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GaleForce 09-09-2014 07:49 PM

Tuner Battlegrounds - Battle for SEMA!!!! Help forum members out!!!!
Now we move on to Stage 5

Stage 5 Begins Oct 7 at 10am EST and runs till Oct 13 at 3pm EST
We are down to 2 battles and 4 competitors.

Vote for Moses,

Moses' profile

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We are down to 4 battles and 8 competitors.

Less than 24 hours remain for Stage 4 - Current Standings below

Moses is winning his Battle 1359 - 1228

Jason is losing his Battle 2997 - 2991

Battle # 2 is Moses vs. 2013 FR-S

Moses' profile

Battle # 4 is Jason vs. 1993 Supra turbo. This Supra had the 3rd highest votes in Stage 3 by J M Gale, on Flickr

We also need to keep in mind the Stage 5 bracket...

Stage 4: Battle 1 Winner VS Stage 4: Battle 4 Winner

Stage 4: Battle 2 Winner VS Stage 4: Battle 3 Winner

Stage 3 voting results.

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Stage 3 update Stage 4 info!

Here are the results from Stage 3,

Moses defeats Steve 623 - 223

Jason defeats Godzilla 1590 - 1164

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We made it to Stage 3!

Update Sept 27

Current results have just been released. With 2 more days of voting for Stage 3, we are slightly ahead, 689-620. Keep up the amazing work everyone! Thank you!

2014 Battle for SEMA: Stage 3 - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

Continue to vote for me here,

Also, keep and eye on Battle #2 Moses vs. Steve. Moses is currently in the lead 480-182

Moses' profile

Steve's profile

Also, as a strategy, we should keep an eye on who we could face in the next Stage, if we make it to the next stage.

Battle #2 Moses vs. Steve will face the winner of Battle #7
The current leader of Battle #7 has 269 votes...


Battle #4 Me vs. GTR will face the winner of Battle #5.
The current leader in Battle #5 has 620 votes...

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Sorry for the late update guys. I'm working afternoon shift and have very limited interwebz service.

The good,

As you guys already know, the three of us move on to Stage 3. Woohoo!

Steve won his Battle by only 2 votes! Talk about close!

The bad,

Moses and Steve are paired up, and I'm going against a manufacturers car. It's a sweet 2014 GTR with a LibertyWalk kit and a sponsor for everything.


Vote updates for Stage 3

Moses vs. Steve - 144-72 Moses in the lead


Jason vs GODZILLA - 161-149 for us!!!! We are currently leading by 12 votes! It is more important then ever to vote this round! Lets do this! Help the underdog defeat GODZILLA! :rock:


Battle #4 Jason Gale - GaleForce vs. Paul Garcia 2014 GTR LibertyWalk Paul Garcia - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

Click the link below to vote for me,

Jason Gale - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of my boosted 370z here - GaleForce build thread by J M Gale, on Flickr


Battle #2 Moses Awad - Billet370 vs. Steve Wiggins JDM 370z

Click the link below to vote for Moses' incredible carbon fibre 370z

Moses Awad - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of the Billet370z here Billet370z build thread[


Battle #15 Steven Wiggins - Wiggins3377 vs. Moses Awad CarbonZ 370z

Click the link below to vote for Steve's awesome build,

Steven Wiggins - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of Steve's build here, Wiggins Build thread

Stage 2 info,

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Stage 2 update!!! Current Standings!

In Tuner Battlegrounds Battle for SEMA news,

Moses is winning his Battle and is 1st overall in points

Jason (me) is winning his Battle and is 8th overall in points

Steve is winning his Battle and is 13th overall in points.

The top 16 advance to Stage 3. We need to keep an eye on the votes so we don't get paired up yet.

Here are the current Standings - 2014 Battle for SEMA: Stage 2 - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

The Contest is entering Stage 2. The vehicles are paired up and put into battles. We have 3 of our forum members moving on to Stage 2. Voting for stage 2 begins Sept 16 at 10am EST until 3pm EST. You can vote daily!

Here is Stage 2 info


Battle #4 Jason Gale - GaleForce vs. A cool Honda S2000 Andre Pham - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

Click the link below to vote for me,

Jason Gale - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of my boosted 370z here - GaleForce build thread by J M Gale, on Flickr


Battle #15 Steven Wiggins - Wiggins3377 vs. a clean scion Gabe Gonzalez - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

Click the link below to vote for Steve's awesome build,

Steven Wiggins - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of Steve's build here, Wiggins Build thread


Battle #2 Moses Awad - Billet370 vs. a race prepped 500hp Honda S2000 Gerald Lee - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

Click the link below to vote for Moses' incredible carbon fibre 370z

Moses Awad - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of the Billet370z here Billet370z build thread

Stage 1 info.

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Hi guys and gals. You may have remember a little while back I was competing in the Tuner Battlegrounds for Importfest. With your help, we won it. We got a mini feature in an upcoming issue of PASMAG. Thank you for your help! But we're just beginning!!!!

Fast forward to now.

I have had many of you ask if I was going to compete in the Tuner BattleGrounds - Battle for SEMA. Well, I've succumbed to peer pressure, and I am officially entered. I'm a little behind as I didn't actually get entered until the late afternoon Sept 9, the opening day of voting.

The top two vehicles of this competition win a trip to Las Vegas/SEMA and their vehicle is shipped to SEMA where they go head to head, winner gets the cover of PASMAG, and a full feature in an future issue.

Check this link to read more about Tuner BattleGrounds - Battle for SEMA 2014

Here is the fun part. We have 4 forum members fighting to get to the top prize. If you have a favourite build, vote for them. I appreciate all the help and votes I get, but ultimately we should be trying to get one or two of these 370z's into the finals. Below you will find all the necessary links.


Jason Gale - GaleForce

Click the link below to vote for me,

Jason Gale - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of my boosted 370z here - GaleForce build thread by J M Gale, on Flickr


Steven Wiggins - Wiggins3377

Click the link below to vote for Steve's awesome build,

Steven Wiggins - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of Steve's build here, Wiggins Build thread


Moses Awad - Billet370

Click the link below to vote for Moses' incredible carbon fibre 370z

Moses Awad - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of the Billet370z here Billet370z build thread


Jon Sackett - Reaper42

Click the link below to vote for Jon's custom wide body 370z
Jon Sackett - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

See more of Reaper42 (get lucky) wide body 370z here - get lucky build thread

GaleForce 09-09-2014 07:50 PM

Registered competitors of the Tuner Battlegrounds: Battle for SEMA competition are entered in the Round Robin (Qualifying Round) where the Top 32 competitors with the most votes enter the bracket portion of the competition. Weekly match-ups narrow the competitors down to two (2) in early November. An Exclusive VIP SEMA Experience is provided to the Top 2 competitors in the Final Stage (package includes flight, hotel, vehicle shipping and entry to the SEMA Show). In the Final Stage, the Top 2 competitors, along with their vehicles displayed, compete head-to-head at the SEMA Show in a dedicated Tuner Battlegrounds booth directly in front of the main entrance to the Grand Hall. On-site, supporters can text their vote by a simple text2vote system and the winner is announced on Day 4 of the SEMA Show. The Grand Prize: Champion of Tuner Battlegrounds will receive a PASMAG cover feature.


To vote for your favorite competitor, go to SEMA Battle 2014 - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds, login with your Facebook credentials (desktop mode: top-right; mobile mode: top), click on the competitor name then click the star on their page. During the Elimination Stages, voting limited to 1(one) vote per 24 hours per Facebook account of the posted Selected Competitors. In the Final Stage, voting is limited to 1(one) vote per telephone number of the posted Finalists.

Tuner Battlegrounds: 2014 Battle for SEMA Schedule
(subject to change)
Registration Deadline: September 5, 2014
Qualification Round: September 9-15, 2014
Stage 1 (Top 32): September 16-22, 2014
Stage 2 (Top 16): September 23-29, 2014
Stage 3 (Top 8): September 30 - October 6, 2014
Stage 4 (Top 4): October 7-13, 2014
Stage 5 (Top 2): November 4-7, 2014

Top 2 competitors of Tuner Battlegrounds: Battle for SEMA will receive:
*Wheel package sponsorship by Niche Road Wheels
*PASMAG feature in print.

Champion of Tuner Battlegrounds: Battle for SEMA will receive:
*PASMAG cover feature in print.

Additional prizes to be announced.

KaienZ34 09-09-2014 08:18 PM

So nice, I wish they all could go to SEMA.

Wiggins3377 09-09-2014 08:27 PM

thanks for the post Jason. Good luck to everyone!

LMBmikeZ 09-09-2014 08:44 PM

:iagree: good job on the thread Jason

GL to all 4 of you :tiphat:

some zexy builds :yum:

GaleForce 09-09-2014 09:08 PM

Thank you Trips for making this a sticky. :tiphat:

axmea? 09-10-2014 01:16 AM

I exercised my right. I voted for all you guys!!!!!

Good luck!


DjSquall 09-10-2014 05:48 AM

Let the voting frenzy begin!!!

carlitos_370z 09-10-2014 07:22 AM

Good luck guys!!! all the Z's looks insane!!!

Prototyper5 09-10-2014 10:49 AM

Nice Builds' Goodluck'


GaleForce 09-10-2014 05:08 PM

Voting update. We are currently in 8th place, with Wiggins right behind me, Jon trailing us, and Moses in 1st.

Vote Vote Vote! We need to finish in the top 32 to move on to the next round!!!!

Here is the link to vote for the GaleForce 370z - Jason Gale - PASMAG Tuner Battlegrounds

///PureSwank 09-10-2014 06:11 PM

I missed this lol I'll enter next year. Good luck guys!

GaleForce 09-10-2014 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by ///PureSwank (Post 2960389)
I missed this lol I'll enter next year. Good luck guys!

You have a very sweet Z, definitely enter next year.

Zbrah 09-10-2014 07:50 PM

Voted for you guys today.

GaleForce 09-11-2014 04:08 AM

It's a new day! Please vote for one of these Zs if you have time :tiphat:

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