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SmallermouseZ 07-02-2012 01:34 AM

Fr-s/ Brz. > 370z?
Few ppl have traded in their 370z for Brzs and fr-s are they even comparable to our Zs?

Nismo89 07-02-2012 01:39 AM

i think the FR-S was designed to battle a different class of car, not take on the Z ...... i believe it was built to do battle with Suburu's BRZ , from what ive read .. THATS the battle in which the car was built for...Suburu, plus its in a different class than the Z .... i view the FR-S and BRZ as sports cars but sports car on a "lesser" scale, doing battle on the lower levels.

.c2 07-02-2012 01:43 AM

^They're the same car so no it wasn't built to battle with each other lol. I agree though, the FRS/BRZ is on a completely different class... doubt it could take on the Z

Nismo89 07-02-2012 01:49 AM

not exactly "battle" with it lol but the BRZ (from what ive read) was Suburu's response to the FR-S. i just wish i knew where i read it from lol....short term memory sucks A$$

or vice versus idk. which

dastaco 07-02-2012 01:52 AM

The BRZ/FRS were developed by Toyota and Subaru in a joint venture. They are pretty much the same car, the only difference is in the handling (oversteer vs understeer)

To answer the original question, I don't see these cars in the same category as the Z. The FRS/BRZ have 200hp and were built to be great handling cars, I see them being more in the Miata and s2000 realm.

Scozzy 07-02-2012 02:01 AM

I definitely won't trade my z for joint venture car, there are minor differences between Subaru to the Toyota but not worth trade at all, still a boxster turbo in a rear wheel drive, would be fun for a test drive

fusionchicken 07-02-2012 04:36 AM

the 370z is the much better performance car; the BRZ/FRS are great economical and affordable RWD fun cars IMHO.

Pauly 07-02-2012 06:02 AM

de ja vu thread.

Red__Zed 07-02-2012 06:48 AM

This won't end well.

10splaya22 07-02-2012 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Nismo89 (Post 1801393)
not exactly "battle" with it lol but the BRZ (from what ive read) was Suburu's response to the FR-S. i just wish i knew where i read it from lol....short term memory sucks A$$

or vice versus idk. which

Lol. Same chassis, same drivetrain. Only minor interior, exterior and suspension differences. But they are pretty much the same thing. I agree it was designed more for a fun, easy to drive RWD performance car like the Miata or S2k.

kenchan 07-02-2012 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by SmallermouseZ (Post 1801386)
Few ppl have traded in their 370z for Brzs and fr-s are they even comparable to our Zs?

Those are poor people that failed in life. Keep the Z. :tup:

Spikuh 07-02-2012 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by SmallermouseZ (Post 1801386)
Few ppl have traded in their 370z for Brzs and fr-s are they even comparable to our Zs?

No, just read the other threads...


Originally Posted by Nismo89 (Post 1801388)
i think the FR-S was designed to battle a different class of car, not take on the Z ...... i believe it was built to do battle with Suburu's BRZ , from what ive read .. THATS the battle in which the car was built for...Suburu, plus its in a different class than the Z .... i view the FR-S and BRZ as sports cars but sports car on a "lesser" scale, doing battle on the lower levels.


Originally Posted by Nismo89 (Post 1801393)
not exactly "battle" with it lol but the BRZ (from what ive read) was Suburu's response to the FR-S. i just wish i knew where i read it from lol....short term memory sucks A$$

or vice versus idk. which

Incorrect, it is the same car co-developed by both companies. Whatever you have read is wrong.


Originally Posted by .c2 (Post 1801390)
^They're the same car so no it wasn't built to battle with each other lol. I agree though, the FRS/BRZ is on a completely different class... doubt it could take on the Z

On a very tight course, the BRZ is probably right there with the Z. Throw in some straights of any length and the Z will pull out ahead. Very similar to comparing to the Z and the 5.0.

Pauly 07-02-2012 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 1801437)
Those are poor people that failed in life. Keep the Z. :tup:

this is what makes you awesome

kenchan 07-02-2012 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Pauly (Post 1801492)
this is what makes you awesome

you know you all feel the same way. if one keeps the Z and gets the BRZ/FRS, then that's :tup:

NYBladeZ 07-02-2012 09:19 AM

Stock for stock, the FR-S can't match with the Z. However, I don't see a lot of FR-S buyers staying stock for long. I guess the real question is what would you prefer an F.I. FR-S or a Z. I think the FR-S, minus the power department, is a way better platform to start with. They don't have to worry about cracking VVEL :(.

TerribleONE 07-02-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 1801601)
you know you all feel the same way. if one keeps the Z and gets the BRZ/FRS, then that's :tup:


Mt Tam I am 07-02-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by .c2 (Post 1801390)
^They're the same car so no it wasn't built to battle with each other lol. I agree though, the FRS/BRZ is on a completely different class... doubt it could take on the Z

:iagree: A joint venture.

m4a1mustang 07-02-2012 09:41 AM


LMBmikeZ 07-02-2012 09:50 AM

:iagree: yet another one

speedfreek 07-02-2012 09:51 AM

The FRS/BRZ is a Veyron killer..

whoady4shoady 07-02-2012 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Nismo89 (Post 1801388)
i think the FR-S was designed to battle a different class of car, not take on the Z ...... i believe it was built to do battle with Suburu's BRZ , from what ive read .. THATS the battle in which the car was built for...Suburu, plus its in a different class than the Z .... i view the FR-S and BRZ as sports cars but sports car on a "lesser" scale, doing battle on the lower levels.

:icon18: :inoutroflpuke:

m4a1mustang 07-02-2012 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by whoady4shoady (Post 1801719)
:icon18: :inoutroflpuke:


Evofusion 07-02-2012 09:54 AM

The car definitely looks great, but with 160whp, going down from our stock 250-270whp would definitely be noticeable.

Either way the car is too small for my tastes, why add rear seats when you can't even use them?

Great looking car though, i'll give it that.

shadoquad 07-02-2012 09:55 AM

Been discussed already a few times in the "Other Vehicles" section, which is where this thread should go.

Cmike2780 07-02-2012 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by NYBladeZ (Post 1801649)
Stock for stock, the FR-S can't match with the Z. However, I don't see a lot of FR-S buyers staying stock for long. I guess the real question is what would you prefer an F.I. FR-S or a Z. I think the FR-S, minus the power department, is a way better platform to start with. They don't have to worry about cracking VVEL :(.

I don't know if that's exactly the case. It's kind of moot to start comparing modded vs stock. I think the Z is a great platform if you plan on going F.I. as a few members have show. You would run into the same old issues with the FR-S/BRZ going with F.I. Also, at the moment, no one really knows how much power the 4U-GSE / FA20 boxer engine can handle without significant upgrade to the block. I think Greddy has a kit that's suppose to get close to 340hp/325 bad...but nothing close to what you'd get with a TT'ed 370z. Being so new, aftermarket products for the BRZ/FR-S is going to be pretty sparse for a while. FR-S/BRZ buyers may not stay stock for long, but I think most will only do the same old intake/exhaust mods. I doubt a lot will jump on voiding the warranty off the bat with a forced induction.

onzedge 07-02-2012 10:42 AM

BRZ and FR-S -- although interesting, they are not sports cars and are in a diiferent class altogether from a Z. Any car with a back seat is no longer a real sports car -- IMO. Sporty coupe is a more appropriate name for them.

What is going to be interesting will be to watch the community of FWD folks migrate to the BRZ/FR-S and see how many of them find out the sometimes unforgiving nature of RWD.

m4a1mustang 07-02-2012 10:47 AM

I think they are sports cars. They just aren't powerful ones.

whoady4shoady 07-02-2012 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1801721)

I cant believe I was the first one to crack up at that? I love this forum so much.

owi1kenobi 07-02-2012 10:49 AM

Lol trading my Z for a BRZ no way, our car is in a different class its just like trading your mini cooper s to a smart car lol.

When i'm driving my Z i feel like a successful businessman but driving a BRZ would make me a feel that i just got promoted as a supervisor at walmart.

m4a1mustang 07-02-2012 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by whoady4shoady (Post 1801855)
I cant believe I was the first one to crack up at that? I love this forum so much.

Dude I saw it and I broke down laughing. :bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl:

Red__Zed 07-02-2012 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Cmike2780 (Post 1801832)
I don't know if that's exactly the case. It's kind of moot to start comparing modded vs stock. I think the Z is a great platform if you plan on going F.I. as a few members have show. You would run into the same old issues with the FR-S/BRZ going with F.I. Also, at the moment, no one really knows how much power the 4U-GSE / FA20 boxer engine can handle without significant upgrade to the block. I think Greddy has a kit that's suppose to get close to 340hp/325 bad...but nothing close to what you'd get with a TT'ed 370z. Being so new, aftermarket products for the BRZ/FR-S is going to be pretty sparse for a while. FR-S/BRZ buyers may not stay stock for long, but I think most will only do the same old intake/exhaust mods. I doubt a lot will jump on voiding the warranty off the bat with a forced induction.

Fair points for the most part, though I'm not sure I'd call the z a great platform for FI, considering we still haven't seen anyone able to harness the power.

It's possible (fairly likely) the brz will have some issues itself, but I expect you won't have anywhere near the same challenges as the z (especially dissipating extra heat on a road course)

kenchan 07-02-2012 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1801854)
I think they are sports cars. They just aren't powerful ones.

it's like a family celica, but drives backwards to obtain RWD status.

shadoquad 07-02-2012 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Cmike2780 (Post 1801832)
Being so new, aftermarket products for the BRZ/FR-S is going to be pretty sparse for a while.

I'm not sure I agree. Scion has always made car mods a part of their advertising, and Scooby's get modded all the time. I think it's just a matter of time before their aftermarket explodes. Especially since their target demographic is younger males. 25k entry price, rwd platform... I don't know, I imagine big things on the aftermarket.

I could be wrong, tho

daisuke149 07-02-2012 11:10 AM

shiiiit i'd rather get a gen coupe 2.0 r-spec than a frs/brz.

anthonyy 07-02-2012 11:14 AM

Let me just say, I saw a BRZ on the road for the first time today and it looks sick.

kenchan 07-02-2012 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by anthonyy (Post 1801920)
Let me just say, I saw a BRZ on the road for the first time today and it looks sick.

sick as in :barf: ?
or sick as in :yum: ?

LakeShow 07-02-2012 11:17 AM

Saw a BRZ myself and it looks quite nice if your on a budget.

kenchan 07-02-2012 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by LakeShow (Post 1801928)
Saw a BRZ myself and it looks quite nice if your on a budget.

ive not seen one yet on the street. i think this is a car that probably looks better in person than in the picts. :) ....well i hope... :ugh2:

brucelidat 07-02-2012 11:22 AM

The BRZ doesn't impress me looks-wise. I definitely think our Z looks better. It is a light tossable car, though. With a turbo thrown in, it'll be formidable on the track compared to our NA Zs. With boosting, though, you're probably getting into the Z's price range which I guess kind of makes it okay to compare stock vs modded. I definitely think the Z is much nicer, though. Plus, in a few months or by next year, we're probably going to see them everywhere.

ShinyBlueZ 07-02-2012 11:22 AM

Went with my friend to Subaru cuz we were both interested in the brz, and I would 100% say the brz is direct competition with the fr-s, seeing how the salesman spent the entire time badmouthing the fr-s lol Talking about how it handles like crap and it doesn't feel right the entire time it's driven haha

It was a lot smaller than I thought in person compared to pics. The Z is fine for me but I'm certain my head would hit the brz roof and I'd be quite uncomfortable in it. The rear seats are a joke, obviously. Also, some of the exterior styling is quite ugly and really cheapens the look of the car (like the sharp angled front signal lights, fender vents, or the yellow turn signal right above the front wheel well). Feels like they copied from one too many other cars and mashed them all up (the rx-8, bmws, our Zs).

However.. for the price, especially if I was still in high school and my tastes were a bit less refined.. I would probably be in love with the brz. Anyway, my friend ended up leaving Subaru with the intention of buying an sti instead :tup:

The sales guys were classic though. It seems the Subarus around here are trying to create the illusion the brz is super exclusive and rare, so we were told right away they only had 3 brzs on the lot but they were all sold already, so we could look at them from outside, but not inside. Also, if we ordered one that day, we probably wouldn't even get it until JANUARY.. it's that sought after. The best part was when I asked when they'd have one for test drive the guy goes "TEST DRIVE?!? HAH! THERE ARE NO TEST DRIVES! We can't even keep 1 unsold, let alone have one for demo!" I was like "umm so everyone that buys the brz just walks in and pays for it without driving it first?" and he goes, "yeah.. because people that really KNOW cars.. people that buy the brz.. they know. They just know. No one needs a test drive. If you really want a test drive, you can get one at Scion.. they'll have tonnes of fr-s around for test drive. Just know the experience will be inferior to the brz." at which point another salesman leans over and says, "It's true.. people don't request test drives for the brz since everywhere you look the car is just being raved over and it's known fact at this point the ride is just perfect." :roflpuke2:

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