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TheGreatOne 04-11-2012 08:22 PM

Thats pretty lame, a lot of that can depend on the area but ricers are everywhere

I will say one thing, I truly enjoy being in the the Z because often I do not feel the need to prove my cars worth.

Like the other day, some Cobalt was up my ***, then came up next to me, no thumbs up, just some revving and the dude in the passenger seat giving me the look and making his hat more crooked

I just shook my head and put my window up lol. He speeds off. I felt a little douchy but at the end of the day, I'm in the Z...don't need to prove myself to some lame the end of the day, he knows it too

I will say in my area...its more thumbs up and gawking...if someone revvs on me, its more in appreciation..and a mutual thumbs up or nod

Waiz 04-11-2012 08:26 PM

Pit maneuver!

jpritche 04-11-2012 08:29 PM

I had a blue 350z come flying up on my rear last night, and then switch lanes beside me and as soon as his exhaust was even with my passenger window he puts it in neutral and just bounces it off the rev limiter for a solid 7-10 seconds. Me and my passenger look at each other and just bust out laughing haha.

TheGreatOne 04-11-2012 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by jpritche (Post 1655918)
I had a blue 350z come flying up on my rear last night, and then switch lanes beside me and as soon as his exhaust was even with my passenger window he puts it in neutral and just bounces it off the rev limiter for a solid 7-10 seconds. Me and my passenger look at each other and just bust out laughing haha.


Laughing usually does it

Amj2020 04-12-2012 10:34 AM

The old me would have followed them home or got in front of them and come to a complete stop on any highway or road and taken it from there. Thankfully I have matured (somewhat) I always ask myself what my wife would say and it seems to calm me down moderately...I only followed them for about 5 minutes, might have gone longer if they were headed in the right direction! Thankfully the compliments about the Z far outweigh all the morons in civics and're right, haters gonna hate!

NBZ34 04-12-2012 10:54 AM

Riceosaurus Rex

TerribleONE 04-12-2012 12:52 PM


kenchan 04-12-2012 12:53 PM

only in the land of anime... :ugh2: :icon14: :wtf2:

UNKNOWN_370 04-12-2012 01:24 PM

Here in DF Dummy-U, it happens to me like twice a day. Wah u guna do ah??? That's just the way ricers think. Sometimes its hard to ignore when you are constantly hammered with the daily rice-o-rama. I look at it as a test of will to ignore them and not smash there face in. Lol

Pauly 04-12-2012 01:56 PM

whatever you do, just dont race them. unless its on a track. i have first hand experience of what its like to have a pedestrian collide with the front of your vehicle at 50 mph. it will change your life forever, and its hard to even get back in the driver's seat after that. and even if you are not at fault, everyone wants your head to roll. i get people pulling dangerous stunts all the time, nearly hitting me to get noticed. especially motorcycles and pickup trucks for whatever reason. i just crank up the radio and count my blessings.

f00d4tehg0dz 04-12-2012 02:38 PM

psh here in Tampa I get that daily. Bunch of ricers with there loud as hell "fart" cannons, and mixed matched painted hoods and doors.

Like Amj2020 says.. just follow them and be a **** that way. LOL

seriously though, its an incredible annoyance.

Speaking of which... someone scratched the hell out of my car above the gas tank... I gotta make a thread about that, to find out what shop will fix it... :(

onzedge 04-12-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pauly (Post 1657907)
whatever you do, just dont race them. unless its on a track. i have first hand experience of what its like to have a pedestrian collide with the front of your vehicle at 50 mph. it will change your life forever, and its hard to even get back in the driver's seat after that. and even if you are not at fault, everyone wants your head to roll. i get people pulling dangerous stunts all the time, nearly hitting me to get noticed. especially motorcycles and pickup trucks for whatever reason. i just crank up the radio and count my blessings.

That is the right approach. :tiphat:

mjg 04-12-2012 02:48 PM

I had something similar happen to me this morning, with some D-Bag (Long Island variety) up my *** in his newer audi S4, as soon as I pulled out of my street. I slow down over the train tracks so I don't bottom out, he is waving his arms around like cursing at me right on my bumper pretty much... These are one lane roads... So i just slowly slowed down to a near stop, the guy was trapped and went nuts at me, I ended up antagonizing him enough for him to attempt to go in the other direction lane attempt to pass me, yet there was another car coming so he changed his mind... The guy then comes back and starts taking pictures of my car, like I'm on his sh1t list now. He is holding his camera up trying to snap pictures, and fuming.

Bucketlist2012 04-12-2012 03:06 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I won't do it in the Wife's 370Z, But when someone Tailgates the 1971 Z/28, If the coast is clear and no 5.0, at the next stop, I do a 3500 rpm clutch dump and spit raw Tar on their car.....The last time i did it in the Daylight, the Guy came through the smoke with his high beams on....He was very mad that I stuck roadway parts into his paint...Must of sounded like a hailstorm.. Moral is don't tailgate..I love dumping the Clutch.....

Drex 04-12-2012 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by mjg (Post 1658151)
I had something similar happen to me this morning, with some D-Bag (Long Island variety) up my *** in his newer audi S4, as soon as I pulled out of my street. I slow down over the train tracks so I don't bottom out, he is waving his arms around like cursing at me right on my bumper pretty much... These are one lane roads... So i just slowly slowed down to a near stop, the guy was trapped and went nuts at me, I ended up antagonizing him enough for him to attempt to go in the other direction lane attempt to pass me, yet there was another car coming so he changed his mind... The guy then comes back and starts taking pictures of my car, like I'm on his sh1t list now. He is holding his camera up trying to snap pictures, and fuming.

sounds like a similar situation i had a few weeks ago. going down a 2 lane road (one lane each way) with speed bumps, and some guy in a SUV is riding my ***. im slowing down for the speed bumps so i dont bottom out, which was apparently unacceptable to the guy driving the SUV. he starts going apeshit honking at me. perhaps he thought i was brake-checking him? i wasnt (intentionally at least, the brakes are pretty good!), either way it wouldn't have been an issue if he wasn't riding my ***! next thing i know he is trying to pass me over the double yellow line, so i causally press the gas pedal in 5th and he can't pass. not sure where he was going to go anyway since there was another car going the same speed as me about 10 car lengths ahead. once he stopped trying to pass me (due to oncoming traffic and a sharp curve in the road) he just lays on his horn for a good minute or so while riding my ***. then he's stuck at a red light behind me and a half dozen cars for a few minutes, while i wonder what all the fuss was about. :ugh2:

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