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TheW3r3W0lf 02-21-2013 09:50 PM

Hold On Not Done Accelerating! Granted my EP3 Civic was faster than my Nismo but you can tell which one I liked more by which one I kept and where I am posting ;)

This thread reminds me of this:

nmjaxx9 02-21-2013 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by TheW3r3W0lf (Post 2178606)
Hold On Not Done Accelerating! Granted my EP3 Civic was faster than my Nismo but you can tell which one I liked more by which one I kept and where I am posting ;)

This thread reminds me of this:

HKS Supra with my mouth - YouTube

:inoutroflpuke: That supra sound is on point though! and gotta love Hondas they might be ricers and dime a dozen but the pleasure you get from watching them wreak havoc on the streets is umcomparable. Then you have a dedicated DD like the Z to drive. :tup:

TheW3r3W0lf 02-21-2013 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by nmjaxx9 (Post 2178630)
:inoutroflpuke: That supra sound is on point though! and gotta love Hondas they might be ricers and dime a dozen but the pleasure you get from watching them wreak havoc on the streets is umcomparable. Then you have a dedicated DD like the Z to drive. :tup:

The Honda was running somewhere in the 280HP range on the Dyno and I would be a liar if I said I didn't miss the sound of boost. I had the car look completely stock so it always came as a surprise to other ricers how insane it was on acceleration.

The Nismo however feels so much higher build quality and is so pretty to look at. I catch myself staring at it outside my office and then remembering it's mine! They really made a good looking car and I get a ton of positive attention as opposed to Honda type attention.

nmjaxx9 02-21-2013 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by TheW3r3W0lf (Post 2178649)
The Honda was running somewhere in the 280HP range on the Dyno and I would be a liar if I said I didn't miss the sound of boost. I had the car look completely stock so it always came as a surprise to other ricers how insane it was on acceleration.

The Nismo however feels so much higher build quality and is so pretty to look at. I catch myself staring at it outside my office and then remembering it's mine! They really made a good looking car and I get a ton of positive attention as opposed to Honda type attention.

Nismos def are sexy Ive heard many people say it I know it. And yeah I still prefer NA bolt ons tune, but with a Honda to make that kind of power you need to have boost.LOL Where as in a 370z throw a few bolt ons tune, quick cheap power and you are pretty much good to go. :tiphat:

DEpointfive0 02-21-2013 10:23 PM

At my last last apt in Houston we had Valet service. One day there was a Rolls Royce Ghost convertible downstairs, door open and the stupid nav thing was bonging away, and I was like, hey, how do you like the convertible 7 Series? (To the valet) and he didn't get it, but I said it was a 7aeries chassis with a smattering of better leather and bodywork, I even said look, that annoying áss bonging noise is straight from a BMW...

Little did I know, the owner was standing right there...

chrischhorn 02-21-2013 10:29 PM

I was riding with my friend in his stock miata and a ricer civic pulled up next to us revving. We kind of shrugged him off and just left the light normal. Of course next light is also red once again revving at us and my friend says screw it. They both gun it and me and my friend in a bone stock miata vs a civic with with a loud *** fart can and slammed are dead even. We get to the next light and my friend yells out and i quote, "WHY IS YOUR CAR SO DAMN LOUD?!?!? AND SO DAMN SLOW?!?!!?" I was :roflpuke2: in the passenger seat.

b1adesofcha0s 02-21-2013 10:33 PM

On my way home from my college graduation my cousin's BMW 650i had the treads on its run flat tires coming apart and we ended up stuck on the side of the road for hours. I posted a pic of his car on Facebook with the caption "German engineering at its finest" :roflpuke2:

I've also plasti dipped "fvck u" on his trunk for April Fools Day :bowrofl:

AlexRaymond19 02-22-2013 05:16 AM

Friend buys a Mustang... He did not say anything and was waiting for me to notice. I look out the window into the appartment parking lot. "Check out that piece of sh*t, who puts a GT badge on V6... I bet its slower than my moms jetta..." Played it off like i was kidding and knew all along it was his lol

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