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ctzn 01-05-2009 10:29 PM

Official Deal Finder Thread
Couldn't find a section for this, but thought it may be in some of your best interests to know...

Dirito Brothers Nissan in Walnut Creek is selling 370Z's at MSRP with no mark up of any kind.

I will be buying my Pearl White from them in a few weeks time (when it arrives), and I was told this evening that they will not sell them over MSRP.

So, if you are in the NorCal or Bay Area you may want to check into them. They have a red with sports package 6MT and a silver touring 7AT at the moment...


Please send a pm to our Supporting Nissan Dealers and see what they can do for you. They have given some amazing deals to our forum members.

Lou Fusz Nissan: Nissan 370Z Forum - View Profile: FuszNissan

Fontana Nissan:
Boardwalk Nissan: Nissan 370Z Forum - View Profile: Brendan@Bwalk

Koeppel Nissan: Nissan 370Z Forum - View Profile: koeppelnissan

Serramonte Nissan: Nissan 370Z Forum - View Profile: Vitaly@Serramonte Nissan

Also, don't forget to visit our Dealer inventory:

Slidefox 01-05-2009 10:31 PM

Official Deal Finder Thread
Title says it all folks. If you know of a dealer that has 370Z's for a smokin deal.... post'em up. Give as much detail as possible! :tup:

blue660r01 01-05-2009 10:35 PM

Isnt there a price thread thats supposed to do this started by you sly?

Slidefox 01-05-2009 10:45 PM

That is for those who have purchased a Z. This is for if you see ABC dealer with (2) touring for $500 below MSRP

Asheth 01-05-2009 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Slidefox (Post 16521)
That is for those who have purchased a Z. This is for if you see ABC dealer with (2) touring for $500 below MSRP

Good Idea!

Carmax Nissan in White Marsh Maryland has:

Platinum Graphite Touring with Sport Package 6mt for $34,815

link: Car Finder by Zip Code at

Slidefox 01-06-2009 07:15 PM

Carbon Silver, 6MT $3,400 off of MSRP!!

CarMax Car Detail

drmike 01-06-2009 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Slidefox (Post 16741)
Carbon Silver, 6MT $3,400 off of MSRP!!

CarMax Car Detail

Woah, that's awesome. California will bone you if you buy out of state and drive it in, but still that would be a good deal.

G in ny 01-06-2009 09:30 PM

I spoke to a dealer and told them how I saw a member of a online forum purchase his fully loaded for 37,000 and there willing to sell it to me for that price!!

Slidefox 01-06-2009 09:35 PM

Dealers lie all the time... so lie to them!! I would be like, "Another dealer offered me $xx,xxx for my trade, and was going to sell me the car for $xx,xxx!!!". When they ask what dealer, just say you don't want to say, but ask them if they want to deal or should I leave now? :)

370ZINMO 01-07-2009 05:25 PM

I was offered VPP pricing today FWIW.

Temple 01-07-2009 06:41 PM

So VPP price is just a tad under invoice correct? Think it is invoice -2.8% +2.5% for delivery. Did you have to show them any corporate info from your company to get that deal or did they just give it to you?

370ZINMO 01-07-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Temple (Post 17153)
So VPP price is just a tad under invoice correct? Think it is invoice -2.8% +2.5% for delivery. Did you have to show them any corporate info from your company to get that deal or did they just give it to you?

Just told him I was eligible. When I bought my last Nissan, yes, I had to show my work badge, paystub, etc. I like VPP because it takes away all haggling.

mr5parkle 01-10-2009 09:02 PM

stevens creek nissan is letting them go at msrp (despite the displayed $4k markup). i spoke to the internet sales manager. really nice guy. i told him i wasn't ready to buy unless it's at invoice but he still offered to let me test drive their one and only 370z. PM me for his name and contact info. i am unsure of the other salesmen are as nice as him.

the 1 z they do have is white fully loaded, sport, touring, black leather, floor mats, and illuminated kick plate thingy.

Hypnotikz 01-16-2009 06:19 PM

I called route 22 nissan in hillside NJ today and the spanish lady that answered the phone told me they have 7 370z in stock and have at least 1 of every color. I don't know which ones they have exactly, but i'm probably going to pop in tomorrow to check them out. She also told me they're having a special which she said was $1,600 under invoice for the 370z's. Like I said I'm going to pop by tomorrow hopefully and check out how legit her claims are.

Hypnotikz 01-17-2009 05:45 PM

So, I went to the nissan dealer. They have 1 in stock and dont plan on getting any for a while(unless ordered). It's a Silver touring 6spd Ill kickplates, carpets, navi, sport, carpeted truck for 40.415. I told him I knew people who were interested and asked about the 1.6k under invoice i was told about. He said tell them to come in and he will make it happen.

deeocom 01-17-2009 09:06 PM

Do you think they'd take an order with 1.6k under invoice? I'm looking for a fully loaded manual in red. Can't seem to find red anywhere

Hypnotikz 01-18-2009 12:09 AM

No idea. ill make some calls monday and see if ordering and getting at least 1.6 under invoice is a possibility. This would be easier if it was a vw audi or ford/linc/merc cause i know people for them. i get amazing deals :\

r6addict 01-18-2009 12:23 AM

I headed to the dealer last saturday with cash ready to make a deal. My local dealership said they couldnt even entertain an offer anywhere near invoice for at least a year. I kindly told the sales leader that their dealership probably wouldnt be in business for that long and kindly walked out to the parking lot shaking my head.

OMGWTFBBQ 01-18-2009 11:43 AM

Haha. I might not be keeping up with the current economic times, but in an economy like this, I wonder if it's even logical to be throwing mark ups on the 370z? Every dealership I've been to has at least a $1k markup on their cars regardless of trim or options. Most of them act like the 370z is selling like hotcakes, but most, if not all, of them still have the first batch of 370's they received from two weeks ago.

Oh yeah. This is Southern California.

dave 01-18-2009 11:55 AM

i got vpp all of the above is corerect.

Hypnotikz 01-19-2009 06:58 PM

I called them back today and he was saying that the woman i talked to was talkign about the 350z not the 370 in regards to the 1.6k. He did however say he would work out a sweet deal but you have to go in and talk with him and the finance department. You should be able to easily get it around invoice. I guess just pop on by and tell Hector that Jair sent you.

deeocom 01-19-2009 07:04 PM

Thanks! I'll pay him a visit if I am not too busy this week.

doc 01-20-2009 01:25 AM

i test drove the same white 370z as mr5sparkle in san jose. the internet sales manager said the same thing as well, "lowest he can go was msrp". it makes sense for nissan to get as much as they can, but i am not willing pull the trigger at this price. at 500 to 1000 over invoice, i would feel comfortable. if anyone sees pricing like this in the bay area, please let me know.

ctzn 01-22-2009 12:22 AM


I ordered my Pearl White 6MT w/ Sport Package this evening for $800 below MSRP. I ordered from Dirito Bros. Nissan in Walnut Creek, from Scott Annis.

He let me drive a 7AT they had on the lot to get a feel for the fit. It was a tad difficult having rained all day to open it up at all, but it was a nice cruise through town. The 7AT was uninspiring to say the least, even with the paddle shifters, never felt quite right. The car felt great though, was comfortable, easy to operate, just felt good.

Anyway, this dealer in WC is getting a few more this month to their lot and will be selling them at MSRP with some wiggle room, so if you are in the area check them out.

All I have to do is sit back and be patient for 8 - 10 weeks...

GT Motoring 01-22-2009 08:55 PM

If anyone is looking for around 1k above invoice range on equiped 370Zs (stripped down base model may be little lesser) and is willing to travel to the chicago burbs, please contact me. We have a great working relationship with our local dealer. I will be getting you directly with the sales manager, so no BSing around.

doc 01-23-2009 02:28 AM

thanks ctzn, i will keep them in mind. i haven't driven the auto yet, but i really miss having a manual. my wife would prefer the auto, but this car is for me.

minnichs 01-23-2009 07:38 PM

Deal on eBay $37288
I found this on ebay..if it had the persimmon interior I would pull the trigger

eBay Motors: Nissan : 370Z (item 250360577565 end time Jan-27-09 12:13:38 PST)

Just delivered! Brand new 2009 Nissan 370Z Coupe. This Touring model 6-speed manual shift Coupe is fully loaded with the Sport Package, Navigation System, Splash Guards, Carpeted Floor and Trunk Mats, and Illuminated Kickplates. The sticker price on this vehicle is $40,635. The car is Magnetic Black with Black leather.

JunoonX 01-26-2009 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by 370ZINMO (Post 17144)
I was offered VPP pricing today FWIW.

Ok that's honestly a bunch of ..... anyways, our dealership isn't honoring it. In fact, I walked away from a 38,500 deal today on a fully spec'ed out touring (sports + nav and the whole shebang).
The VPP offering easily shaves of 3G's off of the fully spec'ed z34, certainly not happy about dealerships not going with it.

doc 01-28-2009 11:39 PM

just got a call from stevens creek nissan. they offered me 1500 over invoice. this is the best price i have seen in california. he said he got a price structuring from nissan, so perhaps most dealerships in the bay area will do the same deal. a custom order will take until march however.

has anyone seen anything better than this in the bay area???

deeocom 01-30-2009 07:19 PM

Pulled the trigger and ordered a fully loaded manual Z for $38,800. At route 22 Nissan in NJ. Dealt with Sam. He was giving me the fully loaded silver Z minus splash guards that they have in stock for the same price.

Hypnotikz 01-31-2009 01:57 PM

Nice. and it actually came out to around 1600 under like she said it would. Awesome man. Whens the ETA?

deeocom 02-01-2009 12:53 PM

They said it may take about a month.

AK370Z 02-02-2009 05:40 PM

Official Deal Finder Thread

Yes, I am very excited to announce Boardwalk Nissan as our Authorized Nissan Dealer for Nissan 370Z. They will work with you and give you the best deal possible. Feel free to give them a call and tell them you saw their advertisement at The370Z forums. Do not hesitate if you don't live in the west coast. They have shipped thousands of cars all over the United states. If you can save $3000 on your new Z, $700 shipping fee is not really a big deal.

Here's their website: Nissan - Boardwalk Auto Center

Name: Mike Weiland
Phone: 650 599 5701
Forum sponsors s/n: contact Nissan 370Z Forum - View Profile: mikew

Before calling any of your local dealers, give this guy a call and see what he has to offer. If he can't offer you the best deal, you're more welcome to look elsewhere. They are going to add their 370Z inventory to our "inventory section" shortly. In the mean time, contact them via those contact numbers.

Thank you for supporting our sponsors. :tup:


mikew 02-02-2009 08:33 PM

best deals in the bay
Boardwalk Nissan currently has one of the largest incoming supply of 370z's in N. California, and is the only dealer I know of that is discounting well under MSRP for any of them!!!
In fact, right now, they have at least 1 in stock that you can buy for only invoice!!
want a great deal? contact them.

k.alexander 02-05-2009 04:54 PM

Just put a down payment on 370Z base M6, platinum graphite, at $500 below invoice. It's going to be a long weekend until I can pick it up on Monday :)

sbkim 02-06-2009 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by k.alexander (Post 27949)
Just put a down payment on 370Z base M6, platinum graphite, at $500 below invoice. It's going to be a long weekend until I can pick it up on Monday :)

Good gawd - that's amazing deal. Would you be able to share dealer and salesperson's name? Please let us know what dealer fees they charge. Thanks

mikew 02-07-2009 12:02 PM

steal of a deal
Boardwalk Nissan in Redwood City, CA has a touring 6spd w/ sport pkg and navigation on sale for $37999 plus fees, and a touring 6spd for only $32999 plus fees. sweet deal!!

!xoible 02-23-2009 10:57 AM

mike what's the lease figures on the car (residual, MF)?

soccerboi1 02-24-2009 07:28 PM

Great Deal?
bought a 370Z with touring, sports package, Navi, carpeted mats and trunk and splash guards. for 36,000. Red

theDreamer 02-24-2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by soccerboi1 (Post 35152)
bought a 370Z with touring, sports package, Navi, carpeted mats and trunk and splash guards. for 36,000. Red

Where, and with or without TTL? You are in Texas and I might just find your dealer and talk to him, did you order also?

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