Nissan 370Z Forum

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370ZNISMO#704 06-10-2011 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by RussellM (Post 1159749)
We have been receiving a steady flow of registration forms, but we will wait until we have some more to start do the yay or nay thing. This even originated as a meet so we are trying to accommodate as many people as we can. I am meeting with one of my associates today and discuss some layout and design ideas so we can properly approve or disapprove. I would think in the next couple of weeks you should hear back if not sooner.

Sweet thanks for the info.. :tiphat:

RussellM 06-10-2011 08:56 AM

A huge Thank You has to go out to Colin from for getting this all handled. Things are taking shape around here. Colin and I had a nice little meeting yesterday to discuss event layout this year. We do have more room this time around! :cool:

RussellM 06-13-2011 09:03 PM


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RussellM 06-14-2011 02:02 PM

RussellM 06-17-2011 03:53 PM

Flyers arrived today!

Be sure to swing by our booth at Forum Fest on the 25th and pick up a few. If you are local stop by our shop and get some.

RussellM 06-17-2011 11:01 PM

Im finding that people are a little confused about this years event vs. last years. Last year we had a full on meet - anyone and everyone w/ a Mitsubishi or Nissan was invited. This year is no different except for the fact that we wanted to add a car show to the mix.

SHOW: If you plan to enter the show you need to register online. All registrations are subject to approval by the event staff. Only the best will get in and have a chance at 1 of 10 trophies awarded. Due to parking availability we have to proceed this way with the approval process.

MEET: We do have more parking this year so we wont be completely turning our back on the meet portion of the event. We want this event to be laid back and simply a fun get together for car enthusiast. It will be August, it should be nice, no sense in staying home when you can rub elbows with friends and family while enjoying some sick rides. So, to keep it very simple - if you want to participate in the meet portion you need to show up as close to roll in time as possible. It will be first come, first serve.

PARKING: Parking is available throughout the Olympia Auto Mall. With it being a Saturday there isn't too much traffic going in and out so there will be TONS of parking all over the place. Id like to see the place be taken over by our event.

EVENT COVERAGE: This year we have a ton of media coverage coming out. The usual suspects from our local community will be out and about -, Big Boy Media (hopefully...?!),, etc. In addition to the local guys we will have Modified Magazine & S3 Magazine providing print coverage for our event. Want the chance to grace the pages of a national magazine...this might be your chance!

Please invite your friends, family, everyone you know. Send them an invite here on Facebook. CLICK ME

RussellM 06-29-2011 10:26 AM

We are very proud to announce that we have landed our food vendor for the event.

FOOD: Paprika Catering
This year we will have Paprika Catering handling all the food & drinks. This event starts at noon so dont even worry about stopping and grabbing a snack on the way in. We will have great food on hand at a great price. Even dessert will be available!

azn370z 06-29-2011 06:57 PM

I might go is anybody on this forum going?

RussellM 06-29-2011 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by azn370z (Post 1196276)
I might go is anybody on this forum going?

Yes, we have some members from this forum registered already. I will let the individuals chime in though if they catch your post. :tup: We would love to have you out!

370ZNISMO#704 07-07-2011 02:32 AM

Me me me
I'm going for sure, but I'm hoping to show. Gonna have a lot of things done by then. Looing forward to setting up a huge premeet and driving down in the morning. Thinking of meeting up at 8:30 for breakfast then heading out by 9:00 be there by 9:45 and enjoy the day... I'll post something up for the premeet later in the month. I know a few people that wanna meet that morning... Hope u make it.

Originally Posted by azn370z (Post 1196276)
I might go is anybody on this forum going?


370ZNISMO#704 07-07-2011 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by RussellM (Post 1196494)
Yes, we have some members from this forum registered already. I will let the individuals chime in though if they catch your post. :tup: We would love to have you out!

Do you have a idea of when we might hear back from someone on if we made it in.


RussellM 07-07-2011 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by 370ZNISMO#704 (Post 1206758)
Do you have a idea of when we might hear back from someone on if we made it in.


We are planning to hold out until the end of the month. Once all the registrations are in we will send out an email shortly thereafter regarding accepting entries and a complete packet of information.

RussellM 07-07-2011 09:45 AM

I spoke with the crew over at Griots Garage yesterday regarding their participation with our event. Not only have they agreed to give us several Griots Garage Kits to raffle, but they are also supplying Speed Shine & some Micro Fiber Cloths. So, for all of you that plan to detail your vehicle and drive a long distance - no can touch up here on-site.

azn370z 07-11-2011 05:22 PM

What time does the show portion start?

RussellM 07-11-2011 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by azn370z (Post 1212734)
What time does the show portion start?

The event will start at 12...pending any reason to adjust the time. All car show participants will need to arrive at a dedicated roll in time. We have not finalized any of that information yet, but it will most likely be around 10am. Anyone who has registered and is accepted into the show will receive an email with all the information needed. We will also post this information publicly on all the forums, facebook, etc so everyone is aware the information has been sent out.

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