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ImportConvert 11-20-2012 07:31 PM

Power Steering going out?
Is it supposed to be loud as hell in these cars? The level is fine hot or cold, running and off, but after higher rpm (downshifting into a turn, into a parking-lot and engine-braking from 3500-4K rpm, for example), the power-steering moans like an old 80's clunker. Is this normal for a 370Z? At low rpm/without revs, it's nice and quiet, like when I crank it up and pull out of the same parking lot. DO not understand.

red6spd 11-20-2012 07:42 PM

Not normal at all, mine is totally silent. Try making a vid I'm sure everyone is curious what the sound is.

ImportConvert 11-20-2012 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by red6spd (Post 2025438)
Not normal at all, mine is totally silent. Try making a vid I'm sure everyone is curious what the sound is.

Obviously not my vehicle, and it's only about 75% this bad and there is no smoke or leaking, but this about sums it up.

Power Steering Pump problems - YouTube

Yay, Nissan. This is going to be warranty repair #2 in <15K miles. Kindof validates my opinion: No-matter what you buy, cars are cars.

ImportConvert 12-25-2012 11:22 PM

Here mine is, this is it at about 50% as nasty as it gets...100% normal per Nissan. *sigh*

I want my crappy American interior back along with a nice, reliable car. No-more warped rotors, grinding steering pumps, glitchy NAV systems for me after this car. Nissan...I am disappoint.
December 12, 2012 9:59 AM - YouTube

Jsolo 01-19-2015 01:37 AM

^^Did you ever get any resolution to this?

My G makes a similar noise when turning the wheel at idle/standing still. Sounds like a moan. I never noticed anything at speed. Level is at the proper mark. The reservoir does get dirty which may indicate some sort of leak, but the level doesn't change. Warranty doesn't run out until the end of this year so i'll sit on it until summer before doing anything.

kenchan 01-19-2015 01:06 PM

yeh, i drain filled my steering fluid on my 10yr old G last year (?) year before(?) but the color was nice and red. no odd noises.

Tadpole 01-19-2015 01:32 PM

[QUOTE=ImportConvert;2077114]Here mine is, this is it at about 50% as nasty as it gets...100% normal per Nissan. *sigh*


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