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carlitos_370z 01-12-2015 08:51 AM by carlitos_370z, on Flickr by carlitos_370z, on Flickr

redstarcg 01-12-2015 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by 6spd (Post 3078875)
A few compositional tweaks and you've got yourself a pretty good shot. I'm not a huge fan of light painting cars, but they are neat when executed well.

Thanks man. They def enter that fake world haha.

6spd 01-12-2015 09:15 AM

Yeah, they begin to look CGI

redstarcg 01-12-2015 10:45 AM

My World hahahaha :D

osbornsm 01-12-2015 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by 6spd (Post 3078907)
Yeah, they begin to look CGI

Would a decent softbox give you the light painting effect or do you have to do a time lapse and actually walk the light around?

redstarcg 01-12-2015 10:56 AM

In my personal opinion I would like a softbox way more. However I do not have one so I have to work with what I do have. I think a softbox would give you a different effect because light painting is a narrow light which gives off a narrow diffusion while it depends on what kind of softbox you use, but if I was to shoot this with a softbox I would want a decent sized one to get into there and show up in the reflections a bit.

Softbox would be the best route for me, but I do not have one as mentioned so light painting it is for now.

6spd 01-12-2015 11:49 AM

Softboxes reduce light output, sometimes by half depending on the box, so you would need to compensate. Most professionals that light paint simply use an Ice Light, or a homemade light made from a long fluorescent bulb and a battery inverter. The larger the light source, the larger your reflection will be. And remember, larger light source = softer light. So adding a soft box to a small light will not "soften" per se, only just modify the light a bit.

Light painting cars is essentially a way to imitate photographing a car in a studio with a huge white surround and ceiling. It can be as complicated as you want it to be, or as simple.

Bluebatmobile 01-12-2015 02:42 PM



carlitos_370z 01-12-2015 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bluebatmobile (Post 3079271)


thanks :)

Schsplayer00 01-12-2015 07:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My favorite so far

NickTurnon 01-12-2015 07:52 PM

^^ That looks identical to Jenna Catics Z in FL - Literally same exact setup, wheels, color scheme, lights

DatsunFTW 01-12-2015 10:41 PM

She just sold it actually Nick

DatsunFTW 01-12-2015 10:43 PM

But that is the same exact picture she posted on her profile.....

DatsunFTW 01-12-2015 10:44 PM

Schplayer if you did just buy it from her, its a good purchase :tup:

TaroBaapG35 01-19-2015 07:41 PM

Detailed Z (Quick Spray Detail) Detail by TaroBaapG35, on Flickr

Full Overhaul Coming soon!

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