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Anyone in the Air Force?

Lol tell me about it my troop failed his dorm inspection and i gotta be in my service dress in his room at 0700 for a reinspection. I hope you

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Old 07-09-2009, 04:22 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Lol tell me about it my troop failed his dorm inspection and i gotta be in my service dress in his room at 0700 for a reinspection. I hope you don't get discourage being an officer because of what i stated above. I just don't want you to go join up and regret your decision cause that would be not be good for you, your career and all the people that's going to be working for you.

But personally the pro's outweighs the con's. I love the military i have been to places i never dream on going, seen some crazy ****, met a lot of people, got a ride on a F16 i pulled 12g on that thing lol i was so close to passing out also the pilot let me fly the plane. The whole family concept in the military is superb, I remember one time i was in the hospital because I injured my ankle the commander stopped by, the first seargent and my whole shop came by to make sure i was taken care of. When i was deployed my supervisor gave my wife a call almost every week to make sure she's alrite and mowed my lawn. I learned that if you take care of your people they will take care of you. Oh and yeah you will definitely be able to afforD a 370z, i've seen much more expensive cars owned by airmans (E1-E4)

Lol i don't know about the other services though i have a couple of ARMY buddies back in Korea and they all wished they join the Chairforce lol.
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Old 07-09-2009, 05:51 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Why's an officer getting involved with an airman's dorm inspection? Isn't there more important business to attend to?
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Old 07-09-2009, 09:30 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by molamann View Post
Why's an officer getting involved with an airman's dorm inspection? Isn't there more important business to attend to?
I'm enlisted.
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Old 07-09-2009, 09:33 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by u155282 View Post

You could check out Air National Guard or Army National Guard, too. I'm pretty sure they don't have to worry about the sandbox. But I can't really speak on that, as far as benefits or anything else really.
Air Guard dude here and that is entirely not true. We deploy as much as AD units, the lifestyle is just much better .
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Old 07-09-2009, 09:38 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by u155282 View Post
Hey there,

There's actually quite a few of us here in the Air Force. [See the "Occupations of 370z heads" thread]

I am a 2nd Lieutenant going to pilot training in December. I graduated from California State University San Bernardino last month and commissioned (became an officer) the following week. I did it through Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC), but that is just one the possible commissioning sources available to you. Officer Training School (OTS) is probably the other most viable option for you, depending on how far along you are in college.

Typically, AFROTC is the better option if you are an underclassman, OTS if you are upper, but that isn't necessarily always true. It just depends on your situation. Since you're graduating in May 2010, you're probably too late to get on the AFROTC track, but if your school has it (or if there is a magnet school nearby) I would go see if there's someway to get you on an accelerated program just in case. It could be that you could get in AFROTC by following on to a Masters program after you finish you BA/BS. If not, your probably looking at OTS.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then go to, Wikipedia, etc. and do some research. There's mountains of info out there, but if you can't find what you are looking for, let me know and I'll do what I can to answer your questions.

The Air Force is awesome. Even as a new officer, a 370z should probably be affordable, depending on the options you're looking at and other matters affecting your finances (if you have dependents or outstanding loans, etc.)

DON'T ENLIST. There's nothing wrong with enlisting, but if you have a college degree, you might as well be an officer. You'll make better money and have better job opportunities. I only say that because I've heard a crazy story or two about recruiters trying to talk college grads into enlisting.

The military is certainly not for everyone, but for those who are cut out for it, it is definitely a wise choice.
Hey dude, if you have any questions on UPT send me a PM.
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Old 07-09-2009, 09:43 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Army leads the way hoah
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Old 07-10-2009, 12:13 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tim View Post
Army leads the way hoah
lol i was wondering where are the Army guys at.
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Old 07-10-2009, 01:34 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Effin' Army. I'm AF too, and I'm out in Iraq supporting an Army unit. Of course, they fail to notice the obvious help I'm providing on behalf of another department and continue to crack bad jokes about other branches that I've heard at least a dozen times.

Will the Army ever catch on?

Edit: Ok, I saw that line about pulling 12 gs in an F-16. Bad bluff man. Maybe you were hoping no other AF guys would show up, but Vipers just can't pull that kind of G-force. ;[ Sorry.

Last edited by BillyGoatGag; 07-10-2009 at 01:37 AM.
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Old 07-10-2009, 12:45 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Hey Chris, figured I would come out of lurking to reply to you...

I am an officer, Captain (O-3) working as an Engineer in Los Angeles. The lifestyle, at least out here, is very very nice. The pay after housing allowance is excellent and most of the work I do is with contractors and not Enlisted folks. Not that working with Enlisted guys is bad, I just rarely see them around.

For a Business guy, if you were out here you would work with large government contractors and guys like you are in demand in Los Angeles. Hope that helps, ROTC is a nice way to pay for school too.
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Old 07-10-2009, 12:50 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Edit: Ok, I saw that line about pulling 12 gs in an F-16. Bad bluff man. Maybe you were hoping no other AF guys would show up, but Vipers just can't pull that kind of G-force. ;[ Sorry.[/QUOTE]

I'm not bluffing this is what the crew chief told me the next day, he said we pulled that much G when the pilot did a freaking high speed turn i was almost passing out lol. I'm a supply guy so I believe him.
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Old 07-10-2009, 06:43 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ct63084 View Post
Edit: Ok, I saw that line about pulling 12 gs in an F-16. Bad bluff man. Maybe you were hoping no other AF guys would show up, but Vipers just can't pull that kind of G-force. ;[ Sorry.

Originally Posted by ct63084
I'm not bluffing this is what the crew chief told me the next day, he said we pulled that much G when the pilot did a freaking high speed turn i was almost passing out lol. I'm a supply guy so I believe him.

Did you help him pull panels for that massive over-g?

Last edited by RCGsupra; 07-11-2009 at 02:58 AM.
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Old 07-10-2009, 10:22 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ct63084 View Post
I'm in the Airforce also enlisted E-5 been in for 6 years, I don't make us much money but i like going home and not think about other stuff. Here's the deal about the Military anyone can be an officer if you dedicate yourself into it, most people think being an officer is easy and you make money. But i say this to all of my troops that comes in enlisted and wants to be an officer "Being an officer is not about how you get there cause that's easy, the question you gotta ask yourself is can you handle the responsiblity" Also depends on your AFSC but being a Supply troop i had a chance to be in Maintenance for 2 years, Civil Engineering for a year and Logistic Squadrons 3 years.

The amount of BS officers go through is incredible you gotta babysit at least 100-300 people, if someone gets in trouble you gotta be there with your troop in front of the wing commander in full service dress and trust me this happens almost every week then combine that with your daily task to accomplish the Mission, if someone fails a PT test then you will get an earful and the list goes on. This is not counting your actual daily task to make sure mission operation goes smoothly. Most enlisted people don't see this espcially airmans and bec this usually happens in closed doors, but i've been in enough staff meetings, maintenance meetings and occasional run ins with my troops getting in trouble. You are their leader and what ever happens to them your responsible, i've seen so many officers get out because of this reasons. But if your the leader kind of guy and your dedicated to take care of your people and sacrificing some on and off duty time then i say go for it, because being in the military is the best thing that ever happened to me.

This is coming from my experience with working with diff officers in diff squadrons I can't vouch for other squadrons i didn't mention above.
Well its a whole lot different in the Marines...Everything you mentioned above as Officer duties are taken care of by Marine NCO's and SNCO's...Our officers at least in the Airwing are mostly piolts, and there main objective is to fly to get quals, train and/or complete the mission.
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Old 07-10-2009, 10:46 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BillyGoatGag View Post
Effin' Army. I'm AF too, and I'm out in Iraq supporting an Army unit. Of course, they fail to notice the obvious help I'm providing on behalf of another department and continue to crack bad jokes about other branches that I've heard at least a dozen times.

Will the Army ever catch on?

Edit: Ok, I saw that line about pulling 12 gs in an F-16. Bad bluff man. Maybe you were hoping no other AF guys would show up, but Vipers just can't pull that kind of G-force. ;[ Sorry.
obviously there are some douchebags in the army, but im a medic so i'm not all big and stuff and talk crap but you're one to speak you just said "effin army" where everyone can read it, i was just making a small comment that i thought would be fun. im not the guy out there making bad jokes and a good buddy of mine is air force, and i'm sorry if somehow what i said was offensive, i wasn't bringing down the air force or anything, its just a saying we have, but i appreciate your friendly reply
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:15 AM   #44 (permalink)
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I didn't mean anything negative by, "effin' Army." It's a term of endearment, my brother. If I have rubbed your Army fur the wrong way in any fashion, please allow me to right my wrong with this German beer.

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Old 07-11-2009, 03:33 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RCGsupra View Post
Did you help him pull panels for that massive over-g?

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