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nogoodname 12-16-2008 01:27 PM

Official Insurance Premium Discussion Thread
since no one here owns a 370Z yet, we can only speculate.

so, i'll start with this story.

when i was deciding whether to get an 07 G35 Coupe or an 08 G37 Coupe and ended up going with the G37.
I called my insurance agent and gave the vin#, they called me back saying it would cost 900 with tax per i took it.
then i asked what the insurance premium would have been if i bought a 07 G35 Coupe, she runs the numbers and it comes out to 1300 with tax per year.
I was confused by this, how is that a newer model car with more power under the hood have a lesser premium... i was totally dumb founded by this.

so, what will be the case for the new Z, will ppl have a lesser premium to pay than the 350Z ???

Educ8r 12-16-2008 03:12 PM


nogoodname 12-16-2008 03:17 PM

880 for 6 month, that's quite a bit

shumby 12-16-2008 03:18 PM

me and the wife insuded on the 09G and 03 Maxima with 2,000,000 liabiity(needed for her to drive students) is only about 1100 a year.

nogoodname 12-16-2008 03:25 PM

she drives students??, i thought teacher weren't allowed that anymore b/c the world is ruined now

I bet everyone would want a ride in the 370Z

zsport1 12-16-2008 03:32 PM

There's alot more to an issurance quote than what the car is. Things like car model, age, driving record, credit rating, and the area you live in all go into consideration.
I pay $122/month for full coverage on both my vehicles and my home owners combined. That includes un insured motor, under insured, and tripling my accident coverage across the board.

nogoodname 12-16-2008 03:35 PM

^^ But what about my 1 st post on here, wasn't that just weird/bizarre ???

zsport1 12-16-2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by nogoodname007 (Post 9048)
^^ But what about my 1 st post on here, wasn't that just weird/bizarre ???

Ya, I guess that is weird.

frcefed 12-16-2008 03:45 PM

I pay 140$ a month for a 2008 G37S (full replacement 5 years) and a 2007 R6. I love Alberta for bikes!!!

Educ8r 12-16-2008 04:02 PM

Yes it is, but my coverage is more than the Texas minimum, my deductible is $250 and I am single...oh yeah did I mention I may have a ticket or two :rolleyes:

"If you can't afford the insurance DON'T buy the car!"


Originally Posted by nogoodname007 (Post 9044)
880 for 6 month, that's quite a bit

nogoodname 12-16-2008 04:08 PM

^^ not bad then, you are single , male, young...all that makes a higher

ctzn 12-16-2008 04:38 PM

I hoping to keep mine under $1200/yr now that I am over 25. Do you suppose there is a discount if you only drive the car a couple days a week?

nogoodname 12-16-2008 04:40 PM

^^ not really, it is cheaper if you tell them you not going to be making a lot of mileage on the car

like 12000KM a year or whatever intervals they use.

370z 12-16-2008 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by frcefed (Post 9055)
I pay 140$ a month for a 2008 G37S (full replacement 5 years) and a 2007 R6. I love Alberta for bikes!!!

wow...that is a good deal IMO.
are both paid off?

dad 12-16-2008 06:22 PM

Just for info:

o0javi0o 12-17-2008 12:00 AM

wow,,, Nissan 350z have a 200+ rating.... (worse) based on the document posted by "dad".
Well, in my opinion I think that it will be a more or less the same as a Nissan 350z.

I am 25 and w/ my 07 350z, I am only paying w/ taxes $83 Monthly (with my wife). I have fill cover 50K/25K/50K, Road Assistance, $250 Deductibles. But it all depends on your records too as a buddy was saying here as well where you live, how often you drive, distance, marital status, lease, finance, if you own home or rent, and lots of asterisks to be considered.
I haven't (yet) received a ticket in my life (thx Valentine 1), The color of my car is Dark Gray, but I have a discount for being member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for having a Bachelors in Science of Civil Engineering and having a Masters in Engineering Management, being married and also the area where I live is considered "good" (BUT THE FIRST WEEK I GOT MY CAR SOME A_ _H_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LE!!!! STOLE MY TIRES W/ RIMS!!!!!!!! it didn't have at least 4 days w/ me........).

so yeah. I think that the insurance premiums will be rounding more or less the same amount as a 350z.

BlackBullet 12-17-2008 02:47 AM

Well, the quote will base on your credit, history, age, and etc. But there's one thing that doesn't change. The profile of the vehicle. Your best best is to get the car before dumb/young people start crashing it. But I think some of the 350z driver already did it, since they will probably base it off of the previous version.

BanningZ 12-17-2008 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by ctzn (Post 9064)
I hoping to keep mine under $1200/yr now that I am over 25. Do you suppose there is a discount if you only drive the car a couple days a week?

Policies are no longer dictated by age 25 anymore. Its pretty lame. Now its based on the previous 3 year record and your credit score. They changed this in 2007. You also get a better deal if you have had a relationship with the insurer for more than 2 years and if you are married or a college student.

tranceformer 12-17-2008 07:11 AM

Credit score?!?! WTF!?

diskreet 12-17-2008 10:26 AM

Could be worse. If I get the Z I'll be paying around $1400 - $1700 per 6 months. Although I always keep high levels of insurance and I'm 22. Shame my parents, who are insurance agents, don't get discounts from their company. Bastards.

frcefed 12-17-2008 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by 370z (Post 9071)
wow...that is a good deal IMO.
are both paid off?

Bike has 2 more payments ( I started to paying for it Jan 08) and the G is financed. If I get to go to the sand box (afganistan) in August the G will be paid off June 2010.

I like the car insurance alot cause the 5 year replacement is a sweet deal. In the 1st 2 years of ownership they willl give me the amout that I paid for the car and the balance of the 3 years will be what it is to buy the car new (seeing that cars usually go up in price, so it covers inflation). Hopefully Infiniti doesn't drop the prices lol.

I don't think credit scores affect our insurance premiums in Canada.

Greg 12-17-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by zsport1 (Post 9047)
There's alot more to an issurance quote than what the car is. Things like car model, age, driving record, credit rating, and the area you live in all go into consideration.
I pay $122/month for full coverage on both my vehicles and my home owners combined. That includes un insured motor, under insured, and tripling my accident coverage across the board.


Insurance is way to speculative to compare.

bigdog1250 12-17-2008 03:40 PM

USED cars will have the higher premium as I have learned. More could go wrong and no be covered by warranty. Financing a used car compared to a new car with a private agency also costs more....

Crazy world.

SocalBurt 01-21-2009 10:15 PM

Current Owners!
For current owners of the 370z what are your Insurance payments? I have a 06 350z and am paying $105 a mo. with high coverage including gap incase the car was totaled. Just curious on current figures, I know many factors are involved but just wanna see what everyone is paying for their 370z and have they placed the car in a high risk level!

Crash 01-21-2009 10:33 PM

I'm 25, Male, Single, have a suspension on my license (non-moving violation), and no tickets or accidents in more than 4 years. I'll be paying around $500/mo. for insurance on the Z. (probably more actually)

Lug 01-22-2009 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Crash (Post 22655)
I'm 25, Male, Single, have a suspension on my license (non-moving violation), and no tickets or accidents in more than 4 years. I'll be paying around $500/mo. for insurance on the Z. (probably more actually)

That's frikkin' insane!! :eek:

dad 01-22-2009 11:43 AM


HLDI: Insurance losses by make and model

G&M Performance 01-22-2009 01:10 PM

$106 per month for full coverage here...

capo190 01-22-2009 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Crash (Post 22655)
I'm 25, Male, Single, have a suspension on my license (non-moving violation), and no tickets or accidents in more than 4 years. I'll be paying around $500/mo. for insurance on the Z. (probably more actually)


That's more than the cost of the car per month....why don't you get a diff insurance company brah? There HAS to be lower rates than that.

Crash 01-22-2009 06:40 PM

That's going to be the rate anywhere I go. I know it's retarded, but that's just how it is. I don't get a multicar discount, and if you have a suspension on your license (no matter what the cause is) they jack your rates up to double. My suspension was caused by a registration problem I had with my Trans Am in 2007, but didn't know about it until late 2008, so I got screwed. I have to battle this in court, but the suspension will still be on my record no matter what.

nogoodname 01-22-2009 09:53 PM

^^ damn....was the regis problem on ur fault or the DMV side???

Crash 01-22-2009 10:19 PM

Technically my fault. But I'd fixed it a LONG time ago and somehow it wasn't corrected in the system. A few years back I bombed a business I was running and didn't have any money, so I didn't pay my registration before a CHP gave me a ticket for expired reg. But that was all taken care of... except for in the system. Sadly, these little "computer-mishaps" are a common problem here. Even if I show my insurance company the problem was fixed, they won't do anything about it.

The law enforcement and judicial system works very closely with the vehicle insurance industry. :( Insurance companies DONATE new laser/radar guns to the law enforcement departments so that the cops can give tickets and the insurance companies can jack up the insurance rates. The "speed-trap" was an insurance industry brain-child. Those are illegal to enforce now, thank god. There's 100's of things the insurance industry does to help increase the insurance premiums. So any chance they get to increase it, they will.

Also, you all should know that if you've driven without any tickets or accidents for 4 years, you can call your insurance company and have them lower your rates. They won't do this for you on their own (nor spend time researching it) for obvious reasons, but you can remind them to do it! :D

Insurance is the biggest scam ever. I've paid more than $40K into insurance over all the years of me driving, and MAYBE caused about $8K in damage total. Not to mention all the money they made by investing that $40K. The day I have $30K to put away, I'm taking liability off my insurance list and just paying for theft and comprehensive. They day I have $100K to put away, I'm not going to pay for insurance at all. Total BS.

Lug 01-23-2009 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Crash (Post 23101)
Technically my fault. But I'd fixed it a LONG time ago and somehow it wasn't corrected in the system. A few years back I bombed a business I was running and didn't have any money, so I didn't pay my registration before a CHP gave me a ticket for expired reg. But that was all taken care of... except for in the system. Sadly, these little "computer-mishaps" are a common problem here. Even if I show my insurance company the problem was fixed, they won't do anything about it.

The law enforcement and judicial system works very closely with the vehicle insurance industry. :( Insurance companies DONATE new laser/radar guns to the law enforcement departments so that the cops can give tickets and the insurance companies can jack up the insurance rates. The "speed-trap" was an insurance industry brain-child. Those are illegal to enforce now, thank god. There's 100's of things the insurance industry does to help increase the insurance premiums. So any chance they get to increase it, they will.

Also, you all should know that if you've driven without any tickets or accidents for 4 years, you can call your insurance company and have them lower your rates. They won't do this for you on their own (nor spend time researching it) for obvious reasons, but you can remind them to do it! :D

Insurance is the biggest scam ever. I've paid more than $40K into insurance over all the years of me driving, and MAYBE caused about $8K in damage total. Not to mention all the money they made by investing that $40K. The day I have $30K to put away, I'm taking liability off my insurance list and just paying for theft and comprehensive. They day I have $100K to put away, I'm not going to pay for insurance at all. Total BS.

I moved to Texas when I was 9. There was a State Farm agent my father went to, and I did when I got my license. I'm 50 now and it's still there. EVERY business in that area has changed hands or closed 1/2 a dozen times except that State Farm agent. My fathar-in-Law/wife has the same story with a different agent. These guys may whine over losses but I have never seen any business with the exception of hospitals and government offices that have such staying power. That equals huge long term profits.

nogoodname 01-23-2009 11:54 AM

^^ wowsers....that totally sucks..... have a chip on ur shoulder for a long LONG time

Crash 01-23-2009 02:11 PM

^^^ You can say that. There's nothing I hate more than scams than a law-enforced scam.

dad 01-23-2009 03:15 PM

IIHS Research: Auto insurance loss facts

Pushing_Tin 01-23-2009 04:34 PM

I have USAA and just canceled my 07 Accord Coupe and added the Z. My premiums went up $38 every 6 months. I do keep a $1000 deductibe, but carry higher than required amounts.


SoCal 370Z 02-03-2009 06:06 PM

AAA Has No Records of the 370Z
We bought our 370Z three days ago, and today I called to insure it with our existing insure AAA, and was unable to as AAA they have no data on the 2009 370Z. At this point they will only give us liability coverage—that is it. I have to fax the entire purchase contract to AAA so they can figure out how insure it! Any one else in Southern California running into the same problem?

molamann 02-03-2009 07:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Age 22, no records. Declined medical since I'm in the military but I'll have to add it once I separate in May.


USAA didn't have any information on the 370 when I bought mine in back on the 10th of January. So the agent just processed mine as a 350Z.

arcticreaver 02-03-2009 07:48 PM

allstate is pretty good. i'm with them. about 700 for every 6 months. 25,000/50,000 bodily injury and medical. property damage 50,000.

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