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Nismo89 06-18-2012 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by RyanWest (Post 1776947)
i was going the speedlimit because it was right by a cop station. This road is pretty famous for deer but never thought this would happen to me.

thought the exact same thing , last year sometime during their " mating" season, i knew if i took the backroads my car would get smashed.

i took the Main road to avoid the deer and guess what? dang deer STILL found me. coming home and down the hill at around 930 pm that night i saw it hop the fence and begin walking out right infront of me, i slowed down to 15-20 mph, and blared the horn, thinking to scare it the other way right? errr wrong, it ran right at the car, and collided with the driver side left front fender and slid the entire length of my car, got up and ran off. i was so mad. cursing and chasing the dang thing. wasnt too too bad, but still left a nice dent in the fender.

:mad::mad: just goes to show you..... Expect the Unexpected.:eekdance:

RyanWest 06-18-2012 11:12 AM

car is going in the shop today. ill post pictures of the car later today. my insurance said its $500 deduct, wish i didnt have to pay that ugh.

LakeShow 06-18-2012 02:17 PM

Damn man that sucks! Hope everything works out getting back to 100%.

Rooster89 06-18-2012 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by 370Z Purist (Post 1777086)
As Chris mentioned before, taking the deer back with you is considered poaching... Living in Wisconsin for school, I asked a friend of mine what happens if he were to run over a deer.

Well, first, you call Fish and Game, who will either instruct you to shoot if if you're a hunter with a valid license, or they will shoot it themselves if the deer is still alive. At that point, various things happen, since you can technically only keep it if you've got a valid hunting license, but at the same time, only during the proper season and only if you've got a tag... the story was long and convoluted, and I'm sure any hunter will have a better idea, but long story short...

You can't keep the meat! TenderiZed as it is. Could go for a venison sausage for breakfast right now. :yum:

Sometimes, the warden will be really cool and sell you a tag on the spot, as long as you are eligible to purchase a tag. they also started this new thing where testing for CWD. but honestly, whether I would take the deer or not depends on how it was hit. if the stomache was ruptured, thats going to be hell to clean and take the meat, in which case you can also choose to donate the carcass to a hunter's safety course to help teach little kids how to field dress a deer.

Must say, if you are ever in wisconsin, call the local sheriff before the game warden. :tup: I've eaten roadkill before. hell, nothing really beats ~50 lbs of free meat.

didymus 06-18-2012 03:26 PM

Pics? That sucks, deer are really dangerous and can come through a windshield. I hit one a long time back, but just clipped it on the corner bumper.

axmea? 06-18-2012 07:04 PM

You're ok so the car did it's job protecting you. Funny how some thought of taking the deer home for sausages and protein. Can't imagine a deer fitting the back of a Z. Now the bright side is that you now have a good excuse to buy either an Amuse, Concept 20 or a Zele for your car :)

blackcherry20 06-18-2012 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by RyanWest (Post 1777418)
car is going in the shop today. ill post pictures of the car later today. my insurance said its $500 deduct, wish i didnt have to pay that ugh.

:iagree:Deductibles suck , sorry :-(

ZeeingAround 06-18-2012 08:55 PM

no big deal on the deductible, now you can get some aftermarket fenders, CF hood and new paint, which is what the front of the car needs most...
Turn this negative deer accident into a modification positive.

Same thing happened to me with my 88 Pathfinder. Got a killer two tone paint job and Boyd wheels and tires + all the new parts.

Thechidz 06-18-2012 09:27 PM

should be comprehensive, which isn't necessarily larger deductible. I have $500 on both collision and comp. better if its comp because they wont raise your premium, glad you're ok

370zproject 06-18-2012 11:51 PM

glad your ok just be glad it wasnt a buck and did not go through the windsheild

Kenny 06-19-2012 01:07 AM

yea.. good thing it didn't go through the windshield and hurt you..

Can't say the same for what happened to this dude.

Porsche vs. Chicken at 160 mph.

Rooster89 06-19-2012 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by axmea? (Post 1778114)
You're ok so the car did it's job protecting you. Funny how some thought of taking the deer home for sausages and protein. Can't imagine a deer fitting the back of a Z. Now the bright side is that you now have a good excuse to buy either an Amuse, Concept 20 or a Zele for your car :)

depending on the deer, should fit if you quarter right on the road. I always keep extra garbage bags for roadkill. Most carcasses fit in any vehicle if you cut it into enough pieces.:tup:

RyanWest 06-19-2012 02:56 AM

Pics attached

370zproject 06-19-2012 06:27 AM

ouch it doesnt look like to hard of a fix just a new hood and bumper probly

Thechidz 06-19-2012 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Kenny (Post 1778617)
yea.. good thing it didn't go through the windshield and hurt you..

Can't say the same for what happened to this dude.

Porsche vs. Chicken at 160 mph.

Uhhhh is that the drivers blood or the chickens?

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