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cop followed me.

Originally Posted by Pheonix Might also have just been appreciating it. Cops are people too, and many of them are just as enthusiastic about good rides as we are. I

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Old 08-16-2009, 12:21 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post
Might also have just been appreciating it. Cops are people too, and many of them are just as enthusiastic about good rides as we are.
I think most pigs are "enthusiastic" about the revenue and tickets they generate from good rides.
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Old 08-16-2009, 12:35 PM   #17 (permalink)
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I had one follow me for a bit on a local road the day I bought the Z when I was driving home late from a celebratory dinner with a few friends at Ellicott Mills (a local brewpub). I am sure that he would have done the same in my old car - probably just following to see if I was drunk and returning home from the bar late Friday evening/Sat morning. I was sober and drove at the speed limit, but I am sure he probably ran my tags just to be sure.

I was really tempted to gun it yesterday on the highway because I got behind some slow poke in a Cavalier that was falling apart (hanging muffler and bumper), and I had just started to accelerate aggressively from 45 to 65 to get around him. I figured I'd push it a little more before decelerating and getting off on the next exit, then I saw a cop pull into his usual speed trap spot and I knew he was eyeing me. I quickly let off the accelerator and coasted back down to 55. I figured if he did come out and pull me over, I would use the excuse that I was passing and came right back down to speed. Luckily I did not have to talk my way out of it - he was probably waiting for the car going 25-30 mph over the limit.
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Old 08-16-2009, 12:38 PM   #18 (permalink)
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it's only normal if u're driving a new sports car don't you think?
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Old 08-16-2009, 12:40 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pharmacist View Post
I think most pigs are "enthusiastic" about the revenue and tickets they generate from good rides.
I suppose they'd only be pigs to you if you aren't trying to look beyond the badge. Get to know some of them...they're not all Johnny B Bad, as some members here have even testified.

Then again, working with law enforcement...I might just be a little bit biased myself.
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Old 08-16-2009, 01:00 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post
I suppose they'd only be pigs to you if you aren't trying to look beyond the badge. Get to know some of them...they're not all Johnny B Bad, as some members here have even testified.

Then again, working with law enforcement...I might just be a little bit biased myself.
Beyond the badge is usually a jerk who was bullied in high school and is now trying to bully other citizens while hiding behind his badge and his authority. Beyond the badge is a revenue generating monkey for the city whose main concern is trying to squeeze every dime out of innocent motorists just because they can't abide by archaic, outdated, and often illogical speed limit (never mind that the last people to obey the speed limit are the pigs themselves, whether on or off duty). Beyond the badge is a man who has no qualms about executing an illegal search of a car and violating civil liberties, just in case he gets lucky and bolster his resume with a drug bust or two. Beyond the badge is a guy who can't resist being a jerk, and insulting or mocking people for no reason other than his own amusement.
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Old 08-16-2009, 01:13 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Wow. Sounds like someone crossed the badge a time or two and didn't like what happened. I'm sure you were perfectly innocent.
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Old 08-16-2009, 01:33 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post
Wow. Sounds like someone crossed the badge a time or two and didn't like what happened. I'm sure you were perfectly innocent.
Nope, only brush with the law was a few speeding tickets handed out by obnoxious disrespectful cops. Yes, I was guilty on all of them. And yes, even when speeding, I was driving safely, and far less dangerous and far less reckless than most of your precious cops in their cruisers. On the other hand, I did seek police help 3 separate occations: was physically attacked twice, and was deliberately cut off and run off road by a road rager the 3rd occasion. In all 3 situations, I chose not to escalate the situation, but instead i did what a "civilized" person is taught to do, I backed down, and reported it to the police later. Guess what? On all 3 occasions, NOTHING happened! No one arrested, no one charged, absolutely nothing, heck no one even bothered to call me to follow up. I guess they were too busy giving out speeding tickets

So there you go. You were just proven wrong, now
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Old 08-16-2009, 01:53 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pharmacist View Post
Nope, only brush with the law was a few speeding tickets handed out by obnoxious disrespectful cops. Yes, I was guilty on all of them. And yes, even when speeding, I was driving safely, and far less dangerous and far less reckless than most of your precious cops in their cruisers. On the other hand, I did seek police help 3 separate occations: was physically attacked twice, and was deliberately cut off and run off road by a road rager the 3rd occasion. In all 3 situations, I chose not to escalate the situation, but instead i did what a "civilized" person is taught to do, I backed down, and reported it to the police later. Guess what? On all 3 occasions, NOTHING happened! No one arrested, no one charged, absolutely nothing, heck no one even bothered to call me to follow up. I guess they were too busy giving out speeding tickets

So there you go. You were just proven wrong, now
Actually, you just kind of proved me right. You admitted crossing them, admitted guilt, and admitted dissatisfaction with services rendered. I don't feel like "gtfo" out at all, but...this being an internet forum and all, back and forth serves no real purpose, and in the end neither of us is going to "win" this argument.

For the sake of remaining civil, I just noticed you aren't in the States, and for whatever thats worth I am not at all familiar with Canadian law, or how officers there handle situations. My "precious officers", as you put it, are won't insult me by trying to insult them. I'm sorry you seem to have run across a few foul apples.

I can't say that there aren't any bad officers around here, either. Believe me, I can't say they're not all straight shooters or pricks. A lot of them are...but a lot of them aren't, and your EXTREMELY limited experience serves you with nothing but bad memories and an attitude that leaves you feeling as if the handful represent the whole...and in almost any situation this is not the case. Were I to judge these whole forums on your behavior I'd likely leave now without a second look back, and you wouldn't bat an eye.

Thats the difference in our attitudes, and arguing over the usefulness of an officer isn't going to change that.

Oh, and it always amuses me to know that those who proclaim from the hilltops about how worthless the police are still dial 911 like everyone else.

There are so many divergent answers I could give to your three claims here, but without knowing all the facts its mere speculation. Was anything taken in the assaults? Did you have hard evidence and IDs of the responsible? Were there witnesses? Were they located? What would you have done had you actually chased, pursued and caught up to the road rager? How would you have forced him to stop? What if he'd had a weapon when you did? What if you had a weapon? How far is too far? Not to mention the innumerable accidents you could have caused during the pursuit...its road know how easy it is to let that go and move on? It only eats at you as much as you let it.

Beyond that, we're simply going to disagree. You have your experiences and you won't budge from your views...I can't force you, and I won't even try. I can only hope at some point you see enough of the wider picture and larger whole to realize more than you do now.

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Old 08-16-2009, 02:13 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by KillerBee370 View Post
Just yesterday I was leaving my house and heading down the street.. my car's a bit on the loud side and this cop was standing outside of his car checking out a downed stop sign and then he turns to look at me coming up to the stop on the other side.. walks out into the street toward me (like he's gonna wave me over) and slowly takes off his sunglasses..

I was like...

So I revved it at the stop sign once and rolled out and as I passed him (he was standing about 10 feet from my car) I soluted him....

Hahahaha.... stupid ***

It looked like he started to his car but I couldn't tell... I put the pedal down and took a different, very curvy route down the hill.
Way to be an *** and make sports car owners look bad
Old 08-16-2009, 02:20 PM   #25 (permalink)
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WOW lets have a little fun here....

Originally Posted by Pharmacist View Post
Beyond the badge is usually a jerk who was bullied in high school and is now trying to bully other citizens while hiding behind his badge and his authority.
Im in the process of becoming a cop. I wasnt bullied in high school and Im sure as hell not looking to bully other citizens "hiding" behind a badge. Your stereotype is pathetic. If I was looking forward to bullying someone then trust me, I would have no problem doing it without a badge.

Beyond the badge is a revenue generating monkey for the city whose main concern is trying to squeeze every dime out of innocent motorists just because they can't abide by archaic, outdated, and often illogical speed limit (never mind that the last people to obey the speed limit are the pigs themselves, whether on or off duty). Beyond the badge is a man who has no qualms about executing an illegal search of a car and violating civil liberties, just in case he gets lucky and bolster his resume with a drug bust or two. Beyond the badge is a guy who can't resist being a jerk, and insulting or mocking people for no reason other than his own amusement.
Once again your stereotype FAILS miserably just like you do. You're just being a whiny little bitch because you probably got a ticket for doing something wrong. I guess since Im going to be a cop Im a revenue generating monkey bla bla bla like you claim. Right, my reasoning is to get scum off the streets so people like YOU dont have to worry about getting mugged or killed everywhere they go. But I guess this will go in one ear and out the other since you feel all cops are out to get you. Just remember next time when you have a problem to deal with it yourself tough guy and dont call the cops to help out out with anything. Im sure you wont listen to that either because you're probably just a big mouth hiding behind a computer who has no guts to say that to an officers face.
Old 08-16-2009, 02:22 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Educ8r View Post
By all means don't let "them" stop you!
yea i wont. damn such a nice damn car but it attract attention from unwanted people ggrrrr
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Old 08-16-2009, 02:24 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Endgame View Post
I was in my RX8 and saw a bike cop pointing his radar gun directly at me as I cruised by going 40 mph.. right with the speed limit. Due to his being so fixtated on me, he probally missed the two cars that blew by me going at least 10-15 mph over the speed limit.

I have another story also that is pretty interesting, but I better not type it out!! It goes along with the concept of don't let them pull you over!
pm me the story im want to know..if you dont mind
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Old 08-16-2009, 02:24 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by juan05 View Post
yea i wont. damn such a nice damn car but it attract attention from unwanted people ggrrrr
If you look at them in a suspicious way they will follow you lol. Just dont act all sketch and they wont follow you.
Old 08-16-2009, 02:25 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by awesomez View Post
If he followed brand new 370Z, there are other reasons he is doing it, not because of your car. Trust me, your car says there is no way I could have warrants and he knows it. My guess is you look like a criminal or something hahaha
i do not look like a criminal....maybe is the other something...maybe is cuz im 18 and have a nismo? envy? lol
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Old 08-16-2009, 02:27 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post
Might also have just been appreciating it. Cops are people too, and many of them are just as enthusiastic about good rides as we are.
yea but it gets annoyng him following me and i cant see by the rear view mirror any good cuz of the im like does he have the lights on or something??
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