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spearfish25 11-22-2009 04:20 PM

I just did the 3 penny fix today and it works great. Not worth all the haggling with Nissan. (though this could be my last Nissan given how crumby their service is)

kdo2milger 11-22-2009 06:34 PM

just keep an eye on the three penny trick...

it worked flawlessly for the first two weeks then started to act up after that...whereas it was intermitten just as it was without the pennies...

FricFrac 11-22-2009 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jack370Z (Post 289396)
Glad you had a good experience...that has not been the case here. I've been to the dealership I bought the Z from and another I didn't...neither would acknowledge the fix we KNOW works and Nissan has no response. It's sad...I am considering buying the springs myself (so I can get into the back of my Z) but feel Nissan needs to acknowledge the problem, fix and pay for it.

Did they acknowledge it was broken at least?

Jack370Z 11-23-2009 03:14 AM

No Nissan has not acknowledged there is even a problem. I have not been able to replicate the problem once the car is warm although it has been getting worse and even took several trys on a warm day after driving for 20 to 30 miles when I stopped for fuel.

The One to One program called two days ago and I jumped on them with the problem, gave them my case # and complained. We'll see if attacking from another angle helps. The serv mgr at the dealership promised a callback today but I'll believe that when I hear the phone ring.

Jack370Z 11-25-2009 03:37 PM

Well...I got the call. The serv mgr asked me to stop by and put the new longer springs in my Z. I did and wow what a difference. The hatch literally jumps open. So much it actually bounces a little. I feel sure it will calm down and be fine in a few days. This whole process has helped develop a better working relationship with the dealership and should improve my service experience for the future. The 370 is a new experience for service departments so we're learning together.

kdo2milger 11-25-2009 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jack370Z (Post 295766)
Well...I got the call. The serv mgr asked me to stop by and put the new longer springs in my Z. I did and wow what a difference. The hatch literally jumps open. So much it actually bounces a little. I feel sure it will calm down and be fine in a few days. This whole process has helped develop a better working relationship with the dealership and should improve my service experience for the future. The 370 is a new experience for service departments so we're learning together.

:tup: good for you Jack!

im glad it all worked out in the end :tiphat:

theDreamer 12-03-2009 09:34 AM

Ugh...I have this issue, two days now I have been unable to open the hatch unless I hit the button twice and on the second try I still have to push up a little to get it to pop all the way. I will call the number tomorrow or this afternoon if I have some free time, but I need to schedule an appointment at the dealership also to get a rattle looked at. Maybe they will order these for me also if I can prove it is messed up.

kdo2milger 12-03-2009 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by theDreamer (Post 305646)
Ugh...I have this issue, two days now I have been unable to open the hatch unless I hit the button twice and on the second try I still have to push up a little to get it to pop all the way. I will call the number tomorrow or this afternoon if I have some free time, but I need to schedule an appointment at the dealership also to get a rattle looked at. Maybe they will order these for me also if I can prove it is messed up.

whats weird is how intermittent this issue is...some get it right off the bat others dont have issues till 6 months down the road...

i can tell you know Dreamer once you get the longer ones like me and vipor have youll be glad you got them :tup:

theDreamer 12-03-2009 01:07 PM

Oh I can bet, I do wonder if the cold has anything to do with it here. The only other time I have had the issue was when it rained really heavy once and even then it was a bit "cooler."

nolan 12-04-2009 10:27 AM

Hatch Sticking
Cold does not have anything to do with hatch sticking. I live in FL and had the same problem all summer long. It started about five month after I purchases car.

antbear 12-04-2009 01:48 PM

Spring Lift Problem With Early Build Models
Bought my Z in the last day of September 09. It has the longer spring lifts. So Nissan had to know this lift situation was a problem.....otherwise they would not have changed them for models built later in the production year. ;)

kdo2milger 12-04-2009 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by antbear (Post 307723)
Bought my Z in the last day of September 09. It has the longer spring lifts. So Nissan had to know this lift situation was a problem.....otherwise they would not have changed them for models built later in the production year. ;)

possibly could have been done by the dealer too...they may have had problems while showing it to potential buyers and went ahead and ordered the longer springs and replaced them...

TipsZ 12-04-2009 02:13 PM

I've had this issue since about a month after I received the vehicle (April 09). Thus I take the Z to the Nissan Dealership. Yet when I get there, the trunk release works PERFECTLY. WTF??!!?!! When I get it back home, the next morning it gets stuck again. Next few days, at work when attempting to open up the hatch to get my laptop out, it gets stuck. Grrrr .. So take it back again, and what do you know .. I can not recreate the problem in front of the Nissan Technician. Even as cordial as he was, he stated that he can not do anything until after he has experienced or recreated the issue.

So can someone PLEASE tell me, what is the 3 penny trick?

kdo2milger 12-04-2009 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by TipsZ (Post 307748)
I've had this issue since about a month after I received the vehicle (April 09). Thus I take the Z to the Nissan Dealership. Yet when I get there, the trunk release works PERFECTLY. WTF??!!?!! When I get it back home, the next morning it gets stuck again. Next few days, at work when attempting to open up the hatch to get my laptop out, it gets stuck. Grrrr .. So take it back again, and what do you know .. I can not recreate the problem in front of the Nissan Technician. Even as cordial as he was, he stated that he can not do anything until after he has experienced or recreated the issue.

So can someone PLEASE tell me, what is the 3 penny trick?

do this...

use your car as you normally do with out opening the rear deck lid...

then after a few days of driving, stop by the dealer and have the service advisor give it a try...he should be able to experience the issue first hand provided you havent attempted to open it prior to your arrival at the dealership...

Zeto 12-04-2009 04:52 PM

Screw it! I'm going tomorrow to pick up the springs and pay for it out of pocket, I don't have patience for this nonsense! :mad:

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