Originally Posted by axmea?
(Post 2634908)
Totally agree with you. Can't stand it when guys with big budget have small self assurance and conviction that they have to ask other's to help them decide. Dude - make you're own decision.
So, it's perfectly okay for someone to come here to ask about trying to decide between an Evo and a Mustang, or to get some opinions as which modification to do next, but if he has a bit bigger budget he now has "small self assurance and conviction"? That's a pretty douchy comment in my opinion. This is a car forum isn't it? Plus the OP already said he can't easily test drive the cars due to his location.
To the OP, I've driven 3 of the 4 cars on your list. Bang for the buck the C7 wins hands down in my book and they may be pretty rare where you live. You can get one loaded for well under your budget and some cam, intake exhaust and reflash work can get you 550+hp pretty easy. The C7 is light years better than the C6. If your budget is a firm one, hard to go wrong with the C7.
I think the Porsche is the best all around car (money not factored in) they are really nice to drive, much more refined than the C7, just plain good at everything. All that being said, if money weren't a consideration, the R8 would be my choice. A good friend has one and its is really sweet. Haven't driven or ridden in your 4th car so I can't really comment there. It certainly would be the most rare of the four cars (where I live anyway). In the end though you'd be fortunate to own any of those thoroughbred cars.
Also, if you really want a shot at some feedback I would suggest joining the Rennlist forum. It has about 75,000 members and you are more likely to get info from people that have driven/ridden in your list of cars though it's likely to be a bit 911 biased for obvious reasons. My experience has been they will tend to be much less judgmental about high dollar purchases than this forum will be. Good luck.