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kannibul 07-02-2009 10:54 AM

Note to self - after leaving car wash...
Let the soap and other crap leave the tires before gassing it a bit with the TRS turned off - lol...


I managed to kick the rear end out to a 45 (what I was aiming for), then it swung it back hard 90 degress to the other way (apparently input from the steering wheel is a lot more than what I'm used to), before it grabbed and launched me straight for the curb!

Nothing happened, but if it weren't for my VERY quick reflexes and having had a ton of experience with RWD cars and icy

Lesson learned!

THis reminded me of another "pucker-factor" experience - a local gas station has an auto-washer attached that always drains down across the enterace. I was on my bike with the lady on back, getting gas, and I pulled in through that enterance. When my back tire came around again, it lost traction and skipped over about 4"! To be honest, I'm surprised I didn't lose it, but, I guess my reflexes saved our butts that time too - lol...

I don't go to that gas station much now - if I do, it's the other entrance that I use! :)

wstar 07-02-2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by kannibul (Post 104770)
Let the soap and other crap leave the tires before gassing it a bit with the TRS turned off - lol...

Nah, that's the best part of washing the car: burning off the leftover water/soap on the rear tires when launching out onto the street. You just gotta be ready for it, and nimble with the gas and the steering wheel :)

RCZ 07-02-2009 11:30 AM

Alright what? You over-corrected a slide almost into an effin curve and then you say you have "VERY quick reflexes and having had a ton of experience with RWD cars" and then you say lesson learned.

Yeah sounds like a LOT of experience. I hope you realize that makes no sense. Maybe you should drive with the TC on.... unless your car is graphite cause I need a new front bumper and sideskirts.

kannibul 07-02-2009 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 104787)
Alright what? You over-corrected a slide almost into an effin curve and then you say you have "VERY quick reflexes and having had a ton of experience with RWD cars" and then you say lesson learned.

Yeah sounds like a LOT of experience. I hope you realize that makes no sense. Maybe you should drive with the TC on.... unless your car is graphite cause I need a new front bumper and sideskirts.

Quick reflexes kept me from doing a 180+ or ending up nose-first in a curb...

I was making a left turn across a 3 lane road (center turn lane), rear end swung out further than I anticipated (wasn't expecting it to lose traction to that extent), I attempted to turn it more into a power-slide to pull through it - it didn't react so I continued putting more right-turn on the wheel until it did (which is where I apparently over-corrected) and it snapped the rear end back to the left faster than I could have imagined...

I am not experienced with locking diffs, or as tight of steering as the Z...or the weight balance of the Z. So, yeah, on one hand, I am not that experienced, but on the other, I know what to do and how to compensate.

General experience vs "Z" experience...

Thanks for reading! :gtfo2:

RCZ 07-02-2009 11:44 AM

Wait.... so you overcorrected a slide at like 8MPH then?

No offense to you, but this is why you should keep the TC on instead of trying to be a cool guy. Do an accident avoidance course and a couple of driving courses where they teach you how to not do what you did. Until then, stop posting about your near accidents and your super-skills because you WILL get flamed.

Just get a chance to learn the car before you don't have a car to learn on anymore.

Thanks for posting some entertainment.

kannibul 07-02-2009 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 104802)
Wait.... so you overcorrected a slide at like 8MPH then?

No offense to you, but this is why you should keep the TC on instead of trying to be a cool guy. Do an accident avoidance course and a couple of driving courses where they teach you how to not do what you did. Until then, stop posting about your near accidents and your super-skills because you WILL get flamed.

Just get a chance to learn the car before you don't have a car to learn on anymore.

Thanks for posting some entertainment.

What, is it your personal responsibility on the internet to flame people you view as "l3ss sup3r $kiLl3d" than you?

Get over yourself.

xiven 07-02-2009 12:14 PM


wstar 07-02-2009 12:17 PM

I kinda thought the same thing as RCZ, I'm just not so, uhhh, direct about it :) But now that it's out there... extreme over-corrections like that is a sign that you need to learn how to control the car :)

kannibul 07-02-2009 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by wstar (Post 104844)
I kinda thought the same thing as RCZ, I'm just not so, uhhh, direct about it :) But now that it's out there... extreme over-corrections like that is a sign that you need to learn how to control the car :)

As with anything, you don't know your limits until you exceed them.

Apparently, I found a limit relating to the amount of available traction, and my expectations of what the input I was doing with the car, and the output it gave me.

"Lesson Learned"

wstar 07-02-2009 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by kannibul (Post 104861)
As with anything, you don't know your limits until you exceed them.

Apparently, I found a limit relating to the amount of available traction, and my expectations of what the input I was doing with the car, and the output it gave me.

"Lesson Learned"

Yeah, there was a bit of learning curve for me with this car as well. I came from a much more oversteer-happy car than this one, so in smoother curves I had to learn to actually use the steering wheel more than the throttle to push the car around. On the flipside, when trying to push through quick sharp sliding oversteer corners (or U-turns), I have to give the Z a lot more gas to get the job done. I'm pretty comfortable with handling my Z now, but I've had 7K miles to figure it out already :)

xiven 07-02-2009 12:41 PM

is the turning radius pretty good when doing u-turns?

thats one thing i hate about my eclipse. i have to swing wide like a big truck to make the turn and pray i don't hit the curb.:shakes head:

m4a1mustang 07-02-2009 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by xiven (Post 104875)
is the turning radius pretty good when doing u-turns?

thats one thing i hate about my eclipse. i have to swing wide like a big truck to make the turn and pray i don't hit the curb.:shakes head:

RWD. Turning radius is as tight as you want it to be. :D

kannibul 07-02-2009 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by wstar (Post 104869)
Yeah, there was a bit of learning curve for me with this car as well. I came from a much more oversteer-happy car than this one, so in smoother curves I had to learn to actually use the steering wheel more than the throttle to push the car around. On the flipside, when trying to push through quick sharp sliding oversteer corners (or U-turns), I have to give the Z a lot more gas to get the job done. I'm pretty comfortable with handling my Z now, but I've had 7K miles to figure it out already :)

I can easily say this car handles a LOT differently than other vehicles I've owned - none of them had a locking diff, so I could break one wheel loose and drag the other in a fishtail.

With this, it's more like the rear of the car is on a huge ball bearing. That combined with the incredibly tight turning radius...

I think what threw me a bit too was that the tires bit down unexpectedly too - but, hey, I won't know. If I do it again, I have more knowledge about how the car reacts to driver input now than I did before last night.

xiven 07-02-2009 12:51 PM

i imagine so if i want to whip it around

m4a1mustang 07-02-2009 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by xiven (Post 104891)
i imagine so if i want to whip it around

It's not as good as the Nissan Cube but it's close.

kannibul 07-02-2009 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 104882)
RWD. Turning radius is as tight as you want it to be. :D

I've not observed it, but I wonder if one of the rear wheels isn't moving when you have to wheel kicked over all the way.

It's crazy tight.

That, combined with the sharp steering...coming from Ford's and Chevy's to this -'s different :)

racerxj17 07-02-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by kannibul (Post 104889)
I can easily say this car handles a LOT differently than other vehicles I've owned - none of them had a locking diff, so I could break one wheel loose and drag the other in a fishtail.

With this, it's more like the rear of the car is on a huge ball bearing. That combined with the incredibly tight turning radius...

I think what threw me a bit too was that the tires bit down unexpectedly too - but, hey, I won't know. If I do it again, I have more knowledge about how the car reacts to driver input now than I did before last night.

we have a locking diff?:confused:

kannibul 07-02-2009 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 104892)
It's not as good as the Nissan Cube but it's close.

No offense to those who will buy one of those - but I'd buy just about anything else before buying one of those.

That rear window :icon14:

kannibul 07-02-2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by racerxj17 (Post 104894)
we have a locking diff?:confused:

Sport package has something like a locking differential...viscous something...

All I know is it's easy as hell to slingshot the rear end - soapy tires or not ;)

Island_370 07-02-2009 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by kannibul (Post 104861)
As with anything, you don't know your limits until you exceed them.

Apparently, I found a limit relating to the amount of available traction, and my expectations of what the input I was doing with the car, and the output it gave me.

"Lesson Learned"

The place to learn the limits of a car is at a Driver's Event, not a public street. Controlled, safe environment where people are prepared for the limit to be crossed. The masses on a public road are not expecting a car near them to have a tank slapper. They do not know how to react and you could hurt others...

I am getting too old and too out of shape to keep climbing onto pedistals.

kannibul 07-02-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Island_370 (Post 105004)
The place to learn the limits of a car is at a Driver's Event, not a public street. Controlled, safe environment where people are prepared for the limit to be crossed. The masses on a public road are not expecting a car near them to have a tank slapper. They do not know how to react and you could hurt others...

I am getting too old and too out of shape to keep climbing onto pedistals.

It was 11:00PM out in the country with absolutely no traffic around for at least a mile in every direction. While it is/was a public street, but it was also pretty desolate.

That said, I absolutely agree with you...

RCZ 07-02-2009 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by kannibul (Post 104826)
What, is it your personal responsibility on the internet to flame people you view as "l3ss sup3r $kiLl3d" than you?

Get over yourself.

Yes, you actually nailed it. It is in fact my personal responsibility on the internet to flame people whom I view as being "l3ss sup3r $kiLl3d" than I. You just keep giving me ammo and I thank you for that, however I think I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking without being coy.

I love this forum for all the info and good folks in it, but its a joint effort to keep at least a slight hint of substance in the threads. AK can't yell at you because you've done nothing wrong, but I have no affiliation with the forums other than being a member and that gives me the right to say whats on my mind. There's been a huge (and growing) number of ridiculous nonsensical threads popping up lately and I'm frankly just tired of sifting through the crap to get to the worthwhile ones.

I dont mean to speak for anybody else, but I have a feeling that I am, when I say that nobody cares about how you almost crashed your car leaving a deserted car wash in the middle of the night. I wasn't going to jump in until you said your "quick reflexes and experience" are what saved you, when in fact it was the lack-there-of that got you into that mess. The only thing that saved you was space, luck and low speed. Try those shennanigans at pace and I will be the first in line for the part out.

I'm not singling you out because I dont like you... I dont know you, you may be a cool guy, but people please stop posting junk , no one cares... about who called you out in a parking lot or how many SRT-4's want to race you on a daily basis.

BTW: Are we allowed to call dibs on part outs before they happen? if so DIBS!

355890 07-02-2009 04:10 PM

Next time just tell everyone you were doing the " Finish Flick ".

imag 07-02-2009 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 105094)
Yes, you actually nailed it. It is in fact my personal responsibility on the internet to flame people whom I view as being "l3ss sup3r $kiLl3d" than I. You just keep giving me ammo and I thank you for that, however I think I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking without being coy.

I love this forum for all the info and good folks in it, but its a joint effort to keep at least a slight hint of substance in the threads. AK can't yell at you because you've done nothing wrong, but I have no affiliation with the forums other than being a member and that gives me the right to say whats on my mind. There's been a huge (and growing) number of ridiculous nonsensical threads popping up lately and I'm frankly just tired of sifting through the crap to get to the worthwhile ones.

I dont mean to speak for anybody else, but I have a feeling that I am, when I say that nobody cares about how you almost crashed your car leaving a deserted car wash in the middle of the night. I wasn't going to jump in until you said your "quick reflexes and experience" are what saved you, when in fact it was the lack-there-of that got you into that mess. The only thing that saved you was space, luck and low speed. Try those shennanigans at pace and I will be the first in line for the part out.

I'm not singling you out because I dont like you... I dont know you, you may be a cool guy, but people please stop posting junk , no one cares... about who called you out in a parking lot or how many SRT-4's want to race you on a daily basis.

BTW: Are we allowed to call dibs on part outs before they happen? if so DIBS!

RCZ - you have some really informative posts, and I really appreciate a lot of your passion about vehicles and driving, but from an outside perspective, you're way out of line here.

If you don't like wasting time, don't post (repeatedly) about a timewasting thread. The internet is a timewaster, in case you haven't noticed, and internet skillls *always* involve separating the wheat from the chaff. Personally, what's hard for me to read is someone drilling something when they have no idea where they're coming from.

And sorry to say it, but you're projecting way too much onto this guy. He didn't say he was some jackass street-racer, nor was he crowing about his crazzzy exploits. He just had a moment where he jumped on the throttle on soapy tires and the car got out of hand - and he shared about it on a board where people share about car stuff. If reading about it isn't your cup of tea, fine - skip to the next thread. I'll bet that any person on here doesn't care about at least 50% of the threads on here (including threads on how to set up their car for the track). That's because people are different.

From the outside, you're the one who comes across as a showoff, trying to act like you have never made a mistake on the street, or talking down to them about attending driving classes (which, again, is a way for you to emphasize your mad skillz).

And I hate to tell you, but it actually isn't your responsibility to sanitize the boards for everyone else. Some people aren't on here for the same reasons you are. I have taken driving classes, and I do try to keep it safe on the street, but I could totally see being stoked on my clean wheels, juicing the throttle, and getting a bit sideways. I'd like to assume that wouldn't be 45 degrees sideways, but then I'm not going to judge a street or a situation that I don't have a clue about.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll get flamed back. I just think you seem to view yourself as some kind of cop trying to check other people, and I think you might want to check yourself on this one and apologize.

kannibul 07-02-2009 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by 355890 (Post 105125)
Next time just tell everyone you were doing the " Finish Flick ".

That's pretty funny.

fly yellow 07-02-2009 04:58 PM

I did a 900 degree spin in a Suzuki Samurai 20 years ago. It was on an off ramp to the Capital Beltway and completely unintentional. It scared the hell out of me.

FricFrac 07-02-2009 06:25 PM

Since I have no experience on the track slot me under the "you suck hard you pathetic excuse for a driver" category before the flaming begins.... but I was surprised when I tried to get the rear end loose how quickly the rear bite came back and the car felt quite planted compared to doing the same thing with my 280ZX (only had 225s on the rear in comparison to 275s)....

VCuomo 07-02-2009 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by kannibul (Post 104904)
Sport package has something like a locking differential...viscous something...

All I know is it's easy as hell to slingshot the rear end - soapy tires or not ;)

Here's a good explanation from a G35 forum:


VLSD = viscous limited slip diff

The stock viscous limited slip works by immersing a series of round plates, alternately attached to an axle or the differential housing, in a fancy viscous goo. When you go around a corner, the outer wheel will turn faster than the inner wheel, but because the differential housing itself is going at a speed halfway between the two wheels, the differential housing sees the outer wheel turning forward and the inner wheel turning backward.

The plates can be stacked various ways, but let's assume that on each side of the differential there are eight plates, with half of them attached to the axle, and the other half attached to the differential. Call the axle plates "A" and the differential plates "D", and they will stack up like DADADADA.

The plates in a viscous limited slip don't actually touch each other. Instead, they are separated by a thin film of this viscous goo. When you go around a corner, and the A and D plates start turning at different speeds, the goo trapped between them heats up. Some chemist somewhere figured out how to make a magic fluid that expands and thickens under this shear load, making it more difficult for the plates to go different speeds.

While the fluid tries to lock the plates together, the tires try to rip them apart. At low speeds and gentle turns, the fluid doesn't get thickened much and the tires win. Boot it and try to spin one tire and the plates suddenly are going dramatically different speeds. The fluid thickens just as dramatically and, with the stock tires, the fluid wins, locking both rear tires together and letting you have your glory slide. A little less throttle and you have the smooth, seamless acceleration Nissan engineers had in mind. If you have really sticky tires, though, the tires win, and the long, gooey molecules of the stock diff's viscous snot get sheared into smaller, less thermo-reactive visco-thickening stuff; stuff that would make that mysterious chemist blush with embarrassment.

FricFrac 07-02-2009 09:06 PM

....and that's how it (sorta) works in our R/C vehicles. That being said we can change the viscosity of the fluid based on the type of racing/driving size of the vehicle, etc. Can we change the diff fluid in our car for a more agressive driving style?

kannibul 07-02-2009 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by VCuomo (Post 105249)
Here's a good explanation from a G35 forum:

Really good info...


That said, I know with oil sheering is what damages it's ability to function - I also seem to remember reading about the viscous stuff needing to be replaced every so many miles because it gets weaker with time.

Maybe I read it in the manual - lol, I don't remember...but it does have me curious if we'll have issues in the long term.

TheWeatherman 07-03-2009 11:28 AM

Hey Kannibul, after just browsing, it looks like RCZ is really nice to you. :rolleyes: Hey, I'm having fun reading your posts. The rain thing? Isn't that the truth. Keep havin' fun buddy. We all are allowed to share stories with others who have had the same things happen. General means general to me.

shiftmx05 07-03-2009 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by imag (Post 105129)
RCZ - you have some really informative posts, and I really appreciate a lot of your passion about vehicles and driving, but from an outside perspective, you're way out of line here.

If you don't like wasting time, don't post (repeatedly) about a timewasting thread. The internet is a timewaster, in case you haven't noticed, and internet skillls *always* involve separating the wheat from the chaff. Personally, what's hard for me to read is someone drilling something when they have no idea where they're coming from.

And sorry to say it, but you're projecting way too much onto this guy. He didn't say he was some jackass street-racer, nor was he crowing about his crazzzy exploits. He just had a moment where he jumped on the throttle on soapy tires and the car got out of hand - and he shared about it on a board where people share about car stuff. If reading about it isn't your cup of tea, fine - skip to the next thread. I'll bet that any person on here doesn't care about at least 50% of the threads on here (including threads on how to set up their car for the track). That's because people are different.

From the outside, you're the one who comes across as a showoff, trying to act like you have never made a mistake on the street, or talking down to them about attending driving classes (which, again, is a way for you to emphasize your mad skillz).

And I hate to tell you, but it actually isn't your responsibility to sanitize the boards for everyone else. Some people aren't on here for the same reasons you are. I have taken driving classes, and I do try to keep it safe on the street, but I could totally see being stoked on my clean wheels, juicing the throttle, and getting a bit sideways. I'd like to assume that wouldn't be 45 degrees sideways, but then I'm not going to judge a street or a situation that I don't have a clue about.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll get flamed back. I just think you seem to view yourself as some kind of cop trying to check other people, and I think you might want to check yourself on this one and apologize.

You could not have said it any better.
My thoughts exactly.

People continue to post all your 370 stories.
There will always be someone that finds your story intriguing and want to read it. To each his own. :)

Modshack 07-03-2009 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by shiftmx05 (Post 105598)
There will always be someone that finds your story intriguing and want to read it.

And others who think you're an idiot....:tup:

RCZ 07-04-2009 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Modshack (Post 105715)
And others who think you're an idiot....:tup:


I purposely posted on all 3 of his threads because each was more pointless than the last. I was trying to make a point that this person is just adding pointless clutter to the forum.

I took a risk by acting out because there are always people who feel like they have to protect these people when someone calls them out. That's fine, I can live with that. I wont speak about all the PM's I got saying "I agree with you, I cant stand this crap either" because I frankly don't care enough to get into it again.

Im not showing off, Im not saying anything about me. I have of course made mistakes and if I recall something similar to this back when I first started driving. The only difference is that I didnt feel it was interesting enough to post about. I'm trying to keep this site worthwhile, as it was before all these (to quote modshack) "idiots" started showing up and cluttering the forum with crap.

Fine though, have it your way. If you think this is interesting and belongs here and no one says anything then youre going to have an awesome awesome forum in a couple months. Quantity over quality right?

I guess I'll be in the tech area from now on.

frost 07-04-2009 06:42 PM

I think your stories are fine for the people who want to read them, but I do believe they don't need to be new threads. As our community grows and grows, it's becoming harder to sift through all the threads. Just two months ago, only 2 pages of updates would take place in a day, now we are more than double that.
If I could make a polite suggestion, there is a preexisting thread where everyone has taken great liberty in posting this kind of stuff. I think some of these things may be best placed here:

BMW Killa 07-04-2009 07:10 PM

^ x2

BrianUSMC 07-04-2009 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 106343)
I think your stories are fine for the people who want to read them, but I do believe they don't need to be new threads. As our community grows and grows, it's becoming harder to sift through all the threads. Just two months ago, only 2 pages of updates would take place in a day, now we are more than double that.
If I could make a polite suggestion, there is a preexisting thread where everyone has taken great liberty in posting this kind of stuff. I think some of these things may be best placed here:

Ok guys, now I think we are getting somewhere with this. :tiphat:

But instead of it going into the useless thread, because that thread seems to be 90% non-Z related, could we make a more appropriate thread where inexperienced sports car drivers can go to learn from eachother's experiences and mistakes. This way mistakes (getting loose with soapy tires, overcorrecting steering, doing burnouts in the box unnecessarily with street tires) can be voiced and people who find it useful (new Z owner that has driven a truck his whole life) will take note that, 'hey, don't get on it for a few miles after the wash.'

Maybe title it: "370Z lessons learned" or something like that?


edit: went ahead and started a lessons learned thread and found some old bits of advice to start it off. This should help everyone I think. :tiphat: + + +

NIZMOZ 07-06-2009 08:46 AM

When is RCZ not out of line? He flames in everyones posts. He thinks he is right over everyone else. Most of his threads are like this. LOL

kannibul 07-06-2009 08:57 AM

Mods, please lock this thread. It lost it's charm a long time ago.

Modshack 07-06-2009 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 106337)
Fine though, have it your way. If you think this is interesting and belongs here and no one says anything then youre going to have an awesome awesome forum in a couple months. Quantity over quality right?

I guess I'll be in the tech area from now on.

:iagree: unfortunately....

Between the outta control posters running off vendors, The formula 1 racers wrecking demos, Kids whos daddys just bought them their first car, and the Wannabees that are 4 years away from ownership, this is starting to lose its allure for me too..

See ya over in Tech..

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