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Unbelievable... very disappointed and angry.

I have been working for two weeks to get all my stuff straight to close the deal on my new Yellow 370z. 1. Got the VPP pricing voucher. (Thanks Robert)

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Old 06-11-2009, 07:42 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Unbelievable... very disappointed and angry.

I have been working for two weeks to get all my stuff straight to close the deal on my new Yellow 370z.

1. Got the VPP pricing voucher. (Thanks Robert)
2. Dealer found the car I wanted and made a deal to get it here tomorrow.
3. Got the loan through PenFed for 3.99%
4. Blind appraised my car at around $14,000. (2005, yellow, base coupe, 6sp, 31000 miles)
Edumunds says it should be trade-in for $14838.
KBB says $15000.

Drove an hour and half up to the dealer to close the deal. I was so excited! We were doing some paper work and he was gonna take the deposit to get my new ride here. In walks one of the managers...

Manager: "Ummm excuse me. How much did you want out of your trade-in?"
Me: $14000 we agreed on why?
Manager: "Says here it's only worth $7000 - $10000 max..."
Manager: "I called several different lots and auction houses and they said it's only worth around $7000..."
Me: ..... Wait are you serious?

Did I miss something? Did the value of 350z's magically drop over night? I looked at Edmunds, KBB, Auto trader and even Ebay. All cars similar to mine are going for $15000 - $20000. Even if they would have said ok how about 12k or 13k I would have done it... but $7000!? That's just insulting!

What do you guys think?
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I had the same car except silver and 35k.They tried to give me 10k. I refused until they gave me 13k. And the kicker is they had it sold in a week,I seen it driving around town.They probably made more off it than the 370. Go figure.....Good luck
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:58 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Sounds like the dealer wanted to squeeze you out and take quite a chunk of change from your pocket. I would have walked also, resale value is stated 14k on multiple sources - I would check how much are cars like yours going for in your area,
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:01 PM   #4 (permalink)
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So, are they giving you 7K or 10K?

My 03 had 87000 miles and 1 small accident. I was given a very reasonable trade in. My car looked very clean though.

Whats the condition of your car?
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:19 PM   #5 (permalink)
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sorry to hear about your story. it's been said many times that a dealer makes more profit on used car sales as they always get them at a lower value with trade-ins when people buy new cars. He could have at least offered 10k but it seems he is selling well for the month and he knows that 370z buyers really want this car. You are better off selling the car on your own and then buying the 370z from another dealer. i wouldnt give this same dealer the satisfaction of getting your business.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:20 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:41 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by AK370Z View Post
So, are they giving you 7K or 10K?

My 03 had 87000 miles and 1 small accident. I was given a very reasonable trade in. My car looked very clean though.

Whats the condition of your car?
Sorry, I didn't make that part very clear. They said they would want to give me $7000. They said if I kept my custom wheels on it they would maybe go to 8k or 9k. They even ran a carfax while I was sitting there and said it came back clean. I haven't had any accidents and the car is in great shape. The paint looks great with only one minor ding in the door.

I'm just so down right now. I was so pumped up all week. The real kick in the pants of the whole thing is they let me take a fully loaded red touring 6sp out to try out the rev match. I LOVE the 370. It is everything I thought it would be.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:51 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Thanks everyone for the replies. I have checked the local auto and rv paper and cars very similar to mine with more miles are going anywhere from 15k up to 17k. $7000 for my car is just an outright insult.

Thing is, I'm a very determined individual. When people tell me I can't have something that makes me want it more. I WILL be joing the 370 family soon. I have a loan check here on my desk burning a hole in it. Now that I've drove it I can't believe how much different it is. I love it.

5 years ago they told me at three different local nissan dealers that I would never find a yellow 350 for the price I wanted to pay. They were wrong.

I'll try my luck selling it on my own. Thanks for the support. I'll be tuning with you guys soon.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:56 PM   #9 (permalink) Sponsor
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sell yours for 12 or 13 for a quick sale and get the 370. I've used GM supplier and VPP before, but never with a trade, for that exact reason.
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Old 06-11-2009, 09:07 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by niterydr View Post
Thanks everyone for the replies. I have checked the local auto and rv paper and cars very similar to mine with more miles are going anywhere from 15k up to 17k. $7000 for my car is just an outright insult.

Thing is, I'm a very determined individual. When people tell me I can't have something that makes me want it more. I WILL be joing the 370 family soon. I have a loan check here on my desk burning a hole in it. Now that I've drove it I can't believe how much different it is. I love it.

5 years ago they told me at three different local nissan dealers that I would never find a yellow 350 for the price I wanted to pay. They were wrong.

I'll try my luck selling it on my own. Thanks for the support. I'll be tuning with you guys soon.
Don't sell it for less than the KBB quotes. I'm sure of your decision to walk away will prove successful and prosperous!

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Old 06-11-2009, 10:07 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by niterydr View Post
Sorry, I didn't make that part very clear. They said they would want to give me $7000. They said if I kept my custom wheels on it they would maybe go to 8k or 9k. They even ran a carfax while I was sitting there and said it came back clean. I haven't had any accidents and the car is in great shape. The paint looks great with only one minor ding in the door.

I'm just so down right now. I was so pumped up all week. The real kick in the pants of the whole thing is they let me take a fully loaded red touring 6sp out to try out the rev match. I LOVE the 370. It is everything I thought it would be.
wow.. that's kinda suck because I was given WAY (alteast $2000+) more for my trade. I say list it on ebay and autotrader. You'll get bite. I have sold plenty of cars on them.

I wonder if this has to do with Nissan announcing 10,000 Z/year. When the Z first came out, in January, there was a shortage and people were paying MSRP. But, in next couple months (all feb and March), Z was available everywhere in large quantities and dealers were taking ANY offers (even below invoice) on them. Then, Nissan announces they will only sell 10,000 Zs a year and bam, I saw an instant price hike on the Z. Dealers were no longer interested in selling at low prices or make any deals. When Me, Musashi and few other forum members bought our cars (around feb/march), dealers were begging us to come and buy the car from them. You can walk in (like Musashi) and get invoice or below invoice deals with generous trade ins. After the announcement, I have def seen a quick shift. Also remember, dealer allocation is reduced by 1/3 on all Nissan dealers since Nissan's target was 30,000 units/year. That's why dealer is probably holding onto every Z they currently have?

Hopefully, you sell your 350Z and join us. Look for other dealers. It's not a bad idea (I personally think it's the best idea) to go outside your state if necessary. Roadtrip in your brand new Z will be almost like a reward.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:21 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Well as luck would have I may end up coming out ok on this deal. I happened to over hear the salesman talking to the dealership that had the Z I wanted. I remembered the name and looked it up on the nissanusa inventory. I found the Z they were after in Kentucky about an hour and half away from here!

On top of that, I mentioned what happened last night to a couple of co-workers today and they said a guy here was looking for a 350Z. His wife has been pushing him to get one for awhile. She works here too and really likes my Z. I talked to him and he said the price I was asking was more than fair and he would let me know Monday if he could do it. *Fingers crossed*
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:31 PM   #13 (permalink)
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That's great to hear. Good luck!
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:52 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by niterydr View Post
Well as luck would have I may end up coming out ok on this deal. I happened to over hear the salesman talking to the dealership that had the Z I wanted. I remembered the name and looked it up on the nissanusa inventory. I found the Z they were after in Kentucky about an hour and half away from here!

On top of that, I mentioned what happened last night to a couple of co-workers today and they said a guy here was looking for a 350Z. His wife has been pushing him to get one for awhile. She works here too and really likes my Z. I talked to him and he said the price I was asking was more than fair and he would let me know Monday if he could do it. *Fingers crossed*

Good luck with it. The one in KY... was it at Nissan on Nicholasville by chance? Just outside of Lexington? Yellow Touring Sport w/ gray interior? If so I saw it with my own eyes... it came down to that or my pearl white one. I have a dozen or so pictures of that one on my cell phone where I drooled all over it, ha ha. If you see drool on the car, my apologies in advance. So hot!

Good luck with the deal again!
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Old 06-12-2009, 02:22 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sonic370Z View Post
Good luck with it. The one in KY... was it at Nissan on Nicholasville by chance? Just outside of Lexington? Yellow Touring Sport w/ gray interior? If so I saw it with my own eyes... it came down to that or my pearl white one. I have a dozen or so pictures of that one on my cell phone where I drooled all over it, ha ha. If you see drool on the car, my apologies in advance. So hot!

Good luck with the deal again!
Thanks! Actually it was at a dealer in Florence, KY. Kerry Nissan.

Wait... what is this yellow with gray interior you speak of? That's what I originally asked for. The two dealers I talked to said they never heard of a yellow one with grey interior. Please post those pics if you still have them. I may be taking a road trip to Lexington! I have family there anyway that I need to visit.
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