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Huck 03-22-2012 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by cheshirecat (Post 1614610)
yeah, finally, but it's still not fixed. waiting on a part. durr.

I feel your pain Cheshire, I've been going back and forth with my dealershit about my car. The door locks would unlock themselves in the middle of the night, and sometimes randomly when I would be driving. The ecu is emitting a high frequency noise that's really irritating. They tried to tell me the noise was the aftermarket cd player that wasn't grounded properly, and they ordered the part for the locks. They installed the lock part, I get it back, it still has the lock problem, they scratched the plastic piece on the door where a tweeter would go, and now my driver side window won't roll up unless the door is closed. And when I open the door the window goes down a bit, then I close the door and it doesn't go back up. I have to leave the car running, climb in the passenger side and roll it up with the switch, then turn the car off and climb out. And my ECU is still whining. Super ghey PITA...

Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new fangled science stuff.

whoLEEoh 03-22-2012 08:33 PM

Did anyone in Miami crash yesterday? There was a 370z in a median with the rear tire out. Looks like it hit it so hard it knocked the wheel off. Hope it's no one on here

cheshirecat 03-23-2012 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Huck (Post 1614707)
I feel your pain Cheshire, I've been going back and forth with my dealershit about my car. The door locks would unlock themselves in the middle of the night, and sometimes randomly when I would be driving. The ecu is emitting a high frequency noise that's really irritating. They tried to tell me the noise was the aftermarket cd player that wasn't grounded properly, and they ordered the part for the locks. They installed the lock part, I get it back, it still has the lock problem, they scratched the plastic piece on the door where a tweeter would go, and now my driver side window won't roll up unless the door is closed. And when I open the door the window goes down a bit, then I close the door and it doesn't go back up. I have to leave the car running, climb in the passenger side and roll it up with the switch, then turn the car off and climb out. And my ECU is still whining. Super ghey PITA...
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new fangled science stuff.

Yeah- I ended up taking it to the Nissan dealership down here in WPB off of Blue Heron blvd. I had the service advisor sit in the car so I could show him the whine.

They ended up ordering the ECM (the official nissan term for ecu) but it was for a base, not sport touring, so it didn't work out. The replacement part is currently on order.

In regard to your window issues, have you tried resetting the ECM by disconnecting the negative terminal and holding down the brake for a minute to drain it? Wondering if the windows are messed up because of that somehow.

Niche79 03-23-2012 09:43 AM

Can anyone tell me about the small town of Okeechobee? My fiance just got a call today for a job lead down there, she said its a good one and was vouched for hence the call. I know its kinda in the middle of no where but how far is it from 95 etc so we can still do normal stuff? lol Thanks guys.

WOW so she just got ANOTHER call from Ft Pierce who wants to set up an interview with her! DANG things are looking up! I get get outa no where ville FL and hang with a big group of Z ppl! :) Whoever called those places and said have her down, THANK YOU:) Ill buy you a beer if she gets hired!

Huck 03-23-2012 10:04 AM

A quick google map search on my iPhone says that you will be 20-45 minutes west of 95, and about an hour away from Vero, depending on where exactly you settle.

I am here:,-80.686508
Sent from my iPhizzle using magic and new fangled science stuff

cheshirecat 03-23-2012 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Niche79 (Post 1616344)
Can anyone tell me about the small town of Okeechobee? My fiance just got a call today for a job lead down there, she said its a good one and was vouched for hence the call. I know its kinda in the middle of no where but how far is it from 95 etc so we can still do normal stuff? lol Thanks guys.

Okeechobee is the biggest town around Lake Okeechobee. It has a Walmart and three-screen movie theater. The people are generally very nice, but don't expect it to be anything like Vero, PSL or WPB. It's VERY rural. If you want entertainment other than the three-screen theater, you'll be driving at least an hour as Huck mentioned.


WOW so she just got ANOTHER call from Ft Pierce who wants to set up an interview with her! DANG things are looking up! I get get outa no where ville FL and hang with a big group of Z ppl! :) Whoever called those places and said have her down, THANK YOU:) Ill buy you a beer if she gets hired!
I'd say Vero is definitely the better bet. It's closer to the coast and closer to fun stuff to do. :)

Huck 03-23-2012 01:59 PM

Haha that makes me think of this one town that I've driven through before, I think it's on 192 towards kissimee or something, it was something about bear or bear paw or something, anyway it's like one road with a gas station and 4 or 5 houses. You literally drive through the "town" in about 30 seconds. Yay for civilization!

Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new fangled science stuff.

Hawk6 03-23-2012 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Niche79 (Post 1616344)
Can anyone tell me about the small town of Okeechobee? My fiance just got a call today for a job lead down there, she said its a good one and was vouched for hence the call. I know its kinda in the middle of no where but how far is it from 95 etc so we can still do normal stuff? lol Thanks guys.

WOW so she just got ANOTHER call from Ft Pierce who wants to set up an interview with her! DANG things are looking up! I get get outa no where ville FL and hang with a big group of Z ppl! :) Whoever called those places and said have her down, THANK YOU:) Ill buy you a beer if she gets hired!

You can thank my wife for that one... Btw her jaw is still sore and her knees are a Lil scraped up too! Lmao

TheOtherRob 03-23-2012 09:43 PM

Lots of "country folk" out there in okeechobee. Many of my academy class was from that area and the biggest event for them is mudfest and hog hunting on weekends. Generally though some of the nicest people around. Except for the occasional bad egg that you get in any area. May not be alot of tuner enthusiast out there though. Any closer to the coast the better in terms of entertainment.

Niche79 03-23-2012 11:37 PM

Yah I figured it would be redneck as hell lol. Actually she had a phone interview this morning after I wrote this and it went very good, the doctor that called her said he really liked how it went and now he has to take it to the head doc in the hospital to go over things and if she wants to have her down for an interview, she will find out soon! I mean to me if they have a phone interview, its already a good sign. Yah I would much rather live in Ft Pierce just because of the town and its right off 95 so your not out in hickville and my job (UPS) is located in that city so no long drives.

Ok Hawk, you get the beer then, cause things are looking up! She was super excited when she called me on the phone this afternoon while I was still at work. So we might be down there in the next few weeks for an interview, they said they will cover all travel expenses and hotel bills etc.

Osiris 03-28-2012 10:34 PM

Tomorrow night the 29th, Route 46 8PM!!

cavemancan 03-29-2012 12:23 AM

:tiphat: :eekdance: \/ \/ \/ :eekdance: :tiphat:

Juno 03-29-2012 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Osiris (Post 1627025)
Tomorrow night the 29th, Route 46 8PM!!

Route 46 at night! Can't wait! :tup:

PapaJFresh 03-29-2012 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Zoren 370 (Post 1600417)
Anybody here going to Festival of Speed at St.Petersburg FL on April 1st?

Sorry if I'm late for the party but what and where is this event?

BTW, Tampa Bay area Z here.

kno 03-29-2012 08:45 AM

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