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venus 09-03-2013 09:21 AM

Nice Ferrari.

JohnsZ 09-03-2013 12:37 PM

I think I got the best one! On a recent visit to my local CVS Pharmacy, I parked my Z in my usual spot, in the rear of the building far from other cars. On this particular visit, there was an older, red pickup truck parked a few spaces over from where I was going to park. As I walked past the pickup after parking, a woman who was in the driver's seat peered out the window of the truck and said, "want to trade"? So I said, "you'll have to throw something else in besides that" (meaning of course another vehicle besides the truck). She replied, "how about me" and then looked to someone sitting in the passanger seat and said "and her too". I could hear the passenger laughing joined in by the driver. I just looked at them and walked away laughing too. I don't think you could get a better compliment than that. Given the fact that I will be 60 in a few months, you know that they must have REALLY loved my Z.

Haboob 09-03-2013 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by JohnsZ (Post 2471650)
I think I got the best one! On a recent visit to my local CVS Pharmacy, I parked my Z in my usual spot, in the rear of the building far from other cars. On this particular visit, there was an older, red pickup truck parked a few spaces over from where I was going to park. As I walked past the pickup after parking, a woman who was in the driver's seat peered out the window of the truck and said, "want to trade"? So I said, "you'll have to throw something else in besides that" (meaning of course another vehicle besides the truck). She replied, "how about me" and then looked to someone sitting in the passanger seat and said "and her too". I could hear the passenger laughing joined in by the driver. I just looked at them and walked away laughing too. I don't think you could get a better compliment than that. Given the fact that I will be 60 in a few months, you know that they must have REALLY loved my Z.

Would they be worth it? :icon17:

Darketch 09-12-2013 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Haboob (Post 2471668)
Would they be worth it? :icon17:

If I were 60....yes, they would be.

blackcherry20 09-12-2013 08:51 PM

guy at last weeks auto-x (as I pull up to starting line where he is working) says...don't take this the wrong way but, i want your car!
I was pretty tickled as my husband happened to be riding along (and he isn't nearly as enamored with the Z as most people are)! Lol

Minsu 09-12-2013 08:57 PM

LOL today i was driving home from school, this silver platinum 370z is behind me lol so i gave the person the sign to move up and i gave the person a thumbs up. GUESS WHO IT WAS LOL. Freakin ATLEAST 65+ Granny LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL i freakin took a double take and she looks at me LOL legit she had her seat pulled all the way up to the steering wheel and hunched over it was hilarious i gave a thumbs up to grandma! then i sped up and SHE PACESSS ME i was going like 100+ LOLOLOLOL

MannyD 09-12-2013 09:32 PM

Was stopped at a red light and a newer mustang drove through the cross street intersection. It was a guy driving, and in the passenger seat was a chick who i assume was his gf/wife. She was eye-phucking the sh!t out of my car as they drove all the way through the intersection lol.

dAvenue 09-12-2013 11:15 PM

Approached a stop light with the windows down. As I came to a halt, I heard a female's voice say to me "I love your car! It's so sexy!". I looked over at her, gave a wink and said "thank you" while her boyfriend was in the driver's seat.

metthem 09-15-2013 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by JohnsZ (Post 2471650)
I think I got the best one! On a recent visit to my local CVS Pharmacy, I parked my Z in my usual spot

Given the fact that I will be 60 in a few months, you know that they must have REALLY loved my Z.

You know what it means when you have a usual spot at CVS........ Yes, you are almost 60. I myself have a cvs card, but not yet do I have a usual spot; I guess thats the next step

blackcherry20 09-15-2013 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by metthem (Post 2488538)
You know what it means when you have a usual spot at CVS........ Yes, you are almost 60. I myself have a cvs card, but not yet do I have a usual spot; I guess thats the next step

:hello: southwest ohio!
Me too, kinda...hillsboro area.

///PureSwank 09-15-2013 09:30 AM

"Nice buggati"

Okay I'm lying.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

quarryninja 04-24-2016 10:08 AM

Old thread but I got a nice compliment and thought I would share, hope you don't mind.

Few days ago when I got my Z Xpel'd there was a Porsche in the shop parked next to mine and the owner (guy in his 60's) came by and told me that my car had the most beautiful rims he had ever seen :)

Also my GF and I saw a GTR about a week ago and I started talking and getting excited about it and she said "well it might be fast but I think yours is a lot nicer" felt good.

KngScottieV 04-24-2016 10:29 AM

I think the best compliment I've ever gotten was from an old couple at the gas station. He was probably 75+ and she was probably similar. The old man asked what kind of car it was, so I replied that it was a Nissan 370Z. He started telling me about his old 260 and how much trim he used to get in that car, and asked me about the last few girls I'd been with. He then points at his wife and said, "she only ever got with me because of the car".

I'm trying not to laugh like a maniac at the whole thing. When she chimes in, "yea, and I should've stayed with the car".

I broke down laughing.

P's_Z 04-24-2016 12:51 PM


its always these 3:

- ark exhaust looks/sound
- how shiny/good the paint looks
- passengers holding onto dear life once i downshift to 2nd gear and step on her! :tup:

/Angelo350Z/ 04-24-2016 01:08 PM

I don't know, something about having a giant penis or something ...

Magic Bus 08-19-2016 02:19 AM

OMG, What a compliment filled day. Went to Starbucks in the morning and shortly after I parked a 30-40, year old woman was just walking slowly and staring at my Z. Then she realized I was in it and smiled, I got out and she was parked right next to me. She then said "sorry I was staring at your car, but it's just beautiful". I smiled and replied, thank you, have a great day!

Then I went to golf, and a parked at an end stall by one of the main driveways. While getting my clubs out of the hatch, a guy in a Nissan Leaf who was parked right next to me was leaving and said, "gorgeous car and I really love your rims" (it's the 13 sport rims). I told him thank you and have a great day.

After I was done golfing and went back to my Z, a security guard, who was in a golf cart was parked on the side of the driveway, right next to my car. I said hi, and he told me, "don't mind me but if I gotta watch this parking lot all day, I might as well hang by a nice car". Then he said, "I guess these other guys think that I'm watching the special car parking area". Where the Nissan Leaf was parked earlier, a clean Porsche 911 Turbo was parked. Then next to him a Polaris Slingshot. Combine that with a score of 77 on a course I haven't broke 80 in over 10 years....just made it a fantastic day!!

Cyber370 08-19-2016 04:54 AM

Best compliment I got so far was...... "Beautiful car. I've never seen anything like it. What is it?"

mishuko 08-19-2016 07:45 AM

so this guy complimented how big my exhaust tips were.... they're only stillens =/...

Louie cat 08-19-2016 10:23 AM

I was told last week at the local shell station ,a young 30s dude said,"you car has exotic appeal"

sceet 08-19-2016 11:36 PM

nice 350z!

Ventruck 08-20-2016 05:43 PM

Recently getting compliments on my exhaust. stock exhaust. "Whoa is that aftermarket?" Uhh...

Pretty sure that's some kinda of forced ice-breaker to start talking about nothing.

Spstone 08-20-2016 08:28 PM

Had an old guy stop me at the gas station yesterday to talk about how Z's should be white and how happy he was to see it. Preceded to reach into his jeep and pull out a picture of a 432 240Z he bought when he was stationed in Okinawa. A previous owner of a 432 240Z complimenting my Z is by far the greatest compliment I have received.

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