FromG2Z |
08-12-2011 10:55 AM |
Originally Posted by BeachZTT
(Post 1258279)
Shots look good. I may take the saturation down just a bit and see how they feel. Just a touch too hard/crisp for me.
Thanks Beach... yeah learning process for me. Some of those are the default levels from EasyHDR, with some very minor tweaking (part of the reason why I love it so much over the other softwares).
How much is Adobe Photoshop and best place to get it???
By the way Beach, thank you for your advice on using the timer for trigger! did WONDERS with reduction of ghosting.
Originally Posted by onzedge
(Post 1258287)
Those photos are excellent. What lens were you using and how much did you manipulate them with software? I like them very much.
Thanks onzedge! Yeah I am trying to get better... those HDR shots are really peaking my interest and I am into those now. They are essentially "poster" type shots, which I love.
All shots were taken with my Nikon D60, 18-55 lens. The non-HDR shots were taken in auto mode (lazy and too busy with people), the HDR shots were taken at EV -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2, shutter priority mode with tripod of course. You can imagine the people looking at me as I glared at them for getting IN MY SHOTS... lol. Then I rendered the HDR's, some with 3, 4, and 5 shots...depending on which looked better. All rendered and edited with EasyHDR (awesome software...can't beat 55 bucks for it. I still have to learn more how to use it. I just scratched the surface of it.
Not much editing at all... few tweaks here and there, but the settings it gives me for each render is spot on (at least IMO).