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FairladyZ 12-06-2012 04:46 PM

I have the same situation with a stray.

SouthArk370Z 12-06-2012 04:47 PM

I don't like cats very much (OK, not at all), but using antifreeze falls under "cruel and unusual punishment" in my book. It's a slow and painful death. I have no problem with a quick, clean kill (if extermination is necessary), but most poison, especially antifreeze, is bad karma. YMMV

Philipp 12-06-2012 04:48 PM

Z = pussy magnet


semtex 12-06-2012 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Philipp (Post 2048799)
Z = pussy magnet


:bowrofl: Well played, sir!

Haboob 12-06-2012 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Philipp (Post 2048799)
Z = pussy magnet


In this case, the wrong type. :mad:

DirtyFrank 12-06-2012 04:54 PM

Try this...
I had the same problem before I bought a house with a garage. I used this: CatStop.

It seemed to do the trick. I angled it in a way that it covered the entrance to my carport, and the paw prints and cat hairs never came back. This wont work on really old cats because they don't have such great hearing, but it works like a charm otherwise. The only downer is that it gets set off by any motion, so it goes through batteries pretty fast. I just figured it was a small price to pay to protect my paint...

zmojo 12-06-2012 05:06 PM

Wait till they sit on your roof, then put their claws out to stop them sliding off the hood and you will have 8-10 long vertical scratches in your clear coat in multiple places.

Best and legal way to solve the problem, is live capture and turn it into the pound.

sixpax 12-06-2012 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by USMCASA (Post 2048463)
get a break barrel single shot pellet rifle, they can achieve speeds of 1000fps or more. i had a daisy quest that i dropped 7 of the neighbors strays they brought home for getting on my convertible and picking the top. 1 well placed pellet to the head at no more than 60 ft away will drop it instantly.

now though with my Z i have a garage, only had the issue once... well that and left some cat food outside spiked with acetametaphine as they can't process out as much as we can and they OD somewhere else.

you have any relatives in the Virginia Beach area ? Last name of Vick ?

kellyefields 12-06-2012 06:00 PM

you need to get the latest in cat security systems for your car.

and if you have pigons this system is available.

USMCASA 12-06-2012 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by sixpax (Post 2048823)
you have any relatives in the Virginia Beach area ? Last name of Vick ?

nope my ancestors were local and didn't come over on ships. live traps also work well then you can silently dispatch your prey. if you're feeling creative a ruger mkIII and some pvc pipe, couple of cardboard baffles and some rws subsonic ammo makes for a silent swift kill as well :tup:

FPenvy 12-06-2012 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by USMCASA (Post 2048861)
nope my ancestors were local and didn't come over on ships. live traps also work well then you can silently dispatch your prey. if you're feeling creative a ruger mkIII and some pvc pipe, couple of cardboard baffles and some rws subsonic ammo makes for a silent swift kill as well :tup:

I see where ur usmc part of you name makes sense now. :tup:

The ar we just got my sister is .22 and it's pretty quiet already with regular ammo I'm sure it would work as well lol

gomer_110 12-06-2012 06:38 PM

More humane and a helluva lot funnier.

USMCASA 12-06-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by FPenvy (Post 2048874)
I see where ur usmc part of you name makes sense now. :tup:

The ar we just got my sister is .22 and it's pretty quiet already with regular ammo I'm sure it would work as well lol

yup, might have to cycle the rounds out manually with the subs but should be fine. yeah i was in the Marines, did 2 combat tours. not going to let a cat ruin what i saved up for while i was getting my *** shot off :tiphat:

2xtreme1 12-07-2012 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by philipp (Post 2048799)
z = pussy magnet



LakeShow 12-07-2012 01:08 AM

I hear you OP, it's tough keeping that pussy away. It's unfortunate the pussy left hairs behind as well.

Japanjay 12-07-2012 01:14 AM

Ring the driveway in how ever many you need to build a secure perimeter(you buy these online):

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

forza370z 12-07-2012 02:48 AM

I totally understand how you folks hate cats... That's why I go test pipes!:icon17:

FPenvy 12-07-2012 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by USMCASA (Post 2049009)
yup, might have to cycle the rounds out manually with the subs but should be fine. yeah i was in the Marines, did 2 combat tours. not going to let a cat ruin what i saved up for while i was getting my *** shot off :tiphat:

surprisingly with the one he got the awful 22 shells arent the problem it's the mags. as with any .22 the rounds arent held tight in the mag and sometimes come up ****-eyed and cause a problem but it's a fun gun.

and yes fuck that cat ruined what you worked for :tup:

and i got family in the military so i know how you feel. i heard about it all before and thank you for your service sir :tiphat:

Dustin@Z1 12-07-2012 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by kellyefields (Post 2048859)
you need to get the latest in cat security systems for your car.

Dang it, beat me to it....I was thinking about posting those videos too. These are probably the BEST Ford commercials ever produced.

kidkotic2001 12-07-2012 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by ShutokuZ (Post 2048739)
When I was living in HI with my Evo, there was a crazy cat lady with about ten cats, that would roam around our house. They used to climb all over my Evo, and even crawl into my HKS Ti exhaust:eek: That didn't bother me too much, until they started bringing fleas with them, into my yard.
So needless to say, I wanted these cats gone! Well, about five cans of tuna soaked with antifreeze slid under my car later, the cats were no longer to be found.......
I hate cats!


This is what I meant when I said chemicals and food. I hate cats.

4r3s 12-07-2012 10:26 AM

surround your car with sticky traps...and hope the wind doesn't blow lol

cbrboy86 12-07-2012 04:49 PM

Buy a silenced .22 and take care of that s**t lol

mhcoss 12-09-2012 05:39 AM

wow, lot of crazy people in these forums...... Seriously, don't poison or kill the cat. talk to your neighbor, and if that doesn't work call animal control. If you do shoot or kill someones pet I really hope you end up facing criminal charges because frankly you would deserve it.

SS_Firehawk 12-09-2012 05:50 AM

Well, now we have a sensitive one. I still vote car battery.

mhcoss 12-09-2012 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by SS_Firehawk (Post 2052039)
Well, now we have a sensitive one. I still vote car battery.

Just speaking the truth man. I had a neighbor poison my dog a few years ago.

Dog got out of the yard once and chased his cat which was also roaming free. He came to my door in a tiff (with a gun in hand) and threatened to put the dog down. Dog didn't hurt the cat, bite anyone.. just chased the cat through a yard. Well the dog got really sick anyways a few weeks later, vet said he was almost positive it was poison. Dog did nothing wrong, he got out of the yard maybe once in an entire year.

so yea, killing someones pet for something so stupid does anger me because I've dealt with crazy people like that before

mhcoss 12-09-2012 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by scottIN (Post 2048410)
If you live in the city, chances are that there is an ordinance against letting animals run loose. Dog, cat or horse, doesn't matter.

I had this issue with a neighbor about 10 years ago. It was destroying all the trim on my Mercedes becasue it would slide down the windows and then use it claws to catch itself on the trim. Told her to keep her cat inside or on her property or I would have it picked up. Of course she didn't, so I had the dog (cat?) catcher come out with a trap. First night we caught what's in the photo below. Second night we caught her cat, but she got it out of the trap before animal control got there. Next night, caught it again and animal control picked it up before she got to it. When they arrived, she came out and got into a fight with them. They ended up taking her cat, fining her for all kinds of stuff (including battery on an officer) and she had to go get her cat out of 'jail'. Never saw the cat outside after that.

People say 'Well, it's just a cat. What can it do?'. That cat did about $700 damage to my car (never got the lady to pay) in just a couple of nights (brand new car). I didn't have a garage, so that wasn't an option. And I wasn't going to cover my car every time I pulled in the driveway becasue of an irresponsible pet owner.

BTW-I have a cat (inside only) and a dog (always on a leash), so it's not like I'm some animal hater or anything. I just think people should be responsible for their pets.

First night's catch:

And you'll never train a cat to stay off the hood:

This guy has it right.

SS_Firehawk 12-09-2012 07:27 AM

Definitely understand where your going with it, the neighbor's cat seems to be a repeat offender. Realistically, I would do the same as quoted above, but sue the neighbor for damages, or just take a brillo pad to their hood as recompense.

Nailzs 12-09-2012 09:01 AM

It's amazing to see so many people risking jail time for a little dirt on their car. Cat's claws are the same density as a human finger nail, not some mythical metal that will rip holes then the car's steel exterior.
If you want to keep the cats off you cars wash it and put a good coat of wax on your car. When the cat jumps on the car and slips off and busts its azz they generally don't do it again. Of course there are stupid cats just like there are stupid people in this world. :shakes head:

MJB 12-09-2012 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nailzs (Post 2052103)
It's amazing to see so many people risking jail time for a little dirt on their car.

:iagree: I don't know about other states, but WA state would come down on you hard for killing an animal as horribly as some of these people have mentioned. Jail time/felony no doubt. Then again WA is a tree hugging, liberal, hippie state. Still, killing an animal just because it gets on your car? Buy a car cover, problem solved.

dandg 12-09-2012 11:53 AM

**** all of you low class trash who poison and shoot cats. The cat doesn't know any better. Either buy a car cover or park it in the garage.

nmjaxx9 12-09-2012 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by SS_Firehawk (Post 2052039)
Well, now we have a sensitive one. I still vote car battery.


but in reality animal cruellty/killing is a no no. funny responses nonetheless but I would just advise doing the garage or cover. :tiphat:

cat hugging the car. :bowrofl:

SouthArk370Z 12-09-2012 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by MJB (Post 2052153)
I don't know about other states, but WA state would come down on you hard for killing an animal as horribly as some of these people have mentioned. Jail time/felony no doubt. Then again WA is a tree hugging, liberal, hippie state. Still, killing an animal just because it gets on your car? Buy a car cover, problem solved.

According to Wikipedia/Cruelty_to_animals, it's not just WA

Currently, 46 of the 50 states have enacted felony penalties for certain forms of animal abuse.

zmojo 12-09-2012 01:31 PM

The animal cruelty laws are pretty severe and can easily give you jail time and a police record, even job loss.

So its really best to catch the critter live and let the local animal shelter handle the stray animal, note some areas can even give you problems setting up live capture traps outdoors and require you to have a trapping license etc.

Nut_N_Much 12-09-2012 01:48 PM

ShinyBlueZ 12-09-2012 01:55 PM


this entire thread is filled with freaks that wanna kill and mutilate animals :icon14:

it turns out the majority of Z owners have serial killer tendencies :icon17:

killing cats is how dexter started :shakes head:

SouthArk370Z 12-09-2012 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by ShinyBlueZ (Post 2052381)
this entire thread is filled with freaks that wanna kill and mutilate animals :icon14:
it turns out the majority of Z owners have serial killer tendencies :icon17:
killing cats is how dexter started :shakes head:

From Wikipedia/Psychopathy

Three behaviors — bedwetting, cruelty to animals and firestarting, known as the Macdonald triad — were first described by J.M. MacDonald as possible indicators, if occurring together over time during childhood, of future episodic aggressive behavior.
(My emphasis)


Nailzs 12-09-2012 02:40 PM

An old saying goes "How you treat a cat is how you treat a woman".

MJB 12-09-2012 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by ShinyBlueZ (Post 2052381)

this entire thread is filled with freaks that wanna kill and mutilate animals :icon14:

it turns out the majority of Z owners have serial killer tendencies :icon17:

killing cats is how dexter started :shakes head:

Lol, off topic but have you guys heard about the serial dolphin killer? Its been in the news a lot lately. How the hell can you kill dolphins? They are like the coolest animals in the world. :shakes head:

Haboob 12-09-2012 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Nailzs (Post 2052423)
An old saying goes "How you treat a cat is how you treat a woman".

:gtfo2: That's a BS saying. ;)

NissanGuy23 12-09-2012 03:46 PM

Wow some evil members we got here...some serial killers start off with cats and dogs.

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