vidwiz |
09-20-2017 03:18 PM |
2 Attachment(s)
I purchased and installed this hitch, here are my impressions and experiences:
It works. (with a lot of time and effort)
Nicely hidden if you do the foglight mod.
Seems sturdy enough.
Expensive. The Curt hitch talked about in another thread is 50 some dollars, this one is almost $300! (to be fair, the curt required more modification to the bumper)
Don't kid yourself, this is an extensive time consuming install and wiring is a whole other ballgame.
The receiver arrived welded off kilter from the hitch, not square, (hence level) see pic. The hitch is square with the bumper in the pic but the receiver is off and not level so you have to compensate for this on your install.
Precious little hitch material holding your trailer back on braking. I think he should have thickened the pinholes area and included a long pin to compensate.
The pics on the website are deceiving. They were taken with the exhaust completely removed. With it in place there's only about 1/2" of clearance which exposes the hitch to a lot of heat. See pic. This, with the very short length of receiver and the fact that you have to modify anything you want to use with it is a definite downside. You have to cut any ballmounts or accessories down so they clear the bumper leaving you again with precious little material left to take the stresses of pulling. Things may weaken in time too with the heat from being so close to the exhaust.
Again with the heat, I expect to burn my hands at some point when I forget how close the muffler is and I go to insert the pin.
Speaking of which, you have to get down on the ground and reach up and around bumper cover to access the pin. The safety chains are even harder to hang, they're way up there and you can't see them and again you risk burning your hands if your car has been running.
I use a bike rack. It requires a bolt to hold it steady in the pin hole. It is difficult to put on and off being down on the ground and again working with little clearance or eyesight as I screw the bolt in.
Everything had to be modified. Now my ballmount, my bike rack, and my cargo carrier have shorter tubing, are weaker and fit sloppier because of it.
When I got to the underside my parts (2014 base coupe) were different than described in the instructions requiring more time to figure out.
As part of the install you remove the foglight and associated bracket. Without the bracket (which cant be reinstalled because the hitch is in the way) the bottom middle of the bumper cover has a lot of allowed movement.
I acknowledged to Ken that I am not a master mechanic in my txts to him but he has treated me as if I am a total imbecile with that admission and has said things like "maybe you should have gotten a qualified installer" and "you are in over your head".
I got the damn thing installed finally so my skills can't be all that deficient! But if I had to do it again, I wouldn't. Too many inherent design flaws imo and very time consuming working all the bugs out. I would seek out other solutions if you must absolutely put a hitch on this fine automobile.