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Huck 06-24-2015 11:48 AM

Alright, thanks for the info guys! I'm trying to upload a pic from my phone that I took last night, but the app keeps freezing up for some reason. I was happy with how it came out...

Zdayz 2015 woohoo!

Huck 06-24-2015 06:25 PM

Here we go, I'm at my computer now and can upload it. Let me know what you guys think, what I should have done differently, etc...

carlitos_370z 06-25-2015 06:27 AM

:yum: nice shoot dude!

redstarcg 06-25-2015 09:34 AM

Huck - So before i write anything I just want you to know this is only my opinion and the shot does look good.
However; if I was to reshoot it and wanted to improve it I would do the following. (again just my opinion)

1. Make sure the wheels are fully visible on both cars, front and back.
2. Turn on headlights and take a underexposed shot of them to brush in. (I notice car on left has angel eyes, I would love to see those.
3. More light on the car. The cars are the hero, right nwo the sky is more dominating than the cars are.
4. Move further back and light the whole grass area towards the cars and then in photoshop blend that in with a shot of no light to have a smooth gradient transition.
5. Because our cars don't really have a beltline I would paint one. I would go straight across the body to make sure I get a nice thin streak across the side. This will give it a nice expensive look.
6. This goes back to #5 a little, make sure your light painting lines have a flow and a meaning, not just lines squiggled around the car.
7. Maybe take a shot of the interior with some light inside and brush that in gently, just to give it a little life in the windows
8. Going back to making cars pop, maybe underexpose the environment just a little to make sure focus is on the cars the whole time.

Huck 06-25-2015 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by redstarcg (Post 3239085)
Huck - So before i write anything I just want you to know this is only my opinion and the shot does look good.
However; if I was to reshoot it and wanted to improve it I would do the following. (again just my opinion)

1. Make sure the wheels are fully visible on both cars, front and back.
2. Turn on headlights and take a underexposed shot of them to brush in. (I notice car on left has angel eyes, I would love to see those.
3. More light on the car. The cars are the hero, right nwo the sky is more dominating than the cars are.
4. Move further back and light the whole grass area towards the cars and then in photoshop blend that in with a shot of no light to have a smooth gradient transition.
5. Because our cars don't really have a beltline I would paint one. I would go straight across the body to make sure I get a nice thin streak across the side. This will give it a nice expensive look.
6. This goes back to #5 a little, make sure your light painting lines have a flow and a meaning, not just lines squiggled around the car.
7. Maybe take a shot of the interior with some light inside and brush that in gently, just to give it a little life in the windows
8. Going back to making cars pop, maybe underexpose the environment just a little to make sure focus is on the cars the whole time.

No worries man, I'm always looking to improve so you're not gonna hurt my feelings. Keep in mind I have no idea what I'm doing, I basically just bought a camera a lens and a tripod and watched a couple YouTube videos and the rest I figured out on my own. So I always welcome other opinions and instructions from guys who obviously have a much more experienced eye than I do. I appreciate the suggestions, and I'll probably try to do some of what you said. Some of your suggestions I like but I lack the skill in Photoshop to execute. Same thing with that program, I got it and I load a pic and just start pushing buttons to see what does what.

So I have another shot where I painted from far away with an led Maglite, it has more of a bluish color but it just looked like I took a crap picture with a blue light, I'll post it later so you can see what I mean. I'll try stacking the two and see if it looks better. The wheels I was trying to get, but I was painting the cars with my cellphone flashlight and just didn't do a great job, that's why the lines are kinda random. That's something I need to practice more. For the beltline I think you're talking about one line of light reflection going along the outer body line of the car? To kinda highlight the figure of the car? Also, I tried a pic with the interior lit up since I have LEDs in my floor well, and I put my flashlight in his car but I couldn't get the two to look even so I decided not to use that one. I need two of the same lights for that next time. I also did one with the halos since we both have those, but even flipping them on and back off as quickly as we could it came out brighter than headlights normally look. It also lit up the front of my car way more than I could paint in the back so again I decided to forego it. I know what ghost light look you're talking about though, I love it. I'm gonna a go back to PS and see what else I can cook up. I know what you mean when you say brush it in, but I haven't actually done it yet, need to practice that.

Originally Posted by carlitos_370z (Post 3238915)
:yum: nice shoot dude!

Thanks bud, I appreciate it!

Zdayz 2015 woohoo!

redstarcg 06-25-2015 11:20 AM

So I dont know how youre shooting but I would recommend Manual mode for something like this.

When I light paint I obviously leave shutter open for 10 sec or so.
When I do headlights pass I make it about 250th of a sec or faster. To make sure everything is dark but headlights.

I paint one thing at a time. Tire, Mirror, Headlight, Bodyline, etc...

Then in Photoshop you can use a blend layer "Lighten" or "Screen" and that will take your light paint and blend it with the layer below. Thats how you would have good control.

Then make alphas for layers and brush in the parts you want to show and what not to show.

Hope that helps.

Huck 06-25-2015 12:08 PM

Good to know. IIRC, I was shooting at ISO 640, 4.5-5.6 and 25-30 second exposures. Hit the shutter, walk to the cars covering up my flashlight with my finger, then shine the light while walking past the cars, done.

Zdayz 2015 woohoo!

6spd 06-25-2015 03:21 PM

Yup, everything Redstar said was spot on, only thing to add would be to use some curves adjustment layers to match the color temp of all the light sources.

redstarcg 06-25-2015 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by 6spd (Post 3239490)
Yup, everything Redstar said was spot on, only thing to add would be to use some curves adjustment layers to match the color temp of all the light sources.

I hate this part, I sitll get too lazy when retouching and skip this part lol.

Huck 06-25-2015 03:38 PM

That's something I know nothing about, need to learn.

Zdayz 2015 woohoo!

Exhaust 06-26-2015 09:33 AM


Exhaust 06-26-2015 10:58 AM

I wish this thread wasnt only 197 pages :/

redstarcg 06-28-2015 03:54 PM

Went out with my friend last night and shot his car. Black cars are always a challenge.

6spd 06-29-2015 10:29 AM

New magazine gig I just picked up generously offered to do a web article and profile on my business, so they requested a new portrait. The wife and I did this last night, I set up everything, she did my makeup, I did my hair, and she took the shot. We said f*** your typical corporate head shot, lets do it fresh, new and modern lol

redstarcg 06-29-2015 07:55 PM

I love it man! Great shot.
Love that little bit of red in the back, adds some nice flare to the shot.

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