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rednek01 03-26-2009 08:33 AM

Dont get a black car cali peeps!!!
Kommiefornia at its best!!!!:ughdance:

Autoblog -- We Obsessively Cover The Auto Industry

In a move that will likely get California's consumers in a huff, impending legislation may soon restrict the paint color options for Golden State residents looking for their next new vehicle. The specific colors that are currently on the chopping block are all dark hues, with the worst offender seemingly the most innocuous color you could think of: Black. What could California possibly have against these colors, you ask? Apparently, the California Air Resources Board figures that the climate control systems of dark colored cars need to work harder than their lighter siblings – especially after sitting in the sun for a few hours. Anyone living in a hot, sunny climate will tell you that this assumption is accurate, of course. In fact, legislation already exists for buildings that has proven successful at reducing the energy consumption of skyscrapers.

So, what's the crux of the problem... can't paint suppliers just come up with new, less heat-absorbent dark paints? According to Ward's, suppliers have reportedly been testing their pigments and processes to see if it's possible to meet CARB's proposed mandate of 20% solar reflectivity by 2016 with a phase-in period starting in 2012, and things aren't looking good. Apparently, when the proper pigments and chemicals are added to black paint, the resulting color is currently being referred to as "mud-puddle brown." That doesn't sound very attractive, now does it? Windshields, backlights and sunroofs are also slated to get reflective coatings starting in 2012.

theDreamer 03-26-2009 08:46 AM


LiftedCracker 03-26-2009 08:59 AM

California is retarded. Their government is worse

SoCal 370Z 03-26-2009 09:14 AM

Actually, this is whackier: Schwarzenegger Can’t Fit In His Tesla Roadster, Wants Refund

(For those of you who have driven an Elise you always know that you have to be around 150 lbs, with no bulk, to even fit in it!)

KillerBee370 03-26-2009 08:19 PM

Yeah.. like this will ever fly.

So... California wants to start putting coatings on windshields, etc. Does this mean no more lame tint laws?? :rolleyes:

migy28 04-13-2009 10:03 AM

oh no

BanningZ 04-13-2009 04:29 PM

Here was the other thread on it. Its all BS. They are not outlawing black cars. Just some nut jobs crying foul over something that doesn't exist.

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