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dc3843 05-13-2013 06:29 PM

Clutch pedal stuck to the floor?
So, coming back from dallas today, I'm at a dead stop in houston traffic. I go to change lanes quickly, mash the gas harder than i shoulda and the clutch slips out. Well, instead of burn the tires, the car starts bouncing off the rev limiter and barely moving. I try and shove the clutch in and its stuck to the floor for about 3-4 seconds. I left off the gas, put the car in neutral, clutch pedal comes back out, and I go about my driving. Car smells like burnt clutch for a few mins afterward. Anyone ever have this happen? Car has 1500 miles now.

acmethod 08-17-2013 10:19 PM

This happened to me tonight. Tires spun for a bit, went to shift into 2nd and the clutch pedal was stuck to the floor.

In about 5 seconds it came back.

I thought it was really weird. Drove home with no issues. Took the car out after reading a few threads and there was a really bad shudder / judder pulling away in 1st.

Came home, checked the fluid levels, all good. Read a few more threads, and began to get worried.

Took the car back out, drove around for a bit, slight judder in the beginning, then seemed to be fine.

Is this heat related? I still can't explain the stuck pedal tho. I've been driving manuals for the last 21 years. I've never experienced this.

Fountainhead 08-20-2013 09:42 AM


If you're at the track and this happens, could be boiling fluid due to heat. The clutch line passes directly past the exhaust. When the car cools off then it will drive normally. Changing to higher boil point brake fluid (clutch uses brake fluid) will usually correct this, brands of "best" fluid are legion, read up on them.

If you're driving around in traffic and it happens, could either be:
A. Master cylinder failing (no leak and no pressure but can pump back up and no fluid loss in clutch reservoir).
B. Slave cylinder failed (leaking fluid because the seal on it's gone out) you'll see it dripping out of the transmission bell housing bottom, and your clutch fluid will be low.

Those are the two most likely scenarios I've seen on here.
If the Slave Cylinder is leaking I would have them make sure the clutch pressure plate assy doesn't have fluid on them, it ruins them over time.

1st 08-20-2013 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by acmethod (Post 2450849)
Took the car out after reading a few threads and there was a really bad shudder / judder pulling away in 1st.

This is normal until you find the sweet spot give it more gas.

1st 08-20-2013 10:05 AM

As far as the clutch pedal being stick could be early signs of CSC Failure. CSC stands for Clutch Slave Cylinder. Its covered under warranty.

Chuck33079 08-20-2013 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by 1st (Post 2453567)
As far as the clutch pedal being stick could be early signs of CSC Failure. CSC stands for Clutch Slave Cylinder. Its covered under warranty.

Yep. This is most likely your issue. Talk to the dealer and ask if they'll install an aftermarket CSC if you bring it in. You'll have to pay for the part, but it won't fail again.

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