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Vbp6US 04-24-2012 09:02 PM

I pay $78/mo. A few years below 30.

FateAveRun 04-25-2012 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by gsxr750 (Post 1682826)
After 30 yrs.of phone calls for insurance rates here is what you are left with for the best rates.

For cars its Geico and Allstate, if rates are close go with Allstate they are better to deal with on claims.

For motorcycles - Progressive hands down and their rates on car insurance is not that good, as Geico or Allstate.

Also if your are only 20, you should try and stay away from a sports car or high performance car class until you get to be 25 for strictly insurance purposes. Before you buy a car check out the rates, your really better off getting one of the sleeper class of sports cars that will slip thru the insurance companies hi rates, something like a (standard V6 camaro,V6 challenger, V6 mustang), wrx, (altima sport 4 cylinder v6 ) etc.

Right now stay away from cars with the ss, rt, or truely sports cars, unless you can afford the high rates, with rich parents or a high paying job.

This will save you a lot of money on insurance rates.

If your dad puts you on his insurance the rates will be a lot cheaper, but he risks a lot if you get into an accident with the sports car and someone is really injured bad. If you insist on getting a sports car then I would not make my parents put you on their policy, as long as your are over 18 and not living at home and have your own insurance in your name, then they are off the hook legally, and once you hit 21yr. if you are still living at home.

So I got a quote and wow. You weren't joking when you said it was high. They expected a $600 premium and $500 monthly... I don't even want to put my parents through something like that. I don't understand what you mean about the accident with my dad as the primary. Would the rates triple or something since I'm not the primary individual on the account?

Nismodean 04-25-2012 09:07 AM

Progressive- $105 a month with a 30+mph over ticket (was worth proving to that dodge challenger owner what the Z is capable of :p). Cop caught me at the peak of a hill after the fact. :shakes head:

Geico is a rip off, they raised my insurance for no reason when I was 24 and dropped it back down to what I was originally paying when I turned 25. :ughdance:

The claims department is outstanding for both Allstate (the guy who hit me) and Progressive.

Huckleberry 04-25-2012 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Nismodean (Post 1684540)
Progressive- $105 a month with a 30+mph over ticket (was worth proving to that dodge challenger owner what the Z is capable of :p). Cop caught me at the peak of a hill after the fact. :shakes head:

Geico is a rip off, they raised my insurance for no reason when I was 24 and dropped it back down to what I was originally paying when I turned 25. :ughdance:

The claims department is outstanding for both Allstate (the guy who hit me) and Progressive.

progressive wanted 250 a month for my Z with no accidents or tickets. So, they can go to hell.

MacLean 04-25-2012 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Huckleberry (Post 1684826)
progressive wanted 250 a month for my Z with no accidents or tickets. So, they can go to hell.

SH*T, you should have told them to sit on a pencil & rotate & then F OFF.

gsxr750 04-25-2012 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by FateAveRun (Post 1684300)
So I got a quote and wow. You weren't joking when you said it was high. They expected a $600 premium and $500 monthly... I don't even want to put my parents through something like that. I don't understand what you mean about the accident with my dad as the primary. Would the rates triple or something since I'm not the primary individual on the account?

Any accident or ticket, DWI etc that happens to you while you are driving a car under his name or under his insurance policy , will effect your parents insurance rates for up to 4 yrs if anything ever happens and also legally and finacially if anything bad serious injuries or deaths occur. Result , of court judgemnt against you and your parents in serious accident, wage garnishment, leen on any home or property they own.

That is why its best to keep any car children drive, titled in the childs name and also have them buy their own insurance in their own name.

You always here it from the stupid parents that feel their little angel will never get into trouble, but we all know what devils we can turn into once our parents are out of sight. So they never believe their little angel would do anything intentionally wrong behind the wheel of the car and the parents cry the blues later once they face legal issues and finacial costs, due to their little angel.

So it comes down to being an adult and accepting the costs of it, your 20 now and its time to accept full responsibilty, for anything you do , so put everything in your own name or the other option would be to find a dumb older girl friend and put the car in her name, a lot of guys do it once they get a DWI etc. Only problem is that if you break up she can keep the car as it will be titled in her name.

Rusty 04-25-2012 09:32 PM

When you first get insurance. You are on high risk for the first 3 years. After 3yrs without any problems. Your rates go down. If you get married, your rates go down. You get divorced, your rates goes up. Your wife dies, your rates stay the same.

Nismo89 04-25-2012 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by gsxr750 (Post 1684984)
Any accident or ticket, DWI etc that happens to you while you are driving a car under his name or under his insurance policy , will effect your parents insurance rates for up to 4 yrs if anything ever happens and also legally and finacially if anything bad serious injuries or deaths occur. Result , of court judgemnt against you and your parents in serious accident, wage garnishment, leen on any home or property they own.

That is why its best to keep any car children drive, titled in the childs name and also have them buy their own insurance in their own name.

You always here it from the stupid parents that feel their little angel will never get into trouble, but we all know what devils we can turn into once our parents are out of sight. So they never believe their little angel would do anything intentionally wrong behind the wheel of the car and the parents cry the blues later once they face legal issues and finacial costs, due to their little angel.

So it comes down to being an adult and accepting the costs of it, your 20 now and its time to accept full responsibilty, for anything you do , so put everything in your own name or the other option would be to find a dumb older girl friend and put the car in her name, a lot of guys do it once they get a DWI etc. Only problem is that if you break up she can keep the car as it will be titled in her name.

Amen to the bolded! when i got my first car, i had to have a co-signer (no credit established, no creit lines, no nothing) now? when i bought my Z had a line of credit established, but only 1.... the woman told me " normally you need 3-4 lines of credit established in order for the companies to take you in the future....and for future reference..... just get 3-4 lines dont have to use them, just have them. and that counts as a line"

after buying my Z (3 months after) i got a letter saying basically " we've reviewed your policy, and due to your safe driving, we have lowered your rate $300 to $877 a year for full coverage"

start building your credit now and KEEP ONTOP OF IT! thats how i got my Z! lol:eek::yum:

NBZ34 04-25-2012 10:08 PM

2012 370Z Six-Month Premium $383.01 or $63.83/mo. with the following coverage:

Country = U.S.
State = Texas (San Antonio)
Age = 41
Company = USAA

Discounts =
Multi Car
New Car
Premier driver
USAA Member

Coverages =
Comp/Coll: $500/500
Bodily Injury Liability: $30k/60k per person
Property Damage Liability: $25k per accident
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Bodily Injury: $30k/60k per person
Personal Injury Protection: $2500 per person
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Property Damage: $25k per accident
Towing & Labor

FateAveRun 04-25-2012 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by gsxr750 (Post 1684984)
Any accident or ticket, DWI etc that happens to you while you are driving a car under his name or under his insurance policy , will effect your parents insurance rates for up to 4 yrs if anything ever happens and also legally and finacially if anything bad serious injuries or deaths occur. Result , of court judgemnt against you and your parents in serious accident, wage garnishment, leen on any home or property they own.

That is why its best to keep any car children drive, titled in the childs name and also have them buy their own insurance in their own name.

You always here it from the stupid parents that feel their little angel will never get into trouble, but we all know what devils we can turn into once our parents are out of sight. So they never believe their little angel would do anything intentionally wrong behind the wheel of the car and the parents cry the blues later once they face legal issues and finacial costs, due to their little angel.

So it comes down to being an adult and accepting the costs of it, your 20 now and its time to accept full responsibilty, for anything you do , so put everything in your own name or the other option would be to find a dumb older girl friend and put the car in her name, a lot of guys do it once they get a DWI etc. Only problem is that if you break up she can keep the car as it will be titled in her name.

I'm not gonna get a Z anytime soon... I definetly don't want my parents to take responsibility for my stupid mistakes. I guess I should wait 2 years and turn 21 then get my Z with my own money. Thanks for your post though. It really opened my eyes to how selfish I was being; car's not worth my parent's financial stability. Thanks everyone for your posts! It was very encouraging yet depressing knowing that your payment amounts yearly is equaled to my monthly :shakes head:

vo2max99 04-26-2012 02:24 AM

Yeah individual insurance rates can vary tremendously from person to person due to a huge array of variables.

Some of these "variables" that can determine your individual rate are:

Married / Single?
Rent / Own?
Male / Female?
Zip code?
Driving record?
Credit score?
Fed / Military discount?
How many vehicles?
And so on....

So it's really pointless to inquire what others are paying as it's highly individualized.

With that said I'm with Progressive and so far so good. I'm 32 (33 on 29 May) pay 131 month. Would be A LOT lower without the "Reckless driving" and (2) speeding tickets (1 under 15; 1 15 over) I spent 13 days in jail for the reckless driving charge which was dropped from "racing".

The reality is that it was neither but the **** cop driving behind me and my buddy said we were so... Lawyered up, charge dropped to reckless but my buddy failed to let me know of the court date. So a few days latter LEO showed up at my door, put me in cuffs and hauled my *** to the station. The bitch judge didn't even allow bail so good thing it wasn't any longer than 13 days before I got to see the judge.

The reckless driving and speeding tickets will be off my record by September this year. I imagine my rate will drop to $80-90 a month. This is cool because it'll be right around the time I purchase a new car.

I am here:

ImportConvert 04-26-2012 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by FateAveRun (Post 1681414)
Hello members,

I am soon on my way to a new 370Z! :driving:
But...before I get into my lovely car I need to know how much
insurance would be since if it's at too high of a range I might not
be able to afford it. So if you would kindly tell me how much you pay
that'd be great. I live in California and have a good student discount so
any info would be welcome.

26/m/single/Louisiana (71115)/2-car and renter's insurance discount.
Credit-score 700+
Flawless driving record
Allstate is my carrier

(My 2011 Z06 with the same ran me $212 a month or something, IIRC)

I pay about $160 a month for full coverage and free replacement car if it gets totaled for any reason in the next 3 years (i.e. they buy me a new one off the show-room of the current year-model as closely equipped to mine as possible). $500 vanishing deductible.

MacLean 04-26-2012 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by ImportConvert (Post 1686288)
26/m/single/Louisiana (71115)/2-car and renter's insurance discount.
Credit-score 700+
Flawless driving record
Allstate is my carrier

(My 2011 Z06 with the same ran me $212 a month or something, IIRC)

I pay about $160 a month for full coverage and free replacement car if it gets totaled for any reason in the next 3 years (i.e. they buy me a new one off the show-room of the current year-model as closely equipped to mine as possible). $500 vanishing deductible.

Uhhhhh......... WOW.....ok credit score. So what is your SSN & DL #? We need to-do a back ground check to check out your facts. We will also conduct a drug test too (hair sample only).

HippityHop 05-27-2012 02:48 AM

I'm paying2989 every 6 months for my nismo 370z. :/
I can't find anything cheaper. I am 20 years old and have had 3 accidents and 8 traffic violations in the last 3 years. I had some bad driving habits a couple years ago. I'm just waiting for those accidents and tickets to go away now.

gnznroses 05-28-2012 11:08 AM

Quick update on my situation two posts up:
shopped around for insurance and got outrageous rates and companies unwilling to take me. Searched online and found a company i had never heard of called Amica. found them via the JD Power website where they were the top-rated company for several years in a row. They're an online/by-phone-only insurance company. Accepted me and my rate is about the same as I had before with St Farm

m4a1mustang 05-29-2012 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by HippityHop (Post 1739646)
I'm paying2989 every 6 months for my nismo 370z. :/
I can't find anything cheaper. I am 20 years old and have had 3 accidents and 8 traffic violations in the last 3 years. I had some bad driving habits a couple years ago. I'm just waiting for those accidents and tickets to go away now.


jennyt71 05-29-2012 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by gnznroses (Post 1741445)
Quick update on my situation two posts up:
shopped around for insurance and got outrageous rates and companies unwilling to take me. Searched online and found a company i had never heard of called Amica. found them via the JD Power website where they were the top-rated company for several years in a row. They're an online/by-phone-only insurance company. Accepted me and my rate is about the same as I had before with St Farm

Ive had Amica for 15+ years.. they've been great! I have car & home insurance with them.

RiCharlie 05-30-2012 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by HippityHop (Post 1739646)
I'm paying2989 every 6 months for my nismo 370z. :/
I can't find anything cheaper. I am 20 years old and have had 3 accidents and 8 traffic violations in the last 3 years. I had some bad driving habits a couple years ago. I'm just waiting for those accidents and tickets to go away now.

Hmmm maybe your not the kind of risk they want to take...:(

When you say "I had some bad driving habits a couple years ago." When was the last accident or traffic ticket?

Snakes709 06-04-2012 08:27 PM

Yea buddy, my insurence just dropped for my EvoX.......

by $2 a month, lmao. I'm now paying $2593 a year for insurence. I'm 26, no tickets, 1 accident. Another year and a half until its off my record.

HippityHop 06-05-2012 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by RiCharlie (Post 1745001)
Hmmm maybe your not the kind of risk they want to take...:(

When you say "I had some bad driving habits a couple years ago." When was the last accident or traffic ticket?

2 years ago I had about 6 tickets for speeding15+ mph over the limit. Couldn't drive much after that. license was suspended for 6 months. got in some more trouble and got it suspended for a few more months. From what many people tell me, my driving record should start clearing up 3 years after paying the fines and everything.

Educ8r 06-06-2012 04:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I traded my Z on a 5.0 and my insurance was cheaper. I traded my 5.0 on a Shelby GT500 and my insurance rate didn't change, I was expecting it to increase. I switched from Progressive to AllState and that saved me $1172 over a 6 month period.

LinPark 06-06-2012 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Educ8r (Post 1756355)
I traded my Z on a 5.0 ... I traded my 5.0 on a Shelby GT500 ...

Why do you keep downgrading? :stirthepot:

Just kiddin' with ya - I'd be interested in hearing your comparisons between the 3.

RiCharlie 06-06-2012 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by HippityHop (Post 1756160)
2 years ago I had about 6 tickets for speeding15+ mph over the limit. Couldn't drive much after that. license was suspended for 6 months. got in some more trouble and got it suspended for a few more months. From what many people tell me, my driving record should start clearing up 3 years after paying the fines and everything.

Well if you were an insurance company would you want to insure yourself?

Educ8r 06-06-2012 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by LinPark (Post 1756522)
Why do you keep downgrading? :stirthepot:

Just kiddin' with ya - I'd be interested in hearing your comparisons between the 3.

Not apples to oranges but apples to beans!

The whine of that supercharger is a beautiful sound.

Minsu 08-06-2012 09:11 PM

What Are You guys Paying for insurance?
Not sure if its in this area of the forum but here i go.

so im 21 2 accidents neither my fault.

I was wondering what kind of money you paid and which company you went with.

And would it be a good idea to just put the car under my fathers name or mothers? I heard that this will lower the cost.

Any advice, random rants, and info is appreciated, Insurance might make my parents woah on the purchase cause im paying the car they pay insurance.

kenchan 08-06-2012 09:12 PM


Minsu 08-06-2012 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 1856788)

Elaborate plz

nepali 08-06-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Minsu (Post 1856785)
Not sure if its in this area of the forum but here i go.

so im 21 2 accidents neither my fault.

I was wondering what kind of money you paid and which company you went with.

And would it be a good idea to just put the car under my fathers name or mothers? I heard that this will lower the cost.

Any advice, random rants, and info is appreciated, Insurance might make my parents woah on the purchase cause im paying the car they pay insurance.

Can you please buy a Z first before you create all these useless threads?

Minsu 08-06-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by nepali (Post 1856795)
Can you please buy a Z first before you create all these useless threads?

Right cause then if i had a z i would have insurance already.

CrownR426 08-06-2012 09:14 PM

No need to flame on a new member!
Welcome to the forums!

homeryansta 08-06-2012 10:26 PM

hey OP,

I was in the same boat as you when I purchased my Z 3 months back. Don't listen to the OG on here who forgot what it's like to buy a car and wonder about these things.

I'm 25, no prior accidents or tickets. I've had a couple claims though.

I'm paying 123.00 a month from state farm with 500 deductible.

Zenki370 08-06-2012 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by homeryansta (Post 1856927)
hey OP,

I was in the same boat as you when I purchased my Z 3 months back. Don't listen to the OG on here who forgot what it's like to buy a car and wonder about these things.

I'm 25, no prior accidents or tickets. I've had a couple claims though.

I'm paying 123.00 a month from state farm with 500 deductible.

Same here but 24. Just 1 following too close ticket on the record and an at fault accident that didnt pay a claim (i hit a brand new car, they fixed it at their expense in house to keep the car fax clean). Everything else dropped off. 120.xx

Jasonle 08-06-2012 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 1856788)


Minsu 08-06-2012 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by homeryansta (Post 1856927)
hey OP,

I was in the same boat as you when I purchased my Z 3 months back. Don't listen to the OG on here who forgot what it's like to buy a car and wonder about these things.

I'm 25, no prior accidents or tickets. I've had a couple claims though.

I'm paying 123.00 a month from state farm with 500 deductible.

Thanks man, 123.00 sadness i think i pay close to 1k a month for 3 diff cars right now, if i get a Z its gonna be ridiculous....

Thechidz 08-07-2012 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Minsu (Post 1856785)
Not sure if its in this area of the forum but here i go.

so im 21 2 accidents neither my fault.

I was wondering what kind of money you paid and which company you went with.

And would it be a good idea to just put the car under my fathers name or mothers? I heard that this will lower the cost.

Any advice, random rants, and info is appreciated, Insurance might make my parents woah on the purchase cause im paying the car they pay insurance.

it would def be cheaper on their insurance

BeksNice 08-07-2012 06:14 AM

I checked my insurance rate for 2013 370z at geico and progressive
and it turns out the price is going to be 560$ a month (!) w00t?!?!
I'm 18.
Is it how it is supposed to be? :P

enkei2k 08-07-2012 08:33 AM

I don't understand why people ask others on a PUBLIC WORLDWIDE forum what their insurance rates are? If you want to know how much insurance costs, GOOGLE different insurance companies and put down your information. It's FREE and it only takes a few minutes of your time to get a quote.

To save you trouble: The major ones off the top of my head: Geico, Progressive, State Farm, All State, eSurance, etc.

Your insurance rates in NJ will be vastly different from someone in MN or FL or CA or wherever. It also depends on your driving history (tickets + accidents = high premium), discounts (defensive driver, good student), and other factors.

DR_ 08-07-2012 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by BeksNice (Post 1857189)
I checked my insurance rate for 2013 370z at geico and progressive
and it turns out the price is going to be 560$ a month (!) w00t?!?!
I'm 18.
Is it how it is supposed to be? :P

I'm surprised it isn't higher then that. Insurance companies just don't want 18 year old boys, especially in sports cars, and even more especially in Los Angeles. It is just a huge claim waiting to happen.

Mine is <$50 a month but I'm twice your age.

BeksNice 08-07-2012 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by DR_ (Post 1857286)
I'm surprised it isn't higher then that. Insurance companies just don't want 18 year old boys, especially in sports cars, and even more especially in Los Angeles. It is just a huge claim waiting to happen.

Mine is <$50 a month but I'm twice your age.

I don't have much choice though.

LinPark 08-07-2012 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Minsu (Post 1857035)
Thanks man, 123.00 sadness i think i pay close to 1k a month for 3 diff cars right now, if i get a Z its gonna be ridiculous....

My recommendation would be to sell the 3 cars and use the proceeds to pay for a new Z and insurance. :tiphat:

I have 3 cars (married with kids) the car payments AND insurance don't total $1k a month. :bowrofl:

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