05-02-2012, 05:18 PM
#11 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Originally Posted by gsxr750
Fords are well known for their shitty quality, overall with most ford vehicles, you can usually get 30k-60k trouble free miles, but after that they start to have all types of problems engine, tranny, broken welds on rear ends, rotting out oil pans and electrical issues.
With Fords you can get some that will go to about 125k -150k on the motors, but they are usually ready for the grave at that point. My brother owned ford trucks from rangers to f150 and f350 deisels, he drives them mostly highway and puts on about 50k per year. Most of the fords he has owned over the last 10yrs, have had major issues
The longest he got was from a ranger pick up run on mobile one and oil changed every 4k miles, after about 120k the truck started loosing power and he did a compression test and most of the cylinders only had 110-120 psi, and the truck would only do 75mph top speed.
Comparing this to his nissan pick up that got 275k miles on castrol gtx and still did 100mph on the high way, he gave it to his girl friend that drove it for another 5 yrs.
The only reason he still buys rangers is that they are cheap and get employee pricing and sells them off every 3 yrs.
I also had a friend that was a fleet manager for a communications company that used ford vans, rangers, taurus, LTD, areostars, f150, escorts and he often told me how many problems they had with the ford vehicles and they were always in for multiple repairs under waranty that even the dealers could not fix them.
The only reason they stayed with fords, was because to vice president's brother inlaw was a sales manager at a local ford dealership and there was nothing they could do till. the VP retired or quit.
There policy was to keep the vehicles for 60k then sell them off to employees or whoesale them back to the dealership.
They been changing this little by little since 2004. First the focus, then the fusion, and now many cars are fairly reliable. Yes there are still quirks in some fords, but not enough to call it unreliable to the same degree as once before. Although the v6 mustang is the anti-tuner car. The GT has proven to be up there in quality. By 2015. I expect all models to meet the standards of germany and japan. Ford is doing better in quality than GM and chrysler thus far.