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Era of the Muscle Car is over

Originally Posted by LSUTurboTiger I enjoy your post RCZ, but I respectfully disagree here. 1) It is a bad thing because once most people start to drive hybrids the govt

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Old 06-16-2009, 12:23 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LSUTurboTiger View Post
I enjoy your post RCZ, but I respectfully disagree here.

1) It is a bad thing because once most people start to drive hybrids the govt will try and regulate/tax the rest of us into them. It will get very expensive to drive sports cars/gas guzzlers. Most people will not drive hybrids until forced to do so by economics. Its true most people are not into sportscars, but people love SUVs, trucks, etc...

2) More gas for the rest of us to burn? There is no gas shortage. There is no oil shortage. There is an intelligence shortage in Washington where they won't allow us to drill our own oil for our own use.

3) Hybrids and their batteries are a far bigger environmental threat (specifically their manufacture and disposal) than our internal combustion engines and their exhaust. Electric cars with batteries will never be viable options IMO. Tesla will not be the answer.

4) Global warming is BS.

No offense to you or anyone else, but in regards to #4, anyone who believes this is simply uneducated or easily influenced by the oil companies million dollar marketing efforts to say it is BS.
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Old 06-16-2009, 12:44 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sensi09 View Post
Some people consider the Z as the "muscle car" of Japan compared to the likes of a RX8.
The RX-8 isnt even drift worthy in Japan. The 7 on the other hand is a demon. But, muscle,in Japan........thats a tough call. Depends on what shop you are getting your work done, and what your goal is. Concerning speed on the track Im not sure many (if any) can beat a well tuned R-32/33/34. 1/4 mile is a different ballgame because of the weight difference. A 700hp Supra will give a 600hp R-34 fits in the 1/4, but get its azz handed to it by a 450hp S-14. Change the course to high speed the field is wide open. JUN auto has a Z33 that will do over 200mph all day. Top Secret has a R-34/JZA-80 Supra/Z-32 that will all go over 200mph. With the exception of Power House Amuse, HKS in Kansai, and Midori Sebi Center, the majority of the shops dont care what the car is or if its a Toyota or Nissan, they build up an RB-26 and drop into whatever as the basis for the power plant. But Z as the muscle of sir, that title is reserved for the GT-R. Im not saying that because I have had 3 of them either. I lived there from 1991-2006. It is what it is. Dont get me wrong, the Z is loved and cherished, but not titled as the muscle.

As for the posts about Ford this Chevy that.........Really? Im sorry, I didnt catch that....was that another RE-Invention commercial on TV. Oh, O.K. that wasnt for Nissan, my bad.
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:12 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by benfiji View Post
No offense to you or anyone else, but in regards to #4, anyone who believes this is simply uneducated or easily influenced by the oil companies million dollar marketing efforts to say it is BS.
I have never seen one piece of marketing by any oil or energy company claiming that global warming is BS. I have read and listened to many scientists that simply do not believe that global warming exists, and if it does then it is more than likely due to natural cyclical changes in the planet and not carbon emissions. I have also heard interviews with scientists claiming that they are strong armed into perpetuating this "global warming" phenomenom in order to receive any government funding for other research projects. The earth has already survived one ice age and that was millions of years before any soccer mom decided to drive an SUV. Man didn't cause that one. Maybe dinosaurs were really gassy.

I don't want to turn this into a political debate, but please don't try to say that I am uneducated or influenced by marketing that just doesn't exist. If anything oil companies will make more from this global warming scare. Gas prices need to skyrocket for the whole thing to work, and not everything can be battery operated, and even if it was we would need some kind of carbon fuel to charge the batteries. If anything the millions in marketing is being spent by those that are propogating global warming, and perhaps it is you who is so easily influenced.
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:12 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by benfiji View Post
No offense to you or anyone else, but in regards to #4, anyone who believes this is simply uneducated or easily influenced by the oil companies million dollar marketing efforts to say it is BS.
imo we simply take this global warming thing too far. It's there of course it is, because if it wasn't how are we not still in that ice age i've heard of? We might be speeding it up a bit, but the world is going to heat and cool as time goes. If you don't believe me then explain how there has been multiple ice ages and periods in between them when the earth was much WARMER.
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:42 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by benfiji View Post
No offense to you or anyone else, but in regards to #4, anyone who believes this is simply uneducated or easily influenced by the oil companies million dollar marketing efforts to say it is BS.
The only propaganda involved in the global warming debate is from the side that push it. The scientific community get grant money from it, the liberals get that warm and fuzzy feeling that they crave so much, and dirty politicians get money from it by selling carbon credits ala Al Gore. Is the world heating up Yes, is it caused by green house gasses partially, does the amount of green house gasses produced by people even remotely compare to the natural green house gasses created by nature NO! The oh so green rain forrest, and ocean, and animals, ect create more green houses gasses than we as Humans even think about creating.
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Old 06-16-2009, 06:23 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Not only is global "warming" not a foregone conclusion, but the language has changed. It is now called "climate change". Why? Because the last three years have been among the COLDEST since we've been keeping records. Even the guy seemingly making the most money off of "climate change" (Al Gore) doesn't call it "Global Warming" anymore. Given the recent statistical analysis, it's just not credible.

Global COOLING -- which IS real -- is causing some real problems. Agricultural productivity in both hemispheres has suffered the last two years because of low temperatures. (The Dakotas are still getting SNOW this year -- and it's mid-June!)

The leading theory is that global cooling is due to low sunspot activity. There seems to be a direct, long-term correlation between sunspot cycles and global temperature cycles. When sunspot activity picks up again (as it always has), global temperatures will pick up again (as they always have).

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Old 06-16-2009, 01:05 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by benfiji View Post
No offense to you or anyone else, but in regards to #4, anyone who believes this is simply uneducated or easily influenced by the oil companies million dollar marketing efforts to say it is BS.
I would say that it is you who do not understand the scientific method. Global warming is a scientific theory, not a proven, scientific fact. It is certainly a theory that has been adopted by a majority of scientists and perhaps even by a majority of the public, but popularity has nothing to do with scientific truth.

We should be skeptical of anyone who claims that they "know" human activity is causing global warming. Many may suspect it, but no one knows it.

Even if you are one of those who believes that humans are causing global warming, the question then becomes what, if anything, is to be done about it. To bring this back to the Z, what we do will directly affect the availability and the affordability of sports cars such as the Z (and perhaps even the performance). With some of the current proposals that threaten to raise the price of oil, I could certainly see the Z becoming less of an everyman's sports car and, more like the Porsche, a car out of reach to the majority of the car-buying public.

I, for one, think that would be a crying shame.
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:51 PM   #53 (permalink)
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I agree Global Warming is a theory not a fact...

Most people when they feel their home town is having a cool summer, etc. think global warming is a myth but 2009 temparatures recorded as of March were the 8th HIGHEST ever recorded. However when talking about global warming earth temperatures are measured in 30 year averages, not single year.

Earth's temperature 8th-warmest on record so far in 2009 -

As far as the scientist who claim it doesn't exist, have you have looked to see who is paying the? Yes, it is the oil companies! Oil companies want us to purchase as much oil as possible to increase there margins. All the 'marketing efforts' since many have not seen them include paying these scientists and all the commericials saying how they are 'green' and doing research for renewable energy.

Oil Companies and Greenwashing - exxon bp shell chevron oil

Lastly, sorry all for turning this into a political thread. I do think sports cars will always be around a long as people keep buying them. They may have different technologies than today, but as consumers we can still dictate what the automotive industry creates.
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:53 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Muscle Car ----> Global Warming

what happen in here
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Old 06-16-2009, 02:24 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by benfiji View Post
Lastly, sorry all for turning this into a political thread. I do think sports cars will always be around a long as people keep buying them. They may have different technologies than today, but as consumers we can still dictate what the automotive industry creates.
That is where you're wrong. It is now the government that will dictate what the automotive industry creates, not the consumer. In this country the government even owns a good portion of the auto industry. People may still want sports cars, but it won't be enough of them for a car company to invest the R&D to power the things in a way that is compliant with government standards and the taxes and fines will put them out of reach of the average person. Yes, you will still be able to buy Ferraris and Porsches and Lambos, but you can plan on tacking on an extra 20-50K to the price to pay off the government for the priviledge. That may not be a big deal for the people that buy those cars. It would be a huge deal for those of us that buy cars like the Z.
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Old 06-16-2009, 02:29 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by benfiji View Post
No offense to you or anyone else, but in regards to #4, anyone who believes this is simply uneducated or easily influenced by the oil companies million dollar marketing efforts to say it is BS.
yeah, OK. since I am neither easily influenced by oil companies nor uneducated I am just going to let this one slide. its called an opinion. people besides you can have them. deal with it.

IMO Global warming is BS. Its a myth. Unfortunately Al Gore is real.
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Old 06-16-2009, 02:45 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Sorry LSU, never intented personally attack you or anyone else. When I said uneducated I meant specifically about this issue, not that you are an idiot. I do believe there is overwhelming support in favor that global warming exists but I'll stop trying to convince you. Whether or not it is real, I do think that it is too late to do anything to stop it. All we can do as a nation/planet is to slow it down but the effects will happen regardless. Go to places like the Aspen ski resort and ask them how global warming as affected them.

Anyway, I do agreee with you that the government oversight is getting very out of hand we need to be very careful if we wish to continue enjoying our freedoms.
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Old 06-16-2009, 03:02 PM   #58 (permalink)
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no worries benfiji. its a hot button issue for sure. I told myself not to do it when I originally posted, but I didn't listen.

have a great day.
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Old 06-16-2009, 03:10 PM   #59 (permalink)
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my idea is crazy and radical......... Global warming is taking effect already and we are at a point of no return...we would all have to sop polluting for a 100 years in order to save the planet.....that's not going to happen....let other ppl buy Prius's and i'll get a G and/or a Z and enjoy whats left.
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Old 06-16-2009, 04:18 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Thanks for hijacking my thread. What a bunch of jerks!!!
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