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Gestalt73 07-27-2009 04:25 PM

limp mode for no reason at all?
Someone a month or so ago posted something similar on their first test drive out of the dealer's lot.

2009 370Z Touring MT6 w/sport package

Engine Oil temp: 200 degrees or so
Water temp: two dots from center
No warning lights or indicators
No over rev lamp
Haven't tried pulling codes

So, here I am driving along from a cold start, engine oil and water temps slowly creeping up, and as I get on the freeway onramp, the engine cuts out at about 3500 rpm, car slows down, accelerator reengages at around 3000 rpm. Interesting...

So because it sounds familiar, I just row through the gears keeping the rpms below 3500, and it consistently cuts out above 3500 for the duration of the drive. Other than that everything else appears fine. I have somewhere to be, and it sounds familiar, so I just get to where I need to go.

Get back out to the car a few hours later. She starts right up and behaves as if nothing happened. I'm going to bring it into the dealer in a couple of days.

Without codes or ability to repeat the symptoms, it may be helpful to see who else has had this, and what the fix is.

vehl 07-27-2009 06:25 PM

bring it back to the dealer..

zZSportZz 07-27-2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by vehl (Post 128027)
bring it back to the dealer..

And well all know the stealership will say those famous words

"could not recreate"

g96818 07-27-2009 06:37 PM

i hate those words. lol
it might just be a fluke, or maybe a wire got grounded when u started and i believe limp mode doesn't reset during driving so it probably resetted after u turned off the engine.

vehl 07-27-2009 08:35 PM

drive to the dealer while the car's on-a-roll.. i duno much but since the car's new it might be the start of many similar incidents..could be helpful for nissan and everyone in the long run.

Cjanik 07-28-2009 12:02 AM

have you guys noticed the last couple threads downtalking the 370z or just plain making you think the 370z is mass error prone (recalls), are all posted by people with less than 5 posts?

KillerBee370 07-28-2009 12:06 AM

^ hmmm

No problems with mine.

FuszNissan 07-28-2009 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by zZSportZz (Post 128030)
And well all know the stealership will say those famous words

"could not recreate"

In all fairness, if we can't recreate it what are we susposed to fix. And who is going to pay for it, if we just start guessing and start changing out parts?? It's a system, and I know that it sucks sometimes, but we don't get paid from Nissan for our work unless we follow thier process. I am sorry that people get caught up in the system, but it's in place for a reason.

travisjb 07-28-2009 12:35 AM

this happened to me at the track the other week... turns out one of the two o2 sensors connected to manifold (headers in my case) had become disconnected and that threw the computer into fits, unresponsive throttle (not limp mode), and ultimately the engine cut out. the dealer should thoroughly check all the sensor connections...

Gestalt73 07-28-2009 06:01 PM

Don't pull out your tin foil hats just yet guys...
Wow guys, easy on the consipiracy theories... For the record, I LUV my 370z.

I'm posting this specifically because it was sporadic (only happened once) and I saw someone post something similar before.

Here Test Drive Gone Bad? is the posting that I remembered from a while ago.

Oddly enough, the previous poster mentioned a cutoff of 2500rpm, while mine was at 3500rpm.

I'll be keeping an eye on it, but previous poster had a really good idea: next time it happens, drive it straight over to the dealer and let them see it first hand. Might come down to something like that.

Thanks for all the input guys. I'll update if anything else happens.

chubbs 07-28-2009 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Gestalt73 (Post 129082)
...previous poster had a really good idea: next time it happens, drive it straight over to the dealer...

That's the way to do it, if you can.

TheWeatherman 07-28-2009 06:21 PM

Kind of stupid to say but this is just a small hypothesis of mine. The more complex an engine, with so many things trying to run exactly in sync, the more you may have some small hiccups on occasion. My brother had an XTerra Supercharged, stock, and it went into limp mode a lot. Always a restart and the code always came back as a bad burn in just one random cylinder. My mom's 2006 Range Rover Sport Supercharged did that a bunch too. You just shut it off, turn it back on, and wallah! Dad's 2008 Big Rover Supercharged, same thing, but only saw it happen once. You are saying to yourself, "Well, those are all supercharged motors, and ours is not." I just am always prepared for minor little glitches to pop up on cars like these with servos running the valvetrains with all of the other electronics talking trying to make things run properly. Probably just a bad burn code, which might be similar to our friend who posted above with his disconnected O2 sensors. You would think a fault code was stored if it did that, right?

chubbs 07-28-2009 06:29 PM

Weatherman - cars should not just die for no reason - it's DANGEROUS.

A 'small hiccup' for you may be death for whoever is driving the car.

This incident should not be dismissed as "oh well, these things happen" - They blinking well should not happen - and when they do, the motor company should take them seriously.

TheWeatherman 07-28-2009 06:38 PM

Then what they should do is take out limp modes on all vehicles like in the old days, and just pop a check engine light at you. That would throw out the safety argument.

Gestalt73 08-06-2009 06:30 PM

It happened again...
Well, this morning, similar thing...

Cold start, after a few minutes rev limiter kicks in, but this time at 2500, but then creeps up to 3000rpm.

This time the rev limiter bounces around the 3200 mark, instead of dropping to a lower rpm first.

This time I noticed an insane amount of knocking just before it kicked in, rhythmic rattling in tune with the engine. might be related?

After sitting for several hours...
Pulled out for lunch today, rev limiter kicked in at 3000rpm again, but this time VDC turned off, the traction warning light came on, and I have a check engine light this time. So, off to the dealer tonight for them to take a peek at it. I'll post back when/if they find something. At least there's a code this time... (sigh)

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