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rolmo 03-10-2010 11:10 AM

i opted for a nissan warranty. as previously stated these cars are not the cars of old and the warranty is pretty much for electronics/computer components. ask me in 6 years and i may rant about a waste of money but the cost of component replacement these days may just about justify the warranty expense. this ain't no sentra.

FuszNissan 03-10-2010 04:37 PM

It's like insurance, it's good when you need it. Feels like a waste when you don't. I think it's always a good idea, unless you heavily mod your vehicle.

rolmo 03-11-2010 01:18 AM

no plans for mods (yet?) dad gum Z is awesome just as it/she is. i'm just an old dude grinnin' right now. i'll get pragmatic later :)

SoCal 370Z 03-11-2010 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by FuszNissan (Post 438852)
It's like insurance, it's good when you need it. Feels like a waste when you don't. I think it's always a good idea, unless you heavily mod your vehicle.


Would I void the Nissan warranty if I did something like this guy Lou did? ;) Extended Warranty

FuszNissan 03-11-2010 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by SoCal 370Z (Post 439622)

Would I void the Nissan warranty if I did something like this guy Lou did? ;) Extended Warranty


Yes that would void the warranty, what an idiot.

WShade 04-01-2010 11:00 PM

All in vehicle communication systems?? No dice. Thats the only stuff I would worry about.

cfoster 04-10-2010 11:26 PM

I ended up "drinking the kool aid". I bought the extended warranty. I didn't when I bought my G35, and haven't had a single warrantable issue to date (6 years). I'm still super conflicted about having done it. A huge voice in my head is telling me I just through out a bunch of money, but then again, buying a new 370 over a 5 year old 350 made absolutely no fiscal sense either.

A friend of mine is a BMW mechanic, and he is claiming that a certain % of their 3.0L direct injection (turbo charged) engines suffer injector / fuel pump issues. Considering that this engine has only been out for a few years, any type of % of issues seems premature. (Hint, he and his co-workers consider this a gravy train, if that tells you anything.) Thus far, the bulk of these cars are still under their factory warranty, but if you're engine kills its injectors before 3 years, the next bill is on you.

As it happens, the Nissan VQ37 isn't turbocharged, so pressure issues fouling injectors and such would be less of an issue in Nissan's take on the tech as compared to BMW's. That, and more and more manufacturers are going to direct injection, which tells me that every year they are getting a little bit more ahead of the tech curve regarding this type of injection with regards to design/tolerances and how it effects durability.

All that having been said, the cost to change injectors and or fuel pumps and or anything else related isn't cheap, even if Nissan charges less per hour for repairs and less for parts than BMW, I just didn't want to have to worry about it.

In sum though, I cite above the possibility for repair, and its potential cost; hence my reference to having drank the kool aid. That's the same rethoric applied at the dealership. Everyone has their own comfort level, but I think I'm still searching for mine.

Thanks everyone for their input, it's interesting to hear everyone's thoughts and experiences.

I'm really loving my 370. At the moment I'm thinking about pulling the factory Fischer Price My First Stereo and replacing it with one of these new stereos units that does video, music, phone, Nav, Payroll, Taxes, and tracks your retirement, all via blue tooth.

rolmo 04-11-2010 12:53 AM

crap shoot
like Lou posted some weeks back it's like insurance. you hate watching the money disappear but when something comes up that's covered...... you're right on time (so to speak). i'll tell you in 6 years if i am happy i bought the warranty.... there is no other way to effectively evaluate my specific decision.
hopefully my Z will seamlessly carry me into years of enjoyment. but.......
who knows. i still argue a warranty gives me some peace of mind re: all the dang chips, electronics, STUFF, etc. in the car. i'd be interested in hearing about all those who didn't opt for the warranty. as time passes might be cool to see who fared better- kool aid drinkers or those who 'knew better'

but yeah..... the Z rewls nuff sed


shabarivas 04-11-2010 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by cfoster (Post 398749)
I paid MSRP minus 2K exactly. The MSRP price was exactly the same on the window sticker as compared to, given the configuration of the car.

Thanks for the feedback, I think I might go for the warranty, but I'm still thinking about it. I don't burn clutches or break parts, nor race. But I am afraid of the potential repair cost of the various tech parts. I recognize that Direct Injection is still a relatively new tech (in car terms) for this particular production engine.

I also have an 04 G35 sedan (6M) that has had zero mechanical issues, other than a super intermitent/extremely minor clutch chatter, which I have noticed but don't really care about.

Hmm even if you did burn your clutch - you would not get that covered under warranty...

kannibul 04-16-2010 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Zguy (Post 400242)
Just so you know I believe that these warranties start when the purchase is made NOT after your factory warranty expires.... I purchased a warranty like this thinking I would have 36k extra miles come to find out that my extended warranty expires a whopping 6k miles after my factory warranty expires. I would be very carefull when buying warranties that are not through nissan.

That, and if you cancel the extended warranty,. they pro-rate your return based on the purchase date of the other words, I did not get back 100% of the amount, even though I cancelled it within 2 months.

Jeffblue 04-16-2010 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by pgrmstr (Post 434019)
I've never been an advocate of these to be honest, but in this case, I did buy the 7/100k warranty and the reason I did was for the resale value it brings to a new private party buyer...should I get an itch in a few years and want to sell it. (which has always been the case with me)

With all the dealers now doing CPO type stuff, when selling a used car of these values, the first thing buyers ask if is it has a CPO type warranty. You gotta stay competative with what the dealers are offering the used car buyer.

When selling my E46 BMW before getting the Z, the extended warranty cars always got the better movement on the for sale boards...and since the Nissan warranty is transferable, I opted to get it....with the idea of having the car that much more attractive to a new buyer....covered for full 7 years and 100k miles.

I'm selling my altima privately when i get my Z. The extended warranty is not transferable to the new buyer, you merely get the unused portion back. given this, i dont see why having a non transferable extended warranty would make the future sale of your vehicle any more attractive for a buyer. Unless of course you have some different warranty than i am referring to?

craniac24 04-19-2010 09:30 PM

My car buying experience was outstanding, however I had to laugh when I was offered the extended warranty. I have a 42 month lease which means I was only looking at 6 months of not being covered by the standard warranty. The dude offered to extend the warranty until the end of my lease...for the low, low price of $800. :icon18:

I couldn't blame the guy for trying. But of course I said no thank you.

j.arnaldo 04-22-2010 08:20 AM

Nissans/Infinitys range from "Average", to "Much Better Than Average" (such as in the case of the Z!!!). With that kinda reliability history, you really gotta weigh the economic implications of that decision. But, in the end, it's YOUR call, man.

pzero_7 01-02-2011 11:47 PM

Out of curiosity, which coverage did you buy? i am contemplating cancelling mine since it costs me an extra $1997 before the 60 days full refund canceling period is over. I chose the platinum coverage.



Originally Posted by cfoster (Post 398185)
Hi everybody, I've been lurking here for a year, this is my first post. I just bought a new 10 Z. Platinum Gray, 6 Spd, base + sport.

Would any of you recommend buying the Nissan extended warranty through the dealer? I'm not really interested in the debate about exact dollar cost of warranty verse cost of repair = subjective value. I'm interested in what (if anything) such a warranty would really cover.

I just bought a 2010 Z, and have the option (for the next day) to buy the extended warrany. My pesimistic understanding of warranties is that there's always a reason for exclusion, making such a purchase pointless. But in my older age my resolve is weakening, such that the consideration of buying a factory warranty might make sense. Can you guys chime in...thoughts...opinions...ideas?

Does anybody have an experience where they bought the extended Nissan warranty and it saved their butt?

sucasa 01-04-2011 02:47 PM

It may be helpful to check w/ your insurance company and see what type of extended warranty they provide. I have Geico and opted w/ the Multi-Risk Extended Plan.

coverages that includes Comprehensive, Collision and Mechanical Breakdown Insurance (MBI).

GEICO Multi-Risk can only be added if the vehicle was purchased or leased from the dealer within the last 15 months, has an odometer reading of 15,000 miles or less, and you are the first title holder.

Multi-Risk coverage expires once the vehicle is 7 years old or reaches 100,000 miles, whichever comes first.

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