyrotech open face flat black..size XL brand new/never worn on track...$120 pickup..
Pyrotect :: Helmets :: Pyrotect :: Pro Airflow SA Series Open Face Flat Black

OMGWTFBBQ 04-29-2010 09:13 PM

Either way, I'm going to be at the Carl's Jr. at around 5:45AM. A bunch of my Civic friends :ugh2: are meeting up with me there and rolling in together.

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