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MarkGideon 09-04-2012 06:56 PM

I did my first change just at 1200 miles to Penzoil Ultra and a Purolator PL14610 PureONE filter. This will be the routine every 5,000 miles starting when I get to 5,000 on the odometer. (I am just under 2,500 now.) As a plus, the same filter will work on my Altima, so I ordered half a dozen for now. I may even switch the Altima from Mobil 1 to the Penzoil too, just to keep it simple. I guess the cost of ownership, at least for oil changes, will be the same for the Z as my Altima. ;)

nmjaxx9 09-04-2012 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by hadokenuh (Post 1901338)
Wow, my local dealer only charges $70 for Nissan Ester Oil. I think it's pretty good deal.

Otherwise I'd go with Penzoil Ultra ($28 for 5qts + $6 for Bosche filter + $30 labor). Comes out about the same.

Wow compared to CT thats dirt cheap, here I was charged 150! :eek:

Good thing I learned to do oil changes myself. :icon17:

JungleZ 09-04-2012 07:36 PM

Was I supposed to change at 1200 miles?

Looks like I'm gonna end up going to dealer and paying alot, I can't do it myself and don't trust autozone or jiffy lube

MarkGideon 09-04-2012 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by JungleZ (Post 1901592)
Was I supposed to change at 1200 miles?

You did not NEED to change at 1200 miles. Just something us obsessive types do.

DLSTR 09-05-2012 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Dwight Frye (Post 1901411)
I did my first change at about 1250 miles. I used the Nissan ester oil and a Mobil 1 #110 filter. The Nissan ester oil isn't that great and was almost $14 a quart at the dealer after tax. At the 5,000 mark I switched to Redline 5W-30 and a new Mobil 1 filter and have run that exclusively ever since. I now have about 27K miles on the car and it is 3 years old this week so I'm not piling a lot of miles on it. I only go 5K oil change intervals, probably overkill but I like to err on the side of caution. I have had 3 Blackstone analysis' done and the Redline oil has trended nicely in the VQ37 engine.
You can get a case of Redline delivered to your door, no tax & free shipping from Amazon for a just under $11 per quart. If you don't want to go to a boutique oil, the Pennzoil Ultra has an outstanding reputation and can often be found on sale. Either way these engines run hot and are hard on oil so I wouldn't recommend pushing OCI's much past 5000 miles. It's a pretty exotic sports car and you shouldn't expect the cost of ownership to be the same as a new Altima. And learn to do your own changes. It's not rocket surgery.

5000 on synthetic is nothing. I just did 8000 on Mobil1 5-30 and they said(Blackstone), 9000 was no problem. This on the Autobahn, high revs, mountains, city traffic and daily driver as well. I hate down time and 5000 changes are a waste of synthetic. The standard over here is 15000km or just over 9000miles(9320) at the Nissan dealer who uses Castrol 5-30 synth.

Frankly the cost of ownership shouldnt be much more considering the car is low maint. The tires are different story. Its just a car.

VCuomo 09-05-2012 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by MarkGideon (Post 1901540)
I did my first change just at 1200 miles to Penzoil Ultra and a Purolator PL14610 PureONE filter. This will be the routine every 5,000 miles starting when I get to 5,000 on the odometer. (I am just under 2,500 now.) ...

I do exactly the same - same oil, filter, and service interval.

And to the OP: You do know that many cars come with synthetic in them from the factory, right? Oh, and AFAIK Nissan has never really confirmed what their factory fill is... ;)

UNKNOWN_370 09-05-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by nmjaxx9 (Post 1900879)
I use royal purple 5w-30 and it works good so far, thought of switching to redline, but I think ill stick with it for a while. Keeps the engine nice and clean, and if I need to I can go up to 6k in between oil changes. :driving::tup:

Running the same thing with nismo oil filter. Royal works awesome. Oil stays cooler from my experience. May switch to redline @ 30k miles

nmjaxx9 09-05-2012 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 (Post 1902938)
Running the same thing with nismo oil filter. Royal works awesome. Oil stays cooler from my experience. May switch to redline @ 30k miles

Yeah I only do it for convenience, no other store in my town sells redline, I would have to order it online, where as royal purple is available within 1 mile of my house at Napa. :driving:

Volk Z 10-04-2012 06:06 PM

I'm doing first oil change at 1300-1500 miles to wash out all the metal shavings and stuff from the break in then doing one regular Nissan stock oil and then switching to Amsoil best synthetic oil out there... It was the first and is still the best.
I use it in all my cars and all transmissions and differentials as well. It made my 350z transmission and my Jaguar clunky feeling tranny feel smoother then they ever felt.

81DAWG 10-11-2012 12:52 PM

I too am about to do my first oil chnge after reaching my break in mileage of 1200 miles. I use Mobil 1 Extended Performance in both of my other vehicles and will do so in the Z. A past experience with Mobil 1 convinced me that you can't go wrong with this oil. I am embarressed about what I did, but I'll share my experience.

I have a 2004 Ford F150 FX4 truck. I put alot of miles on this truck and have used Mobil 1 in it since the first oil change. I change the oil every 3000-5000 miles depending how much towing I have been doing. At about 180K miles I changed the oil as normal prior to going down to my hunting camp on a Friday afternoon. I hooked up my trailer to haul the ATV and went on my way. About 4 miles after leaving the house, I noticed in my rear view mirror there was smoke coming from under my truck. Since I hasn't far from home, I decided to turn around and go back home and check it out. I kept checking the oil pressure guage and it read normal, so i continued on. When I approached my driveway, what I saw gave me a sick feeling...there was a trail of oil from the driveway out into the street. I parked the truck and quickly crawled underneath. The underside of the truck from the engine back was covered in oil. The exhaust was smoking. I determined the oil was coming from the oil filter. I removed the filter, and as many of you have probably already guessed, there was no rubber gasket on the filter. I know it was on the filter when I started the oil change because I coated it with fresh oil prior to installation. Upon further inspection I found the missing gasket on laying in my oil drain pan. I must have placed the filter, gasket side down, on the drain pan, when I layed down prior to installing it on the truck. when I checked the oil in the truck, I had only about a quart left in the truck. This truck holds 7 quarts of oil. So, basically I had driven the truck about 10 miles with very little oil. I figured I ruined the engine or at the very least significantly shortened it's life. like I said, this happened when I had about 180K miles on the truck. I now have 224K miles on it without any decreased performance. I had the oil pressure guage checked and the dealer said it was OK. I still don't know I did not get a low pressure indication.

I am 54 years old and have been doing my own oil changes since I was 16 years old; I have never once paid for an oil change. I guess I used to be on "cruise control" doing oil changes because they are so routine for me. Not anymore. This experience taught me to always check to make sure the gasket is in place before I install the filter. I am sure there are other quality oils that are just as good as Mobil 1, but I will never use anything but Mobil 1 Extended.

Jsolo 10-12-2012 02:44 PM

^^I would of guessed you double gasketed the filter rather than no gasket at all. Back in HS, a student got an ear full of all sorts of choice words from the instructor when doing this. Ironically, the instructor had touched on this topic in a previous lecture.

Anyways, my method of preventing any gasket issues is to make sure the new filter is always right side up. From the time it comes out of the box to the time it gets installed.

As for mobil1, ymmv. I had a bad experience with it in my camaro. By 80K miles, the car had excessive oil consumption (1qt/400-500miles). A friend running this in his dodge truck also noticed considerably higher consumption at 60-70K miles. Engine defects, perhaps, but it left a bad taste for the oil :)

81DAWG 10-12-2012 03:07 PM

Strange how different people have different results with the same oil. I have 224K on the F150 FX4 using only Mobil 1, and burn zero oil.

Youngwolf34 08-27-2014 04:58 AM

Anyone ever use Chevron full synthetic oil for our 370's? My mechanic swears by the stuff, but I can't seem to locate any reviews on how the z does on it.

VCuomo 08-27-2014 01:21 PM

Why wouldn't the Z do fine with any brand of full synthetic oil that's API certified?

GSS138 08-27-2014 04:40 PM

Buy whatever synthetic Pep Boys has on sale that month :) Castrol Edge, Mobil 1, etc.

They usually have a monthly special 5 qts/$35.00 + free oil filter. I use that for GF's truck and her daughter's car. For mine I use Motul/Torco but that is only needed for track abuse.

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