Nissan 370Z Forum

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Trips 04-25-2013 04:33 PM

Why Was My Thread Locked/Deleted?
All Members

Threads violating Forum Rules will be either locked/deleted & the user can either start a new thread or PM staff to have the thread unlocked/restored.

Here are the rules for which your thread was locked/deleted.

Please take the time to read them

ALL sellers WILL POST A PRICE of the product or service in which they are selling. Absolutely NO EXCEPTION!!!

If you have a link to an auction, in which the auction should have the current asking price as a BUY-IT-NOW price. If it doesn't, then please post a FORUM asking price. If the auction doesn't have BUY-IT-NOW price, your sale thread will be deleted.

NO NEGATIVE POSTS ALLOWED!!! This would mean that if the part looks like crap, or their asking price is too high, or things of that nature.

All questions regarding a part should be about that part ONLY. Again, do not go in there telling someone that their prices are too steep, or something else that is irrelevant to the product for sale.

NO TROLLING!!!! This rule applies to anyone and everyone that doesn't keep to the topic at hand.

NO USELESS BUMPS!!! You are allowed 1 bump every 24 hours after the last post of your thread, if there hasn't been any changes to the asking price or product description.

This forum is for private individuals only. Any commercial vendor (or any member custom fabricating or selling more than 1 same item) or seller need to obtain a vendor's license. Please pm me (AK370Z) if you need one.

If you're selling a 370Z, you MUST post some pictures (at least one) of your car. Failure to do so will result in removal of your "for sale" thread.

It is strictly prohibited to launch group buys unless you're vendor (or have pm'ed me first to grant permission or pay a one time fee)

We do not allow buying or selling of ANY KIND of firearms here on THE370Z. Your post/thread will be removed

No Feeler thread(s) allowed here in our classified section(s). All active For Sale thread(s) MUST have a price.

Here's how a GREAT Classified Thread looks like . Take a look and try to makes yours just like this one with pictures and price

Last but not least, here is the fine print: The Owner, administrators and moderators (of cannot and will not be held responsible for any transactions made within this forum. We are not responsible for any statements made, sales gone bad, money stolen, part failure, or anything for that matter. YOU SELL AND BUY PRODUCTS IN HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK! (Even if it's from our forum sponsors) We will try our best to resolve a situation with our sponsors and even terminate a vendor or sponsor status if necessary. But it's up to you to check everything before buying.

To Buyers:

Make sure your email address in your profile is up to date. There are many people here that have emails that they no longer use, or have multiple email addresses. If the email in your profile is not the one most used frequently, post the email in which you want to be contacted by the seller.

Make sure you are absolutely sure you know what you are buying before you send any money. A simple misunderstanding by either party can cost you lots of money, and parts or products that you have no use for.


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