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Haboob 12-09-2012 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by NissanGuy23 (Post 2052466)
Wow some evil members we got here...some serial killers start off with cats and dogs.

Nah, dogs are cool.

zmojo 12-09-2012 03:54 PM

The thing you will notice about cat owners is that because they consider their cats to be so cute, smart and independent, that they should be allowed to run free and explore the outdoors, whenever they wish.

These type cat owners really don't give 2 ***** about the damage their animals do, so its really no use to talk to them about their cats.

If you check into your local laws you may be well with in your right,to kill any stray animal that comes on your property. The problem that comes later is when your neighboor finds out that the guy next door killed their pet and wants revenge.

I remember a case out west where a white male killed a mexican neighbors pet chickens and ended up shooting the white male .

MJB 12-09-2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by zmojo (Post 2052476)
The thing you will notice about cat owners is that because they consider their cats to be so cute, smart and independent, that they should be allowed to run free and explore the outdoors, whenever they wish.

These type cat owners really don't give 2 ***** about the damage their animals do, so its really no use to talk to them about their cats.

If you check into your local laws you may be well with in your right,to kill any stray animal that comes on your property. The problem that comes later is when your neighboor finds out that the guy next door killed their pet and wants revenge.

I remember a case out west where a white male killed a mexican neighbors pet chickens and ended up shooting the white male .

So you have the right to kill any animal on your property even if it doesn't pose any type of threat? Yeah, ok...

What damage does a cat really do that you speak of? I think its safe to see we do 1000x's more damage to other peoples cars than an animal does. Hey, I'm going to shoot the next person that door dings my car :ugh2:

Please don't make this into a race issue... What the hell does it really matter what ethic background these guys are?

Nut_N_Much 12-09-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Haboob (Post 2052471)
Nah, dogs are cool.

I Agree....

USMCASA 12-09-2012 05:31 PM

lol wut? i could say they teach you how to kill but never teach you how to stop...

damn guys yall reading into this **** too deep. i just don't want no ******* cat scratching my 40k car. i'd say my car>free to good home cat ERRYday

and for damage, i used to work at a body shop and saw a black cts come in with scratches all over it. his neighbors cats had been sleeping on it while he was on vacation for a week. it required an all over paint job to fix and was $1800. yes the cats owners home owners insurance covered it. cats were gone the day after insurance co notified the owner they were dropping her coverage if she didn't remove them from the home.

SouthArk370Z 12-09-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by MJB (Post 2052552)
So you have the right to kill any animal on your property even if it doesn't pose any type of threat? Yeah, ok...

I many places, yes, you do have the right to kill nuisance animals and pests. Most places require that it be done as quick and painless as possible.


Originally Posted by MJB (Post 2052552)
What damage does a cat really do that you speak of?

Paint scratches, torn weatherstripping, urine contamination, fecal contamination, holes in the yard, ...


Originally Posted by MJB (Post 2052552)
I think its safe to see we do 1000x's more damage to other peoples cars than an animal does. Hey, I'm going to shoot the next person that door dings my car

Strawman - animals are not people.


Originally Posted by MJB (Post 2052552)
Please don't make this into a race issue... What the hell does it really matter what ethic background these guys are?

At least we agree on one thing. ;)

zmojo 12-09-2012 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by MJB (Post 2052552)
So you have the right to kill any animal on your property even if it doesn't pose any type of threat? Yeah, ok...

What damage does a cat really do that you speak of? I think its safe to see we do 1000x's more damage to other peoples cars than an animal does. Hey, I'm going to shoot the next person that door dings my car :ugh2:

Please don't make this into a race issue... What the hell does it really matter what ethic background these guys are?

Just stating the facts of the case, no race intended. Different cultures will tend to treat animals differently than others, on a higher or lower level.

The areas that usually allow elimating any animal that strays on to your property are intended to protect domestic property and farm type animals, so if you get a cat or a dog or wild animal that is eating your chickens or detroying your property, the law may allow you to eliminate it.

I lived in 2 different areas one suburban and one farm land, where we had a problem with big dogs coming on our property and either deficating or threating our smaller dogs. When I confronted the owners they told me to shoot the dogs next time they come on my property, naturally as a dog owner I did not do this, I called the animal control and they issued court summons to the dogs owners and they were fined. Eventually the problem went away.

fullmonty 12-09-2012 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by zmojo (Post 2052586)
Just stating the facts of the case, no race intended. Different cultures will tend to treat animals differently than others, on a higher or lower level.

The areas that usually allow elimating any animal that strays on to your property are intended to protect domestic property and farm type animals, so if you get a cat or a dog or wild animal that is eating your chickens or detroying your property, the law may allow you to eliminate it.

I lived in 2 different areas one suburban and one farm land, where we had a problem with big dogs coming on our property and either deficating or threating our smaller dogs. When I confronted the owners they told me to shoot the dogs next time they come on my property, naturally as a dog owner I did not do this, I called the animal control and they issued court summons to the dogs owners and they were fined. Eventually the problem went away.

Thats cause the owner took old yeller out back and shot him for you

Haboob 12-09-2012 05:41 PM

The guy who put my clear bra on Sat. showed me a picture of what three coyotes did to a $100k Mercedes (on the lot), because a rabbit ran underneath it.

Let's just say the front bumper was completely off of the car, in pieces, amongst a headlight, some wiring, and a few other things. I wish I could show the picture, it was pretty amazing what they did to the car.

Animals can do some serious damage to vehicles.

Nut_N_Much 12-09-2012 05:49 PM

I can't believe they think they can get away with this with their furry little faces..

This one's pissing on the windshield!

This one's trying to steel the car.. This is nuts..

zmojo 12-09-2012 06:01 PM

The other solution is to get rid of the Z and get an old 60's or 70's muscle car that has an old metal crank driven fan blade, my father had an old Chrysler Imperial that had so much space between the front grill and the radiator you could fit 2 illegals under the hood. It was common for us to hear what sounded like a screeching fan belt during many winter start ups, what it really turned out to be was shreaded cats, trying to stay warm next the the radiator, during cold weather. We called the car the "CATOMATIC".

nmjaxx9 12-09-2012 06:07 PM

I bet if this thread read "My neighbors dog keep climbing the hood of my car!!" the replies here would be quite different. :bowrofl:

zmojo 12-09-2012 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by nmjaxx9 (Post 2052627)
I bet if this thread read "My neighbors dog keep climbing the hood of my car!!" the replies here would be quite different. :bowrofl:

Nuisance or threating, damaging animals are all the same, its a shame when an animal has to be eliminated , due to the negligence of their owners or other circumstances with wild animals.

Ask the same question about Pit Bulls or viscious dogs and most ppl will tell you they should all be eliminated.

nmjaxx9 12-09-2012 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by zmojo (Post 2052655)
Nuisance or threating, damaging animals are all the same, its a shame when an animal has to be eliminated , due to the negligence of their owners or other circumstances with wild animals.

Ask the same question about Pit Bulls or viscious dogs and most ppl will tell you they should all be eliminated.

all im saying is people are usually more sympathetic to dogs (imagine Lassie :icon17:), but animal cruelty is animal cruelty, whether its a dog, cat, or rat. ;)

zmojo 12-09-2012 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by nmjaxx9 (Post 2052667)
all im saying is people are usually more sympathetic to dogs (imagine Lassie :icon17:), but animal cruelty is animal cruelty, whether its a dog, cat, or rat. ;)

Maybe off topic slightly but read this one LOCKPORT: Pitbull attacks toddler » Local News » Tonawanda News

Haboob 12-09-2012 06:53 PM

That's due to dogs being more intelligent animals. They're more of companions that obey and protect.

A cat is on par with a rodent, to be honest.

Baer383 12-09-2012 06:54 PM


7 pages and this cat isn't dead yet.:rolleyes:

SouthArk370Z 12-09-2012 06:54 PM

A friend has two suggestions:
"fence charger" (I'm not convinced that would work with a cat jumping on the car, but it should keep them from scratching/rubbing on it)
"The _nice_ method would be to put a heating pad nearby, sprinkled with a bit of catnip. Cats are on the car because they're looking for warmth."

fullmonty 12-09-2012 06:59 PM

Microwave should warm it right up

Baer383 12-09-2012 07:05 PM

Wait i'll be right over!!!!

nmjaxx9 12-09-2012 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Baer383 (Post 2052708)

:bowrofl: im even scared to laugh at this cuz im sure the PETA activists will give me a lesson on animal treatment. :icon17:

zmojo 12-09-2012 07:33 PM

Heres a Kitty that was a non union electrician !!!

Cat electrocuted by down powerline - YouTube

kfull 12-09-2012 08:54 PM

put a big 3x3 foot piece of sticky/tacky paper on your hood. put a cat treat in the middle of it. point a camera at it. wait til morning and then enjoy the footage:icon17:

bucketman 12-09-2012 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by R0bDC (Post 2048354)
Hello all,

As the tittle suggest the neighbors cat keeps climbing the hood of my 370z. I wake up in the morning and see all these paws prints on the hood of my car!! Sometimes I find hair! Like if the cat snuggle with the car. I want that cat off my car lol.

How do you guys suggest I handle the situation?

I don't like cats but no need to kill them. I had a cat that loved the convertible top on my 300zx, would even do it's claw sharpening on it! Thought about a BB gun but then I might hit my car. Then I figured out a humane way. I bought battery operated motion sensor sprinkler heads. They are like 10-15$ on ebay. I set these up and after a few days of water spraying the cat, the cat no longer even walks on that side of the house. The sprinkler heads have become a keep out sign for the cat, any where I put them, whether they have water attached or not the cat avoids. Just a thought.

Baer383 12-09-2012 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by bucketman (Post 2052833)
I don't like cats but no need to kill them.

Maybe kill them is a little harsh,how bout we just shoot him in the paw.:bowrofl:

This way he will walk away with a limp and can't climb back on the roof.

mhcoss 12-09-2012 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by bucketman (Post 2052833)
I don't like cats but no need to kill them. I had a cat that loved the convertible top on my 300zx, would even do it's claw sharpening on it! Thought about a BB gun but then I might hit my car. Then I figured out a humane way. I bought battery operated motion sensor sprinkler heads. They are like 10-15$ on ebay. I set these up and after a few days of water spraying the cat, the cat no longer even walks on that side of the house. The sprinkler heads have become a keep out sign for the cat, any where I put them, whether they have water attached or not the cat avoids. Just a thought.

Haha now that is awesome! :owned:

tin47 12-10-2012 02:43 AM

Shoot it with the bb like said, trap it, get a dog, or you can just find the local chinese resturant and hire one of the cooks to take care of your problem.

FairladyZ 12-10-2012 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by tin47 (Post 2053008)
Shoot it with the bb like said, trap it, get a dog, or you can just find the local chinese resturant and hire one of the cooks to take care of your problem.

Hahahahah no.

This wasn't funny

chrischhorn 12-10-2012 06:00 AM

Trust me i know how you feel.......In our apartment complex, there is a SWARM of cats that linger around. (cats everywhere in Hawaii) The crazy cat lady just happens to have the parking spots next to ours. When she comes home, 10+ cats always run up to her car. Never fails i find 2 or 3 on my car.

UNKNOWN_370 12-10-2012 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by R0bDC (Post 2048354)
Hello all,

As the tittle suggest the neighbors cat keeps climbing the hood of my 370z. I wake up in the morning and see all these paws prints on the hood of my car!! Sometimes I find hair! Like if the cat snuggle with the car. I want that cat off my car lol.

How do you guys suggest I handle the situation?

I have the same issue.


Originally Posted by FPenvy (Post 2048357)
shoot it lol

I've strongly considered it

cbrboy86 12-10-2012 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by bucketman
I don't like cats but no need to kill them. I had a cat that loved the convertible top on my 300zx, would even do it's claw sharpening on it! Thought about a BB gun but then I might hit my car. Then I figured out a humane way. I bought battery operated motion sensor sprinkler heads. They are like 10-15$ on ebay. I set these up and after a few days of water spraying the cat, the cat no longer even walks on that side of the house. The sprinkler heads have become a keep out sign for the cat, any where I put them, whether they have water attached or not the cat avoids. Just a thought.

Awesome idea

madwi 12-10-2012 06:55 PM

I admit I didnt read all the pages, here is one option if you dont want to shoot it or throw objects at it.

Pawz Away® Mat 12" x 60" | PDT00-11318 | Pet Proofing Sprays, Barriers, & Mats | PetSafe

cbrboy86 12-10-2012 07:35 PM

bowl+milk+antifreeze haha, just kidding

Baer383 12-10-2012 09:34 PM

The OP doesn't have to worry I got'em

nmjaxx9 12-11-2012 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by cbrboy86 (Post 2054165)
bowl+milk+antifreeze haha, just kidding

:bowrofl::roflpuke2: this is about to reach its climax soon, if it hasnt already. :icon17:

R0bDC 12-11-2012 01:42 PM

Thanks for all the suggestions. I did not really want to kill the cat unless it became a bigger issue. I actually just chased the cat away a few times when he would get near my car haha, it's been a few days and I have not seen the cat or waken up to see cat prints on my car. So I think I scared the cat enough to where it knows not to get near my car.

Hopefully that ends the cat issue.

Baer383 12-11-2012 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by R0bDC (Post 2055209)
Thanks for all the suggestions. I did not really want to kill the cat unless it became a bigger issue. I actually just chased the cat away a few times when he would get near my car haha, it's been a few days and I have not seen the cat or waken up to see cat prints on my car. So I think I scared the cat enough to where it knows not to get near my car.

Hopefully that ends the cat issue.

The reason you don't see him is b/c I've got him in jail but he is about to make bond so watch out!!!!:roflpuke2:

nmjaxx9 12-12-2012 12:05 PM

no wonder cats are called P*****. :rofl2:

R0bDC 03-06-2013 11:01 PM

The Cat is back! :shakes head:

This time it's personal!

On Tuesday when I was heading to work I notice sports on the hood, right next to the window when I looked closer I could see the cats paws. Today I saw the paw prints again, as I looked towards my neighbors house I see the cat looking right at me licking his paws lol

Like he was mocking me!

MR.nismo 03-06-2013 11:46 PM

Watch the movie "Despicable me". The part (within 15 minutes into the movie) when "Gru" is talking to his neighbor and giving him the complaint about a dog.
Gru: Hello, Fred. FYI. Your dog has been leaving little bombs in my yard, and I do not appreciate it.
Fred McDade: Oh you know dogs... they go where they want to go.
Gru: Unless they're dead.
Gru: Just kidding! Oh, though it is true.

Don't ask me how a 39 years young man knows those lines.

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