CT - MA BBQ August 2, 2009
Ok everyone, its time for another BBQ
Our group ranges from Maine (PPKFreak) to Southern CT (JZurita, Larry@Showtime) so I think it would be cool to alternate locations North to South per event to keep things fun and fair for all. Thoughts?
Our last meet was at Hubbard Park and was a cool time. I found a few options of Parks that has Pavilions, BBQ Sections, a Beach etc.
I was also thinking of making a day of it with the following:
Vollyball Net
Bocci Ball
Poker/Card type Game
Lounge Chair/Blankets to sit and relax
Some will be driving for a few hours regardless so lets make a day of it
Things needed List:
1 or 2 Grills in addition to whatever the park has
Characol w/lighter fluid
Hot Dogs
Hot Dog and Burger Buns
Ketup, Mustard, Relish, etc
Ribs/Chicken - Must be precooked/catered style unless someone knows how to cook them
Potato or Pasta Salad
Chips/Dorritos/Nachos n Salsa
Cooler to pack soda and ice in
Let me know if I missed anything...
Location Choices:
Buffumville Lake - 1 Hour North of Manchester CT <~~ This one has the most votes so far
Douglas State Forest - 1 Hour 15 Minutes NorthEast of Manchester CT
Hop Brook State Park - 1 Hour South of Manchester CT
Picnic Time:
11:30AM (We all know most of us cant tell time lol)
Caravan Spots:
Framingham Rest Stop - 90West
Buckland Hill Mall - Manchester CT
Hooters - Berlin Turnpike
Let me know what other spots to add
RallySport44 - if you could reachout to the CTSubie Club that would be cool :thumbup:
Poll will be up until Tuesday