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Read T 11-03-2014 10:54 AM

I haven't trodded through all 9 pages to read the posts. But after reading the initial post, I will say that I think the BRZ/FRS/GT86 gets a LOT more hate than the 370z. I also believe the 370z deserves a good amount of the hate because most of the people that drive our cars are epic douchenozzles or ricers with a big wallet.

TerribleONE 11-03-2014 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Read T (Post 3020407)
I haven't trodded through all 9 pages to read the posts. But after reading the initial post, I will say that I think the BRZ/FRS/GT86 gets a LOT more hate than the 370z. I also believe the 370z deserves a good amount of the hate because most of the people that drive our cars are epic douchenozzles or ricers with a big wallet.

If you want ricers with a big wallet go check out the Subi guys..

Zoren 370 11-03-2014 11:00 AM

But this is blasphemy!!!!

Courtesy of Fly1.

Sinfully insane.

Zoren 370 11-03-2014 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by TerribleONE (Post 3020409)
If you want ricers with a big wallet go check out the Subi guys..

No thank you. Im happy where my wallet is. Lol

kenchan 11-03-2014 11:15 AM

is that an ant with yellow plasti-shittt?

Zoren 370 11-03-2014 11:19 AM

Nope its a yellow cab in New York! :-)

kenchan 11-03-2014 11:23 AM

oh ok... for a cab, that looks great.

problem with trd is that they ignored the lack of power and just put some overpriced decorations and bolt-ons for premium price. that's only going to cause more people to race you and you cant win.

ive been looking at brz for summer dd and if id do it, id get the one with the standard full options and just mod the rest using aftermarket bits.

sp911 11-03-2014 11:33 AM

when i was shopping for my next car i did drive and compare the z, the frs and the hyundai genesis. i'm sure the brz can be tossed in here for comparison. for me it was easy. i knew that if i had bought anything lesser than the z, which the fsr/brz is, then i wouldn't be happy or as happy. for me it then came to shopping for the right z. the brz/frs is a poor man's z, as the z is a poor man's porsche. 8 months later and i have not regretted the decision. yeah, the frs is a nice car, nicer than say a corolla, a camry, or a honda. but not nicer than a z.

kenchan 11-03-2014 11:34 AM

nice choice.

brucelidat 11-03-2014 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Read T (Post 3020407)
I haven't trodded through all 9 pages to read the posts. But after reading the initial post, I will say that I think the BRZ/FRS/GT86 gets a LOT more hate than the 370z. I also believe the 370z deserves a good amount of the hate because most of the people that drive our cars are epic douchenozzles or ricers with a big wallet.

I don't think the 370z is that riced out yet, but I fear for it as it gets older and cheaper.

kenchan 11-03-2014 11:42 AM

the z is perfect for street. fast enough to be faster than most cars on the road...but not too fast that makes the drive boring.

too often people get all caught up on magazine spec racing and end up not using even 50% of the Z's true potential and just complain and yak. perhaps the weakest part of the Z is the driver.

on the otherhand, be prepared to be owned by camry's while driving a frs/brz.

scorp38 11-03-2014 11:52 AM

Toyubarus look good I will give them that, but aside from looks there is nothing worth noting about them. All they did was basically resurrect what was already in place in the late 90's early 2000's with the s2ks and miatas. There is absolutely nothing substantial or amazing about these cars, other than they look good.

KittenMittens 11-03-2014 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Digital neOn (Post 3019983)
I live in the Portland area which is large and have only seen a handful of Z's since i started getting interested in the Z. So in about 6 months i remember counting 8 370z's and i suspect that i have seen the same couple of Z's more then once so the actual number is probably smaller.

Even before i knew too much about Z and before i was even interested i would always stare at my neighbors Z. I thought it was some kind of rare GTR Porsche thingy...:wtf2:


Originally Posted by RicerX (Post 3020258)
So there was this time I was dating this chick. She was decently hot. She wasn't "top shelf" per se but I was 19 and I couldn't see the big picture too well (most 19 year olds don't). Lots of my friends hyped her up - she was the new kid on the block. I put up with a lot of crap with her. She would do things to piss me off ALL THE TIME, but I was like "how could I do better than this?" All the top shelf girls were surely worse to put up with - they were probably higher maintenance. I justified in my own mind that my girl was ok even though she was a 7/10 (depending on lighting, we could swing an 8. Take her out for Italian without packing any Trident Spearmint, and we're talking 6.5). Surely that 9/10 chick is worse in the sack or has some sort of heavy baggage or has a kid somewhere or gets FAR too much attention on instagram and facebook or has bad breath or would be far too expensive at the Cheesecake Factory or orders her Starbucks drink with no less than 18 weird preferences like adding nonfat goat milk, vegan whip cream, unicorn **** sprinkles, and crushed ice made with glaciers from the north pole or any other total nightmare that comes with something that appears less obtainable in life.

After dealing with a mediocre relationship for around 5 years, it ended. Sure, I thought it was easy, but after having mediocre for SO LONG and trying to tell myself that mediocre was ok and that GREAT wasn't worth chasing after and justifying that to myself, I ended up with worse than mediocre. I ended up with boring, unrewarding, unsatisfying, and disappointment.

So I decided to go see what these 9/10 bitches were about. I was older, wiser, and a bit more seasoned in "the game". So I jumped in. And then I realized how stupid I was for talking myself into mediocre for so long. And most of the 9/10s just don't have bad breath like I thought. Or baggage.

So you guys, by now, are all like "WTF are you even talking about, RicerX?"

Well, you may have thought about I was talking about relationships. NAY, sirs and madams.

I'm talking about why 13.7lb/hp is never going to be better than 9.7lb/hp no matter what you tell yourself when you're 19.

This thread, I loves it! <3

kenchan 11-03-2014 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by scorp38 (Post 3020495)
Toyubarus look good I will give them that, but aside from looks there is nothing worth noting about them. All they did was basically resurrect what was already in place in the late 90's early 2000's with the s2ks and miatas. There is absolutely nothing substantial or amazing about these cars, other than they look good.

they are substantial in a way it brought back the roots in car enthusiasm. they are driver's cars. too bad subaru missed the price point by about $4K due to expensive drivetrain. with that styling and price, people expect more power.

brucelidat 11-03-2014 12:13 PM

They are nice cars with just a few big problems.

The interiors are cheap feeling like a 21 year old's car, but this is due to going for a low price point which is understandable, but also makes them less appealing to older buyers.

They are overpriced for their power. In it's current state, it's a few grand too much. If it had more power, then it would probably not be overpriced. I think it should either be about 22k as-is or have about 250 hp at it's current price.

With that being said, it's a good car for what it is trying to be, but it doesn't really compete directly with the 370z. The Z is more actual speed oriented and costs quite a bit more. The FRS/BRZ is more fun-oriented. I have no problem with them as long as they don't try to race me try to tell me their car is better/faster than mine. I don't have a problem with most cars as long as they don't drive like pricks. People like what they like but even your car is a real monster, you don't get to drive like a a$$hole.

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